
My ex just texted my for the first time in months asking if i wanted to catch up. I told her no and she asked if i held a grudge against her. We were together for four years and she broke up with me before Christmas and found another guy 4 weeks after. She accused me of abusing her and her new friends and boyfriend harassed me online and shit.

Why would she even want to text me?

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Context on the breakup? What happened?

not working out with her bf. it's either that or she wants to prank your tight ass. how dense are you?

She left amd didnt really have a good reason. We'd see eath other every friday for about a month until Christmas and after that she found someone and she started saying i was abusive and her new friends and bf would post on my social on like family posts and shit. Deleted my socials, made life a lot simpler


don't get played OP

One of the many differences between women is that women innocently and sincerely believe they can break up with you and remain friends, while men don't want anything more to do with her.

The point is that she is not necessarily being devious. But you still have the right to say No without having to justify yourself

>She accused me of abusing her

if a girl is saying this, and you legit aren't?

you need to seriously consider never having an interaction with them 1 on 1 in any setting ever again.

Attached: Do-not-want-dog.jpg (352x400, 22K)

Honestly dude don't do it. I just met up with mine after not seeing her for two years this past Friday thinking things would be different and that I could handle 'just being friends' and it just brought me back to square one.. by the end of the night I had to fake it and act like I was cool with it when in reality I realized deep down I wanted to be with her yet I knew the feeling was not mutual. We had a great time but it ended so awfully with her just saying okay well that was fun, I'm gonna head home now. I went in with no expectations and still felt like an absolute idiot afterwards.

Had to give her a hug goodbye and she of course said we should do this again. Yeah. No..I'm gonna just make up an excuse next time and keep avoiding her until I can forget about her completely.

My advice is just to say you're not interested.

I wish I had done that, I undid two years of solid progress in 5 hours.


>She accused me of abusing her and her new friends and boyfriend harassed me online and shit.
Just ignore the bitch and don't give her the time of day.

>Yeah. No..I'm gonna just make up an excuse next time and keep avoiding her until I can forget about her completely.
Don't be a bitch, just tell her this won't work and that you still have feelings for her. End it as a man, not as some wimp.

>The point is that she is not necessarily being devious
>accused OP of abusing her to the point where he had delete social media due to harrassment

If you think she's sincere then I've got some dick enlargement pills to sell you

Block her number.

Op here.

She asked me if i wanted to talk and i told her no. Anyone actually have experiences with an ex like this? Im trying not to think about this shit, got more important things to think abkut right now. That's when they always come around too.

Ship out for basic training in a week.

when you get back from basic, you will have all sorts of strange women come a courting, hoping to ride your government benefits and get pregnant fast.

if you haven't cut this one off, one that has tried to ruin your life by claiming abuse at your hands, then you should prepare to have worse problems down the road.

Thats funny, first thing she said was "Hey. I heard you enlisted? How's that going?"

Gave me a good laugh. Dont worry i dont exactly want a dependa

they like to think they did no damage to keep the "im such a good person" image
they also want to compare your lifes because they want to reinforce their decision

Which is why i wanted to say that I dont want to catch upcon your new love story because honestly thats probably all she was gonna catch me up on anyway. I just dont get the reason in her head for it. Do i have a grudge? To me honestly it has always came off like she doesn't think she has done anything wrong since it started. The grudge question furthers thay idea for me

probably this.
I am not opposed to talking to exes in general, but if she made up lies of abuse you should stay away for your own safety. You can even tell her that, but you don't have to.
this too

Coming from a femanon, if it matters, I don't think you need to have any guilt if you have a grudge. It would be questionable if she simply drifted apart from you, but since she literally ruined some part of your social life, especially with lies and harassment, that's when you have the right to call bullshit. Even more so with her playing dumb. Plus, she's probably seeing you as more of a catch, testing the waters to see if you could be manipulated back into a relationship now that she regrets what she did. I hate being so pessimistic but this is how it always seems to go. But you seem to have a good head on your shoulders and a brighter future in front of you. Find a girl that deserves your time and effort.

This wouldn't be an issue for me because Anyone who breaks up with me nowadays is getting blocked from all contact.

Appreciate it

>Why would she even want to text me?
She's your ex for a reason. Don't "reconnect", shit will go wrong.

Yea, just don't talk to her.

Just to add one more to the thread: don't stay in contact with her OP. Nothing good will come of it.

yes. My cheating ex of 3 years started badgering me out of the blue when she realized grass isn't greener.
Your best bet is to GHOST the fuck out of her life. She stopped after she realized I stopped reading her schizo sob story paragraphs.
Don't ever respond to her texts, it hurts them most. Women are fueled by attention, give her none.

Never go back to her. She left you for another guy and was shitty.

block her number and social media accounts and move on

Thanks for the good advice. You're right.

What these guys said. Never take a woman back after she leaves you. Been there done that. Learned from my mistake. Hopefully this thread helped you OP, God bless and good luck

>remidner: NO CONTACT is king

Don't plan on it either. Thanks man

If your progress was undone in 5 hours either your a weak little bitch who gets hurt way to easily or it wasn't real progress at all. Just forgetting a dumb bitch isnt the fix, you have to realize why they weren't good for you or you weren't for them and let it go. You need to see what happened so it doesn't again or you don't fall for the same type of person