Tell me whats wrong about cleansing the mass sheep masses that pains us everyday

Tell me whats wrong about cleansing the mass sheep masses that pains us everyday.

Please tell me.

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Judge not lest ye be judged. Mass murderers are typically hypocritical. Hypocrisy is always "wrong" by definition.

But are mass murderers wrong? Thats another slot thats freed up. Another asshole gone. A contribution to lowering hoarding locusts that plague the earth, cosume resources and causes other pain and misery.

I'd be more sympathetic if their rampages didn't involve killing indiscriminately. It's not like they thoroughly review the lives of each person they shoot at, much less take a good look at themselves before they do.

Slot freed up? Are you that narcissistic that you can play God and deem whether or not a person is fit to live? They may be a pain (to you), but fuck em, whatever they do isn't gonna ruin your life. In fact, they probably couldn't give a shit about you. Only you sit there, seething, because you don't even like yourself. Absolutely pathetic. Learn to love yourself and everything fixes itself afterwards.

Pic related it's you crying about what others do

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have sex

You are the sheep.


>play God
doing anything that affects other people affects their whole lives to various degrees and thus is playing god. if you can live with yourself mass murdering a lot of people to free up slots you're doing everyone a favor. there are too many people around, and dead people don't suffer.

they are also tools helping the economy work, those who use, get additional wealth from them

>there are too many people around
No there isn't there is plenty of physical space and we have technology to be less wasteful and have people live in luxury.
Just by having a computer you are likely in the 10% of the world for being wasteful.

You sounds like one.

There is also space, hard to crowd that place. And so far our system of survival and thriving rely on a vast amount of workforce. And there is no evidence showing that a small population would benefit us. Specially during times of mass extinction, which earth have had 5 of already. Nah... we need more people in more places. And the dummies like OP will do the hard labor, thanks man.

You destroy not only your own life, but dozens of others that have not done anything to deserve death. You will spend the rest of your days miserably withering away in a dirty cage with no love, stimuli or even permission to see the outside world.


People like you are worthy of getting hit up a few rounds. It would do you a great favor.

That sounds like a reward. The thought of people in masses start to get sickening and it needs a good trimming.

after that im left alone away from the very thing that drains my soul away. solitude can also be freedom if you really think about it

How about you just go be alone then and not kill anyone? Try to understand that if 9/11 happened every day for three years it still wouldn't kill 1% of the US population, so your "mass murder" will be non-existent to humanity, but the end of the world for a crowd of people. Even one death hurts everyone who cares about that person, but that probably hasn't really occurred to you has it, that caring about people thing?

Not really. A massive amount of death, even when deployed by systematic minds, doesn't always lead to a better future outcome. Take for example, the War in Iraq followed by the Syrian Civil War. Although a large amount of bad eggs were removed from power, they were shortly replaced by an even more brutal force.

>after that im left alone away from the very thing that drains my soul away
you've clearly never been locked up for even an afternoon.

You’re a little Jow Forums pussy bitch that’s not gonna do anything anyway so why bother making this thread faggot

yikes have sex but unironically

the best way to not deal with "the mass" is to just kill yourself. Not only do you not have to deal with them anymore, but you're no longer burdening society with your own mental illnesses that you think are normal. Get professional help. You have a lot of issues to work on.