how do I avoid this shit in America? I want to leave America I just want to leave
How do I avoid this shit in America? I want to leave America I just want to leave
Why would you want to leave the best country on earth to go get stabbed in the UK?
You got something against vitamin A and freedom, you commie fuck?
Make your own oats you fucking retard it's not hard
stay here and get shot?
Come to India...
Peoples are very friendly.
Cost of living is way too cheaper.
Enjoy Nature, spices, traditions..
Come to Varanasi I will get u in earnings.
$1 is enough for 1 time usual meal.
Water bottles in 0.20
Milk 1 ltr $1
Beer 2.20$
>45% of people still shit on the streets
You couldn't pay me to live in India.
You know an oxymoron? “British cuisine”
>Come to Varanasi
Isn't that the city in India where all the old people come to die in designated death houses, to be cremated & their ashes thrown in the only supply of drinking water they have there? No wonder why the cost of living's so low there, Pajeet.
If you want to eat a purely healthy diet in the US, you're going to have to make everything from scratch. If you can accept that, then it's not too hard. For example, the packaged oatmeal has all sorts of garbage added, but the regular Quaker Oats have one ingredient: oats.
Blame republicans. They fight for big businesses and try to deregulate literally every industry, which allows shit like your OP image. You have to avoid big business brands.
Based. I fucking hate what Republicans have done to fuck the economy and give power to the megacorps just as much as I hate what Democrats have done to the social climate. You really can't win, can you?
go to aldi
>beer 2.20
Would be hilarious to see India lift restrictions on alcohol prices, and see hundreds of millions of Indians get fucked up on cheap booze and completely destroy the country
>be French
>cook snails while Britain is out conquering the world
forgot a perk
>toilet paper is free because you already own your hand
Just buy ingredients at your market and make shit yourself.
There's 10x the number of products offered in the US compared to the UK. Go pick one of the healthy ones instead of picking a shitty one.
You only get shot if you're black or go into a black neighborhood.
Or go to a school or workplace or concert
>Population over 1b
>45% shit in the streets
>More people than the population of the United States intentionally shit where they walk and drive because toilet witches
Mmm, nuclear power indeed
Being a reasonable person is a battle against two extremes.
Ok then how much money to kill a cow though is my favourite hobby to push cow down hill and jump on it till dead it is 5 kronas a cow here
False flags, my dude. Hop on pol once in a while.
>instant oatmeal
Just make your own, fucking christ. Oats, milk, vanilla extract, stir on the stove. Sweeten it with some honey, top with berries. If you want it even more filling, make it with peanut butter and banana.
>how do I avoid this shit in America? I want to leave America I just want to leave
don't eat prepackaged processed foods?
and leaving, um. whats stopping you?
That image is very misleading. US labeling laws for food are very strict, and in many other countries those "scary" ingredients are still present, but there is no legal requirement to list them.
Lol all that shit is good for you fucking snaggle tooth nigger.
The fact that bad foods are available does not mean you have to buy and eat them. Simple oatmeal is also available in the US, as are all other healthy options. It is up to you to take the tiny effort it takes to choose them
please post proof this. please.
There are other products available in the US with the exact same sort of ingredients as the UK version here. Go look up the apple cinnamon flavor.
Ingredients: Whole grain oats, sugar, dried apples, natural flavor, cinnamon, salt.
so I have to just like order shit online? then I have to pay 5-10 dollars extra for everything and get it shipped and wait 5 days
well either way im not gonna bitch. post more sources for natural food plz
when I click the link to buy it on amazon it links me to the actual product and then under ingredients it has all that shit in it
>too lazy to chop up strawberries and throw them in oats yourself
Sorry to tell you this OP but you will never make it outside of America.
no im a ruralfag and I have no stores or option I have to buy so much shit online its fucking god damn ridiculous
I buy fruits occasionally but I usually end up eating them plain
You're looking at the wrong product, that's the variety pack. Click the second amazon link.
I don't understand your lifestyle. How do you make your income? Do you not have a car that you can use to buy groceries? You buy all your food on amazon?
Are you serious? This is the USA we have products coming out of our asses. Natural, Organic, Vegan, Gluten-Free, Paleo, Whole30. Google anything + online grocer.
can you guys link me to more natural shit? im too stupid to find it on my own. how do you do it?
I found a lot of the natural stuff on the quaker site but is there anything else? like any other brands where I can look and order it online
Food Babe is a piece of shit pseudoscientific woo-pusher.
>how do I avoid this shit in America?
By not being a fucking retard. It's so easy.
Honestly, just leave already. The USA is pure shit nowadays in every conceivable way. Go to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria, fuck, go even to Tahiti and you will have a way better quality of life. Just get the fuck out of this hell as soon as possible.
Don’t buy the single most popular brand of oatmeal? Theres tons of different brands that die off cause everyone wants special name brand. You can buy your own oats and your own dried fruit and make your own damned oatmeal but you buy THAT and complain.
America is free, you can buy whatever you fucking want. You’re part of the problem when you buy that shit. You’re not being forced.
If I went to the store right now I could definitely find real dried fruit oatmeal but that would be “expensive” or the brand wouldn't be quaaaker. At the very least there is raw oats and a fruit isle, all stores have those.
bro your a retard. i have to research online for 25 hours to find a few products and if i go to the store theres not a single fucking thing
Don't forget
Super power by 2020
Fuck democrats, they ruined this country.
Shove Jow Forums up your ass.
Compare stabbings to gun violence between the two countries. US is a third world country
Go back to /leftypol/ you brainlet.
These incidents don't make the majority of everyday life retard. I'm at school right now with zero fear of being shot. Later today I'm going to be at work and I'm still not going to worry about getting shot, and I have to deliver to some shady neighborhoods.
What's your stats methodology? Isn't the majority of gun violence suicide and niggers?
What am I a fucking peasant?
Fucking retard OP. The only reason for that pic is because in the UK we have a cuck nanny state government that dictates to companies the precise levels of sugar and salt that can go into foods. In the UK we are literally not allowed to decide what we put into our own bodies of our own accord, the government literally doesn't allow us. In the UK there is no such thing as free will.
>instant oats
Just get some fucking rolled oats or steel cut, it's not that hard.
this. my family bought plain and added cinnamon and fruit to it. makes it good.
>In the UK we are literally not allowed to decide what we put into our own bodies of our own accord
Are you retarded?
this and this ...
you know what? you just put oats and (drumroll) water in the microwave for like 2 minutes, and that is also an edible alternative. if you leave it in the fridge overnight, and then microwave it in the morning, it's a little nicer in texture.
i guess i'm talking to a wall anyway, americans don't seem to understand that you can eat things without sugar or flavouring. if only you tried leaving out added sugar and sweeteners for like 2-3 weeks from your diet, you'd start to feel the real taste of everything, would make things way more tasty for you.
i got so sick and fat the first few times i went to the us... now i just constantly cook there myself. you can get amazing raw ingredients there for really cheap, it's only the restaurants and processed foods that are crap.
Actually it looks like the oats in the US version were fortified with vitamins like iron, thiamine, and riboflavin. One is iron, the other is an amino acid, and riboflavin and miacinamide are variations of vitamin b. This is common to fortify grains with vitamin b in the US after the discovery that pellegra was caused by deficiency in this. The only preservatives in it are guar gum, maltodextrin, mononitrate, and whatever "artificial flavors" are. As for immigration. The Bongs actually have strict immigration laws assuming your name isn't Yusef and you aren't a Syrian with refugee status. To get in you have to have a job. A real job like a doctor or engineer, something worthy of getting a British work Visa. You hold the Visa for 10 years before you can finally apply for citizenship. Then after that the Brits make you sign assloads of paperwork, take a lot of cultural assimilation classes, and then finally you can be a Bong. Most EU countries have similar systems except for the Nordic nations where basically if you aren't a pure Nord you can't be a citizen. Join the French foreign legion, easiest way into EU-French citizenship
seriously why do burgers get screwed on everything?
>food is artificial fake ass shit, have to pay extra just for what the rest of the world calls normal food
>primary/high schools are retarded shitholes that don't teach jack shit, rest of world looks down on us
>work culture is cvcked beyond comparison, rest of world laughs at us
>gibs system is worse than useless, constant tax drain and never there for you when you actually need it
>healthcare is kiked up
>violent policestate shithole
>public transit got gutted
>urban planning is an abominable catastrophe
>people are fat cultureless retards
>family as a concept long since destroyed, parents and kids born fighting a small personal war, view each other as enemies
>"culture" is materialistic hollyjewed garbage
>can't think of many positives
>may or may not earn a lot, more likely gonna get fucked over, cost of living astronomic
>still pay high taxes but get absolutely nothing in return
>student loan debt
>bunch of stick up the ass puritanical dogma
>if you want to travel it costs a million dollars, meanwhile euros get ryanair flights for less than a bus ticket
>zero culture or history in burgerstan, everything is just a shopping mall
>no sense of place, no sense of ancestry or nation, nothing worth defnding
>used as taxpig for military industrian machine and crooked politicians and bloated bureaucracy
god it's such suffering i just want to move to yurope or japan but i can barely get a job here, there's just no fucking hope
Your answer is here dude. Pirate some Michel Thomas French CDs from the language thread on Jow Forums, get fit, buy a ticket to Paris, then on to Fort De Nogent. After 5 years of brutal wars in Cameroon and CAR you can be free of Burger oppression
Every country has problems, bruh. They're just different from locale to locale.
Or are we part of the European defense force that says 'Europe is perfect and nothing bad has ever happened there and everything you see is media lies and slander!'?
i'm a girl, i can't join an army. i'm literally anemic. other than selling my asshole what job can i get?
>on Jow Forums
Listen either you take your tranny pills and pay exuberant prices for them or you can man up (literally), stop being degenerate, and suffer being a manly man for a few years of military service long enough to get EU citizenship. Once you get that sweet French citizenship, #1 healthcare system on Earth, get all the free hormones you want.
Reading the ingredients on the left it looks like the US version is fortified.. that's not a bad thing user :/.
Trips of truth,
Why do you retards just read something you dont understand and assume is bad?
These weird things you dont know about are added to make the oats more effective. Thiamine mononitrate helps with malnutrition and basically a supplement. All the other weird things are also dietary supplements and vitamins...stupid.
>the best country on earth
literally how
It's only good if you're a multi-millionaire, and even then being a multi-millionaire anywhere on earth is good
Seriously. The FDA is actually really fucking good with this shit especially in foods generally given to children for breakfast.
Have you read the nutritional value of eggos? I did last week. I was floored though I kind of expected it...
>Strawberries & cream
>made with dehydrated apples
>Best country on Earth
By who's standards? The UN HDI report hasnt agreed for many decades...
is malnutrition really that rampant in the US that things like oatmeal have to be fortified with enough vitamins to start your own GNC store?
Seems to me that if you're the kind of American person who eats oatmeal for breakfast instead of a breakfast burger, you've probably got your nutrition in check.
Well, no.. it's less rampant because the FDA does things like this.
Processed Breakfast foods affordable to even low income families are absolutely packed with nutritional value. No one loses when everyone no matter their background can give their kids a bowl of damn Cheerios and know they're getting a lot of what they need.
I'm in Canada, we get the same products.
America didn't start two world wars
>he doesn't know what pellegra is
How is your education system so shitty that you don't know about the vitamin revolution in the 1900s?
No it only started about 2 or 3 dozen proxy wars on every single continent because muh manifest destiny
Meanwhile, every major European country has started three times as many around the world because muh white burden
Thanks for agreeing with me.
Manifest destiny was western expansion man.. the proxy wars weren't manifest destiny. That was the cold war.
And as terrible as they were and are we also kind of couldn't let Russia rule the world.
Our entire way of life depends on these wars and geopolitical control. It's sick, it's bloody, it's horrific, it's why you have a cellphone and gas for your car.
lol sure if you want to look back to the 1400s
>we also kind of couldn't let Russia rule the world
russia had no intention to do so. not any more than the US did as it went around overthrowing democracies and ruining economies and people's lives around the world for well over a century.
>France owned North African colonies all the way up to the 1970s
>England still owns Australia and Canada as commonwealths
Wew lads
World wars 1 and 2, the worst wars the world has ever seen, were started by France and Germany.
As I said. It's awful. And you goddamn better believe Russia was fighting for control. They invaded a lot of the middle east and Asia. While controlling a lot of Eastern Europe. They were building an empire just the same as the US. The Korean and Vietnam wars were about fighting Russian expansion.
We could just go back to 1776.
so what? Especially that bit about Australia and Canada lol
Again, so what? World War II was 100 years ago lol. The USA is currently supporting Saudis and Israel
>They were building an empire just the same as the US.
You were telling me a minute ago that empires were good, they give us cell phones and cars.
Oh say can you see
>Reasons why America is the Great and Most Free Country In The World
>wait let me check th-oh
>It actually DID NOT start the Great Emu War of 1932, checkmate communists!
Foods in america are filled with chemicals that make goyim dumb and subsiervent to gods chosen people
Reread the post. I was saying they're awful. Bloody. Horrific.
But our entire way if life depends on it. We'd collapse without it at this point. It's an extremely complex problem and a nearly unstoppable machine.
But you personally reap many benefits that many of us wouldn't give up. Not even luxuries. Food, transport, the technology we've come to rely upon.
Protest all you want against it and blame America for it's evil. Truth is if it stopped tomorrow and the balance of power was lost it would be total doomsday for us.
>redditor making fun of other redditors with shit-tier upvote bait humor
honestly go back
Europeans would lack
>recorded music
>color photography
If it wasn't for America
>the balance of power was lost it would be total doomsday for us.
> We'd collapse without it at this point
Why are you typing and saying words as if you still actually had a big bad boogeyman like the USSR?
What balance of power? Who is supposed to be on the other tipping end of the scale? Cuba and its crumbling infrastructure? North Korea and its 1950s military?
That doesn't change the fact that America is mostly a shit hole today.
OH GOD There are more words on the package, so it's obviously bad for you !
I don't even like America at all but this is the way a complete idiot sees the world.
oh no folic acid that sounds terrible
oh no I googled it
>Folate, distinct forms of which are known as folic acid, folacin, and vitamin B9, is one of the B vitamins. It may be taken by mouth or by injection. The recommended adult daily intake of folate in the U.S. is 400 micrograms from foods or dietary supplements.
>No common side effects are known.
How dare they put this in my oatmeal
guess what? the part that's actual bad for you is
but you're upset because they added vitamins to it
The middle east, Iran, china, north Korea, and yes, Russia, who still does their fair share of dabbling in the middle eastern politics.
We all have our own allies, and our own goals, and our own needs for resources. It's a matter of survival and conflicting interest.
If the balance of power goes too far in either direction you get a major international conflict. A sino-american war for example would happen if either side determined they had an excellent chance of winning and the benefits would outweigh the cost.
Globalisation makes major war a lot more difficult now but it doesn't mean it can't still happen. And if it comes down to a very urgent crisis as the world's resources deplete, you don't want to be on the side that loosened it's grip on world dominance.