So I was in an Albertsons in the valley area of Los Angeles, California...

So I was in an Albertsons in the valley area of Los Angeles, California, and this beaner gang member who somehow was employed there threatens me.
(he looked kind of like pic related)
Long story short, I get kicked out of the store for making a complaint about him threatening me, because the entire store staff all the way up to the division manager and the store director are beaners too.
Anyone from LA will know that beaners are very tribal and will never punish their own on behalf of an outsider(kind of like jews).

So now I ask you guys for advice.
I tried a bottom up approach, and failed because the beaners don't like "white" me.
I tried a top down approach by calling corporate, and I'm waiting to hear back.

What else can I do to get back at this beaner gang member who threatened me with violence?

Now I'm thinking about getting back at those beaner employees too because they literally banned me from the store because I made a complaint.
Now I can't even buy food at my local grocery store. And I don't have a car.

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what did you do that made this worse?

It's funny because it's not until you get to the district manager(by calling corporate) that you begin to see a white name among the administration. Hopefully the district manager will help me, because everyone underneath him is a beaner.

For anyone interested in the white race and racial dynamics in zog era america, beaner infiltration of white-heritage local corporate structures might be something to look into. I've seen the same beaner infiltration in a Target store.

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>uses "beaner" unironically
>doesn't have a car
Perhaps you should let it go and focus on becoming a better person, OP?

I didn't do anything but complain. Specifically it's when I asked for HR that the manager told me to leave the store because I was "harassing" employees. So the employee can threaten to beat me up and admit that he's a gang member, but the second that I open my mouth I get kicked out?

Try not to assume that I was being an unreasonable customer. I know that a lot of customers can be unreasonable now a days, but I have a valid complaint and there is nothing that I did wrong.

Maybe you should let Jow Forums go and focus on getting back to r*ddit.

>unironically defends mexicans and is triggered that I said something racist

You know that people like you never used to be welcome on this site, right?

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>Try not to assume that I was being an unreasonable customer.

thats not what I fucking asked you, i don't give a shit if you came into the store and made it rain benjamins on the employees. And now because you evaded/made poor attempt at justification, you just appear petty, small, and ready to jump to bigotry to conceal your own bad behavior at the moment.

I asked what part you played in making this situation worse?

Jesus christ, calm down. I already answered your question. Learn to read.


If you're so offended, go tell your rabbi about it.
Since you obviously are triggered and aren't going to be a help here, please, find another thread.

So OP, why did he threaten you?

>unironically throws around beaner and triggerered and zog era

>complains when people point out how unsympathetic it makes him. fails to see how small minded his op was to begin with.

you answered nothing. you take responsibility for nothing. And if they were threatening you with violence, then at this point it was probably in your best interest that you didn't get your ass beat. that you were shown where the exit was.

Because I asked him if he was a gang member.
I had overheard him saying things during a previous visit to Albertsons that would lead me to believe that he was a gang member.

Turns out he was a gang member which is why he threatened me.

Apparently beaners will protect their own, even if he is a gang member. He even admitted in front of the manager that he was a gang member.

Maybe if you weren’t such a disrespectful asshat he wouldn’t have threatened to beqt the shit out of you, boi.

You a BITCH.

sounds like you have a horse in this race, friend.

>>unironically throws around beaner and triggerered and zog era

You have no self awareness. YOU ARE ON Jow Forums. Of course I unironically said those things.

Please, since what I am saying is bothering you, find another thread.

wait, so you asked a random store employee if they were a gang member? for no reason?

Lol exactly. Maybe he's mexican?

Try reading what I wrote again.

>confuses multiple people pointing out his behavior being counter productive to his post with being bothered by it

either this is a bait thread, or OP is just dumb

>Because I asked him if he was a gang member.

.......OP is just dumb.

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Dude, just find another thread. You're not accomplishing anything here.

i read it. so: you asked him if he was a gang member, he threatened you, you complained, they kicked you out. what happened before you asked if he was a gang member? why did you ask him that?

Not him but your story doesn’t line up op. You unironically are calling them beaners and you randomly went up to one and asked if they were a gang member. You clearly showed racism at the store of course you were kicked out.

Here it is. I wrote this already.

>I had overheard him saying things during a previous visit to Albertsons that would lead me to believe that he was a gang member.

It was the second sentence of what I wrote. Did you really read it?

>Not him
Jesus christ, you dumb fucking kike. You know that at the bottom of the page it shows how many posters there are, right? You just lost any miniscule amount of credibility that you might have had.
I'm not even going to tell you to find another thread anymore. Imagine being such a bothered loser that you try to start fights with people on the internet because they used a word that you don't like.

I’m literally not him. Imagine being such a fucking idiot you think the number of posters can tell you exactly who posts what in a thread? They probably just kicked you out because you were a fucking retard op

>Asking an employee if they're a gang member
>Being shocked when you get a hostile response

Yup, you're retarded. Try minding your own business next time, it gets you in less trouble

>Asking a gang member if they're a gang member

That is literally how you get shot on the street, stupid. Jesus do you literally have 0 street smarts or are you blind to how your shitty attempt at vigilantism in the grocery store managed to backfire on you?

idk what's going on but I feel like its this meme in real life lel (except this racist one, not the attack on titan one)

Also what is this meme called?

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Just call the cops.
Mexicans are too stupid to put it together that it was you, so you might have to taunt him as he is getting dragged away.
Shout out your address while you do it too.