Do men like hikki girls whom suffer with social anxiety...

Do men like hikki girls whom suffer with social anxiety? Where can I find men whom are interested in hikki girls whom suffer with social anxiety?

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I'm available.

Depends on what you can provide. Can you cook, clean, and be a sex toy?

Chad doesnt like weird women

Unfortunately op most the men who’d be interested are also like you and rarely leave their room

I had one. She had intimacy issues.

She systematically would cut people off - 2 year friendships were her longest relationships before she found a excuse to cut them off.

I'd say most men would be happy to have one but, why have you isolated yourself ? Can you really let someone in? What would a man add to your life besides physicality ?

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The pool of men that’s into this is very low. I assume you need a stable guy who got a job and such, seeing as you will contribute very little to a relationship. Except your body...

Dated a girl like that, was good at first, but overtime it became unbearable because she refused to actually get a job relying on benefits and the sex was utter shit (like fucking a sack of potatoes) and could do barely any cleaning while I was the one having to work a shitty night shift job to pay the bills.

So my suggestion is fix those shitty qualities first.

There are a lot of spaces online you could meet people. The right discord server could be a space to forum good communities and friendships that might eventually evolve into relationships. Have you tried getting help for your social anxiety? It's something that a lot of people can eventually learn to manage with the right support system. Also, I'm also available lol.

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I wish I had a hiki gf that can cook

Get to know people and find someone that likes you, if being a hikki is your personality they have to like that but if you have hobbies and interests besides that then being a hikki is not really as important.

Men only like hikki girls whomst've do not attempt to use grammar they don't understand in order to appear smarter.

How can I trust you?

I cant cook, i guess i can clean and i have a high sex drive.

I have bad mental health issues but I crave for human intimacy and I think that finding a guy that likes me is going to help me become more sociable.

What do other girls contribute?

I havent tried getting help for my social anxiety because I don't have the money for any sort of service, but I think that having a real life friend that would constantly talk to me and not ignore me would help me a lot in developing social skills.

Where do you think is a good place to find serious people if I don't leave my room?

I can cook so that part is okay if you're not good at it. Which continent are you on?

Yes we exist. and we are actively looking for girls like you.

The problem with hikki girls is the same as hikki guys. I should know because my ex was a shut in but not in the nerd way, but a scared young lady way.
>problems keeping things clean, like dishes, floor and bathroom
>usually not good at cooking
>doesn't have a car or drivers license
>because of this, cannot get groceries or other things if needed
>spends money on stupid shit frequently, such as games and junk food
>has a fucked up sleeping schedule because of staying up late and not enough physical activity
>forgets to pay bills (if in charge of them)

Etcetera, most hikkis won't remain hikkis of they fix these issues, unfortunately you don't have much to offer save for pussy.

>you don't have much to offer save for pussy.
Why didn't anyone put me on HRT when I was a child? Why didn't anyone realize how much of a worthless faggot I would become?

Because you still wouldn't have the pussy to "solve all of your problems". Baby steps. First is getting yourself some household responsibilities that you actually stick to doing without fail.

Personally, I'd prefer one. I guess it makes me a bad person, but I'd rather be with someone like myself.

I like them but I don't think I could afford raising a neet.
Your lack of self esteem would make you a prime candidate for cheating with your coworkers, if you did work.

I like weak women, but you're frail. You'd see through my persona for a minute, and it'd completely disillusion you about me. I'm just as scared of going out there as you are.
I do it, though, because I am terrified of being alone again

I kinda like them, but I'm on the ugly side and socially awkward so they don't give a flying fuck about me. If I were to meet you (which won't happen) you would probably judge me so fuck you, fucking whore.
With regards, user.


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>You'd see through my persona for a minute, and it'd completely disillusion you about me.

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I'm not confident, at all. It's terrifying going to work every day. I hate my coworkers. They're lazy, fat shits but constantly give me garbage over minutiae. I have a soft ego. I put up a cocky front in response to criticism, warranted or not, but it feels like shit and touching on my love life is almost enough to bring me to tears. My boss did that once, and she never did it again.
I'm not strong, and a girl who's looking for me to compensate in that field for her will be sorely disappointed.

traps should be shot

I'd be fine with a hikki girl as long as she keeps the place clean, stays fit and is down to fuck. I just work and go home so someone who also prefers staying at home is actually a plus. I make enough money to support two people comfortably.

The whole housekeeping thing probably disqualifies most of them though.

shietttt, too relatable.

A lot of guys like introverted girls and socially awkward girls. Guys don't like girls that don't shower though. You won't probably find the kind of guy you want in your bedroom though. Maybe pick up a hobby and find a guy that way.

I want a hikki gf so gaddamn much.

Why is life comprised of just suffering and pain?

because you're retarded

>How can I trust you?
That is somewhat of a broad question. But if it means anything to you, I am incapable of having sex.

So just because I'm retarded I get to experience only suffering? I don't deserve any respite?

Isn't that great though?

Pussy (and the intimacy and hopefully companionship that goes along with it) is essentially what all girls really have to offer, but most of them think they are hot shit. Relationship with a hikki would be build on a foundation actually based in reality, which can't be anything other than positive for it.

Most men are pretty open minded to the kind of women they will date. As long as the woman loves them and shares their values it will be hard to reject her.

Shot in the eyes.

Online, or by happenstance on one of the few occasions you are out of your room.

Online is likely your best shot.

OP posts and leaves.

Hi op. My crush is an anxious hikikomori girl aswell. I try to date her and stuff but its really hard since I'm socially awkward and retarded.

So to answer your question, yes. There are men who really like hikikomori girls.

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I can only speak for myself, but I'm actively trying to find such a person. I'm tired of all the girls out there with no hobbies.
I'm in a weird place socially. I'm confident in myself, I'm socially capable, I'm financially independent and stable, I'm even physically fit. Despite all of that, I choose to spend most of my time on the computer, feeling like I'm the only nerd hermit in the world who chose this life. All I need out of life is more free time for art and video games.

I have no idea where to find other people like this, or even reliably find introverts for that matter. If you're just looking for people who would accept a hikki girl, you've at least got more options than I do. I guess work on overcoming that anxiety, and follow the usual advice of putting yourself out there. Just try to strategically apply apathy. If it doesn't work out, then nothing was lost. If it's not gonna work out, then there's no benefit to worrying. Confidence, real or fake, gets you half-way there.

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At first they'll be attracted by you because of how similar you are to them.

Then one day they'll realize (or you will) that the other person is too much of a loser to stay with them.
T. Just dumped my loser neet gf, she acted more like a goblin than an actual human

>she acted more like a goblin than an actual human
What was she like?


I wish I could find a hikki girl.
I am pretty extrovert

Absolutely. Unfortunately I don't think it's any less complicated than finding a relationship with someone more well adjusted. You can typically find them online obviously, on the other hand they are a dime a dozen offline. People working/leaving home out of necessity.

I met a girl that was about the same way, just starting to work, and having come from a similar background of anxiety and stuff I wanted to help her. She eventually quit over a panic attack, didn't talk after that. A few weeks later she came back looking amazing. New hairdo, red lipstick. We'd started dating within two weeks. Still going strong almost a year later.

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Do not exist. Even the most shy girl i used to know, that never EVER spoke a word to anyone unless they spoke to her, well, even she had a boyfriend, even though she was short and plain.

Yeah you'll be fine if you learn to suck dick and cook and be a traditional waifu.

You have literally nothing to contribute besides your body as many posters have said. Don't get into the "muh" personality there's billions of people on this planet your ass isn't that unique.

It's a fucking shame hikki women even exist. Western Society is propped up quite literally to make you succeed, especially if you're white. Every Corp job now is all about girlll power, feminsts have took over the courts, and there's more desparate single men than ever, and you STILL go hikki? Talk about shit genetics

depends on your face. Do you take baths constantly? are you fat? There are sickos who'll do anything for a "hikki" girl, but they certainly don't want no fat fuck that'll treat them like shit.

Not saying is your case, but those dilusional faggots are really picky.

so, are you tasty?

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Wtf is a "hikki girl"?
Why have I never heard this term before?

Yes, this is my dream girl lol

Its short for hikikomori and its basically a shut in who doesn't leave the house much

Long shot but why not. I would love to chat a bit with you if you're down. At the very least we can at least try to strike a casual friendship. I'm a university student and I consider myself pretty well-adjusted, though not to the extent that I pick up girls left and right and go to parties every weekend.

Here's my throwaway discord: partylikeitsbw#6698.

Give up all ye who enter this thread. If I hadn't of bumped this thread last night it would be gone. She aint' coming back.

OP you'll eventually find some poor guy and he'll boost your self-esteem. You'll improve. You'll become more sociable. You'll blossom. Then you'll leave him once something better comes along. And poor user will be heartbroken knowing he was just your step ladder all along and you never cared about him.

t. someone who met a hikki femanon and went through this.

It's not just been my experience either. This happens all the time, to both men and women. You're a piece of shit just like most everyone else.