Should I put my IQ in my CV?

Should I put my IQ in my CV?

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Too stupid to call it a resume. No wonder you don’t have a job.


Show, don't tell.

IQ is meaningless. They want to know about relevant work experience. Put your education and work experience. If you're just getting out of high school you can also put volunteering experience or things like a student government position.

Thanks, I'll put it.

Based, do it

Fuck no.

IQ is vastly overrated. While it is an important factor in your overall competence as a worker, it's only 1 factor of many and employers know this. If you put your (presumably above-average) IQ in your resume, employers will think you're doing it to brag about it and that apparently it's the most important thing you have going for you. And the latter is not a good thing.

Oof no. Bad idea. IQ isn’t a scientific test. Only because you learned to do some internet tests dosent prove your intelligence, if anything it shows how retarded you are believing in them. Even more so putting it in your cv. Lol, i hire people and would definitely get a good laugh though.

Of course you should. If your IQ is higher than 125 they'll hire you on the spot

put your dick size and bank account in there too

And browser history.

Yes. That way you can complain that yours must be higher than the hiring managers and that is the reason you cannot get an interview.

Is 87 above average?

It is actually by-and-large against the law to hire (or not hire) based on IQ. Never, ever include it on a resume. Hiring managers won't touch it with a ten foot pole, solely to avoid even the potential for a pants-on-head retarded lawsuit or complaint about it finding its way to HR/legal.

no wtf lmao

Iq is always calibrated so that 100 is average. 87 IQ is closer to retardation than the average.

I sucked at school and i probably have a low IQ, i just added front image of a really hot girl, and a derpy image of me saying that im not the hot girl on the next.
Boom next thing you know i litterally became a boss over people who studied

Unless you're above above average, I really think you shouldn't

Yaaaass dude go for it!!

I would say if its decent (above 135) it would be a good idea to put it in. Just make sure it comes from a reputable source.

It's above average if you're black

If you even have to ask this question, you're clearly not as smart as your IQ might indicate.

testing, dont mind user

Of course, along with a picture of your butthole

OP your question got me thinking. Do companies need actual documentation from a medical professional to prove that they hired a person with an intellectual disability?
They get a tax write off for that right?

Where did you get your IQ checked. I want to check mine for shits and giggles but I want it to be from a real place to verify what a retard I am. Or maybe get a high IQ and have an article written about how a darkie has a high IQ and get token scholarships bc I's smart and shieet