What in the fuck is this about????? She's threatening Northern Ireland that UK-US trade deal could be "off the table" before her visit next week.

On what fucking authority can she dictate the terms of any US trade deal? WHY IS TRUMP LETTING DEM TRADE TALKS OCCUR UNDER HIS OWN FUCKING NOSE???

Attached: Pelosi_NI.jpg (687x475, 79K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Possible "no deal" with US.

Attached: Pelosi_NI_2.jpg (650x573, 95K)

Send the royal commandos, give a strong message or be a faggot and do nothing.


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She thinks she'll be president by then. They're planning another assassination attempt on Trump & Pence.

i hate this cunt but you niggers deserve all the bullying you get

try to fuck with OUR election will you...

>On what fucking authority can she dictate the terms of any US trade deal?
She can't. Stop listening to the democrats like they tell the truth about anything. They're basically communists now, it's nothing but subversion and propaganda.

She's the speaker of the house and leader of the democrars in the house of representatives. Democrats have the majority there. She can torpedo any deal.

This is why we can't have nice things.

It's too late, it's over, the bomb was planted decades ago, it detonated during the 1990's and we are currently witnessing the very first 'moments' of what will be a catastrophic blast in extreme slow motion, trying to vote your way out of what's coming is like trying to fight off a swarm of hornets with a 50 kilogram barbell.

>be me
>attempt to read about Belfast and Good Friday agreement
>nothing says anything of any substance aside from parties involved
>realize posting pictures of Pelosi's tranny kid would be funnier than becoming one of the fags that types essays on an image board

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Pelosi can't do shit. Her coalition has been completely taken out from under her and ...holy shit holy shit that thing looks retarded. We need to get these fucking clowns out of our government.

>Pelosi can't do shit

I hope you are right

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Not a crime, but shes no authority whatever. No one in whitest ulster Ireland likes guineas so its likely a non event.

>pelosi's son chopped his balls off
ahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaahhh


>still thinking you will get brexit

>On what fucking authority can she dictate the terms of any US trade deal?

Congress has to ratify trade deals.

Brexit loon.

Dont sweat these talking heads, the old cunt is already a dead politician walking, just another piss up to look forward to on the old slags death day.

dems will lose in 2020. should be funny. it's basically the commie nigger party and you are too if you vote for it.

Germans understand nothing about US law.

Try Us, Fenian Mafia Quuen

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Hell are you doing America? You exporting your degeneracy to us now? I'll fucking do youse all.

Nancy is not too bright.

Attached: nancypelosiesteventyler.jpg (500x588, 83K)

JFK intern Nancy D'alesandro in 1962

Kept his DNA on her dress

Look at her now

Attached: nanken.jpg (640x480, 59K)

Isn’t it illegal for her to represent the USA in this manner? Executive has sole power.