Dating my sisters friend

Anything I should take into consideration? I appreciate any and all advice.

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Now that girl is the definition of butterface.

I did this. It got weird. Girls share their sexual experiences in detail...
We got a little drunk on wine while having my sister over for dinner and i could overhear them talking in the kitchen. My sister giving my gf tips on
receiving throat fucking. Just.. so weird on so many levels.

Thats pretty funny actually, but she's not that kind of girl, very conservative.

to each his own, she doesn't look like that though

You will get rejected user.

Well in wouldn’t be too worried then, i however now know my sister likes it pornstar rough and is teaching my gf about it so she can please me better. I love/hate it, mixed emotions all around.

I want to fugg this girl

nah, shes into me, texting me non-stop, My sister is kinda suspicious regarding it, but she doesn't seem opposed, mostly intrigued. I outgrew my spergyness, but I still love the shady side of the internet.

Just don’t try to create a rift between your sister and your gf. Encourage their friendship and they will repay the kindness.

Incestuous threesome?

In most cases that won’t be a problem. Siblings aren’t like porn.

it's pretty crazy how open they are about it

The only real risk is potential animosity from your sister. Some people get territorial about their siblings. If she's cool it's a non-issue.

No, I wouldn't do that, I dont see a reason why their friendship would be anything but a bonus.

I'm pretty sure I am more territorial about her than she is about me, but I'd let her date a friend of mine as long as it was one of my not-dickhead friends.

Make sure that you keep your spheres separate. What you tell your gf might end in the ear of your sister.

and vice-versa

Yeah you're right, probably best to be careful about telling either stuff about the other

Fag detected

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