Meaning of life

I guess everyone knows how pointless life on earth actually is...Someone change my mind , I need motivation to do anything at this point

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"6. Q. Why did God make you?
A. God made me to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him for ever in heaven."

Hm... well i play vidya every day. I got passive income. A house and a gf. Cats and a dog. Some cool hobbies.
There isn’t a specific point to life, but I’m having awesome fun times every day.

How on earth is paying videogames every day "awesome fun times" it sounds more like a tortured existence.

you lack purpose
get a job

Because i like it. The point wasn’t do what i do. It was do the things you like. Stupid people are suppose to be more happy as they are unaware of reality. You seem to be the exception to the rule.

I don’t know guys I’m kind of a nihilist myshelf , I think there’s no god no nothing to make your burden any lighter.Nothing will remain except the stench and the worms. My deeds, whatever they may be, will be forgotten sooner or later, and I myself will be no more.

This life is not a prison, you are always free to leave any time.

And what is life if not a prison ?
All I do in my life is try to please everyone and keep up with their expectations. I’m currently studying medicine abroad something I’m not 100% sure I want to do with my life (also I come from a somewhat religious family but I always question Christians, I think med school and the stuff I’ve seen there made me this way)

This world is under extreme influence of Ahriman and it taught you to view everything completely scientifically. As such, you're completely cut off from the spiritual realm, the divine portion of you that is peace and purpose.

From a totally scientific standpoint you're correct- your body will die, particles composing it disperse, and your consciousness such as it is go extinct without any contribution to anything, as the vast gulf of time renders all things meaningless.

But there is a spiritual world accessible to human experience that can provide the counterbalance to the bleakness of total materialism. Cultivation of that connection is the solution.

only you can decide what makes Life meaningful. if you cant, i guess kill yourself?

I have experimented with hz therapies to meditation to drugs and heavy medication (been to the psychiatrist)and I don’t think it makes any difference.It just helps you come to terms with the truth and accept it without any questions.But it’s not a state that I can maintain

the meaningless should be enough motivation
you can literally do whatever the fuck you want, that's liberating

Killing your self is even more meaningless.You find no answer to anything and remain restless even in the coffin. you just skip all the good years you could have had, even if they mean nothing ,you can at least eat until you explode or Smth

To some it really feels liberating but at the same time it makes me depressed and my existence among the billions insignificant

you're thinking too much about it
it's perfectly ok to not do shit, specially as a privileged white 20something

Being a 20 year old plant doesn’t really help me through this existential quarter life crisis im having right know.What actions of yours do you consider as great achievements ? I got nothin

>and a gf
I would trade everything I own for this.

lol i got nothing but tragedies, that's precisely why i'm ok with my current life
if you don't like yours then do something to change it, don't aim for "great achievements", just do shit you like

That’s really not necessary, you can do it. Put yourself out there man.

I don't know how. I barely understand how to make regular friends, much less how to attract a woman whom I'm mutually attracted to.

Yea even me a narcissistic piece of shit could score a gf.Its not something to be scared of because all that girls care for are looks(They just want a good looking guy with a big wallet if possible, so they can brag about it on ig and irl) , so if you have the looks and a mediocre body you can do it .True story I used to be 100kg ,20+kg overweight for my height and also A virgin.The moment I hit the gym and lost the extra weight I scored my gf

I've gotten mildly chubby over the last few years, I'm only about 5'9'', wear glasses (working towards contacts) and I hide my lack of a chin behind of beard.

You can feel the vibes of the conversation and if you are perceptive enough you can guess if someone is interested in you as a friend or boyfriend or anything.From there there isn’t really something you can screw up, the other party either likes you or not that’s it

You sound like you are just fine .You could try chin and chewing exercises to make your jaw more pronounced.You can change anything you dislike if you want it enough .For example I have acme and the skin on my face is scared and messed up, still got a gf(I have to wear creams and shit all day)

Life doesn't have a meaning the way you think it has.
If life had one meaning, it would be extremely limiting and a testament against free will.

Instead, life has no end goal, which is to say we are free to do anything on this sand box. A good rule of thumb is to always strive to be better, as it's the most assured way we know to make you feel that freedom.

I've litterally been talking with a girl after walking out of the movie theatre, we were talking about the movie and she tried to give me her email address--at the time I figured it was for the rewards for a game we'd gotten onto talking about (WoW, which I'd recently stopped).
Instead of writing the actual email address down, I wrote down "placate" in my phone.
My brother who'd been seeing the movie with me later brought it to my attention that the girl seemed to have an interest in me.
Years before this, I'd had a girl walk into my dorm room, sit on my bed, and I ignored her to the point that she walked out saying "you're boring."
I've gotten slightly better, but these hindsight moments eat at me, especially since they were so similar and yet I seem to have learned nothing from either. Once in a lifetime moments, and I completely passed them up. Hell, there might even have been a more recent third I was too nervous to pursue.

It's this kind of stuff that makes me wish it was anyone but me living my life. I want to watch my life unfold, but I hate being the one who actually has to do stuff in it.

Wait, wtf, that's a thing? That sound fake af--unless it's a "do this and it'll help you grow" thing, in which case: I"m already in my mid 20s, it's too late for that.

You were created without a purpose as a punishment, but you don't have to see it as a punishment, you can create your own joy and meaning in a world without. Find what you love and do what you enjoy just to spite whoever put you here. You must be able to imagine Sisyphus happy

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Yea chewing exercises is a thing hahaha.My friend you sound like you don’t really want a woman in your life .Do you really need a gf ?Because once you are in a relationship it’s kind of an emotional rollercoaster, also you have to give a lot of attention to her and talk to her for hours at a time, can you bare listening to stupid shit for hours?

Well that’s refreshing.But I’m thinking that life itself is too fragile and too short to actually practice free will.How do you know that all your actions are yours and not somekind of automatic response programmed this way since the rise of homo sapiens

why would that matter in your day to day life?

Fuck you. I lived my entire teenage life and early twenties convincing myself I didn't want a gf, wife, or family. Come to realize, after digging myself out of the porn and musturbatory haze I'd kept myself in, that I, surprise of surprises, desperately crave that kind of connection with someone.
I am miserable in my lonliness and desperately want someone that I can care and provide for like a man is supposed to. Someone I can be there for and have someone be there for me in return.

I mean we humans since we’re born we collect all info like sponges , and that means that location of your birth , ethnicity, location in general ,and circumstances at home make you who you are .You don’t really have a choice

You don't. Mainly because that's a question you cannot hope to answer and will just about waste time thinking of it.

But let's say for arguments sake it is programmed, if you are happy and your actions cause you and others to grow and be even happier, how does that matter?

Oh I see , so yea what’s left for you except to experiment.Since it’s this kind of thread I suppose you could adopt a yolo attitude and go all in .And if you fail try again and again , it just wasn’t meant to be with this person(practice makes perfect).Good for you were 7 billion

Well that’s partially true, you and everyone around you is happily drifting through life , that doesn’t make all good.The meaning of life is one of the most important questions we humans have to find an answer for.Unfortunately we the current generation probably won’t even come close to that .I place my hopes to the next ones (if we survive as a species at all)

You do know that that's the whoooooole focus of any religion, don't you?

People give religions a lot of crap, but they have thousands of years of experience on that field and, particularly the Catholic Church, really do encourage people to debate and fight their ideas.

What I'm saying is, even if you don't particularly believe in anything, you are still bound to find something useful in one.

The species will survive. Whether certain parts of it will, though, that's what I doubt and what has me worried.
I wish I'd realized this sooner instead of going through my edgy militant atheist phase. Atheism is a fucking sand trap.

Nooo bro religion Is supposed to be something spiritual and good in general, I mean most religions have something positive to teach you.Nowadays it’s pure brainwash cash-grabbers.a commercialised version of god ,we don’t need that anymore we’re grown ups now.I believe that religions was a need of the times to keep order

You won't get that out of me or any other person ITT, that's something for you to discover for your own.

Don't go blindly on them tho.
No serious religion want a brainless sheep, they want someone that question eeeeeeeverything.
Do familiarize yourself with the notion of faith and it's importance tho, it really does help to know the difference between faith and stupidity.

The meaning of life is to give life meaning. You gotta figure out your meaning for yourself, like how the rest of us have to. There is no one size fits all answer.

You obviously don't know jack about the Catholic Church then.
Can't say much about the others, as I don't go to their cults, but the Church nowadays is really pure in it's intentions and learned from their mistakes.

Oh, the genie is out of the bottle as far as the "God question" goes in my brain. I've come to realize something, that I think someone like would try and refute.

To me, the human brain has evolved alongside religion for thousands of years, millions even, and because of that it has become a vital part of our psyche. We need religion not because it gives us answers, but because without it we're missing a core part of our mental pieces; people will try and fill that gap with a lot of different things, not all of them religious, and that is met to better or worse effects; I think a large reason we're seeing so many young people turn to nihilism and the spike in political tensions lately are because people are trying to fill that gap with consumerism and politics respectively. For some it works, but for the larger part of the whole I think we're seeng problem stem in the individuals (and therefore the groups) because of it.

I don’t know about catholics but with the experience I have with orthodoxy we really are mindless sheep.Less and less of them are truly devoted to Christianity while others ,even priests , are seen driving fast cars and having more that they’ll ever need, material nonsense.they hate questioning and most of the priests are there in the first place because it’s a simple good paying job.

You actually got the right idea with the wrong starting point.
I mean, not wrong, just incomplete.
You'll get to see for yourself why religion is such a vital part for any person (I hope).
But long story short, there are these general rules on the universe we have to obey in order to live with meaning and achieve true happiness through it. It isn't a pleasant road full of roses by any means, but you do have the better outcome guaranteed from the start, even if it's not apparent or probable.

Yeah, that is an issue.
But there's also a brighter side to it.
If you compare our current social understanding of right and wrong to that of just 100 years ago, we are freaking saints.

So things are going well. There has never been a time that there wasn't any kind difficulty, it's part of the ride.

I fail to understand exactly where our ideas differ--unless you're starting from within the faith while I'm looking at it from outside of it.

Precisely that.
I hate talking like I'm some kind of wise wizard from atop the mountain, so forgive me if I sound like it. But I've been having theology classes on my local Church and things are way, WAY deeper than I gave it credit for, and I already thought of it as the road to life's menaing.

So basically Praying to god is as useful as praying to Cthulhu right?As long as you have faith to something to keep you going .What if we orthodoxies worshipped Cthulhu instead of this god how would things turn out , that’s what I’d like to know

It doesn't matter if you pray for God of Cthulu, if you don't put your heart and soul into it it's equally as useless.
Prayer only serves it's function if backed with sincere trust and hunger for the truth, may that be what it may.
It can be God, it can be Cthulu, it can be the Spaghetti monster. If you devote, even if just a little, of yourself to the search for the truth, your faith is well placed.

As long as you're able to commit yourself to the faith in some way, I do believe so. It will fulfill your psychological needs
Of course, one then has to ask: are the outcomes of that comittment, the mantra of the religion, at least neutral in their greater effect? If you were to base your religion around the H.P. Lovecraft Cthulhu, I think you'd end up doing some fucked up things. Same goes for Islam and even certain Christian cults. Heck, even the political tensions I noted before could fall into this, but I still believe they are as bad as they are being they are faith applied to man rather than faith applied to the supernatural.
Unfortunately, that's the only part of religion that the militant aheist crowds like darkmatter69 and the rest of them pay any attention to, not stopping to think of the greater consequences of cutting out this part of the human condition entirely.

I love you, mate.
You worded that so well.
I'd just add that religion has nothing of supernatural. If anything seems magical, that's only a testament to the potential things already have.

I like the way you think.Very good way to think for a religious man.Even if there is a god though I don’t think he looks anything like the representations the church gave us

Precisely because you know people talk about him as a joke. You'd be a fool to put the entire trust of your whole body into a joke.
That's where the search of the truth comes into play. What would be the form of something that remotely deserves your full devotion? Nothing as limiting and unrealiable as money I hope.

Oh, wait, I read it wrong. I thought you talked about Cthulu.
Jesus has a reason for being the way He is. But that's beside the point.

I've given this a lot of thought.
I'd agree that's a fair caveatt, what I meant by supernatural was "things beyond the scope of human attainability," a higher power, since as I said I think putting faith in a man or group leads to bad outcomes. The Jamestown style cults PRETEND to put their faith in a higher power (i.e. "the spaceship that's coming for us"), and that's how the media portrays it (because that's a more clickable story) but in reality these groups are always centered around the one-man leader of it. A cult of personality taken to the farthest psychological extreme.
But your wording of it does come across clearer and more palatable, I think. You're definitely right that "supernatural" contains connotations of magic, and that was not exactly what I meant to imply.

Sounds like your issue is you've seen life from both extremes and refuse to see the middle, what it actually is. To you it's either "life has profound meaning and you should be out there being fucking awesome all the time and solving world hunger" or "it's pointless. Fuck it."

It's neither. You're here. Sometimes it sucks, sometimes it doesn't. Fill your time with people and things that make you happy. If it's video games and a dog, play video games and have a dog. You don't have to be significant or amazing.
Just do you. If you don't like it, you aren't doing you. Go do more things.

You are right. It is a mistake people tend to fall into.
And I knew what you meant by supernatural, I just wanted to use your post to talk about it. I feel it's something people get to some real dumb assumptions thinking religion is magical or some such.

There is no point. I mean you can believe there's a point if you believe in a religion that assigns you a point but otherwise you won't find one. And I'm of course not saying that religions are necessarily right about the point of life.
Do you need a meaning? I think your lack of motivation is probably a lack of chemicals in your brain and the people who you see motivated are just people who happen to have better chemicals in their brain, that make them "happier".

Oh yeah, and here's something nifty I learned on my classes.
The first big sin of the church was Gnosticism and it's ramifications.
Essentially it's the belief that the flesh, or the matter, is evil and the spirit is good. There's this ramification of it that makes people believe that certain knowledge turns a person spiritually superior, making people assume the Church is hiding things and that there's some sort of hidden truth of existence. That's a lie, but a VERY entertaining one. Explains why certain conspiracy theories become real cults and cults gravitate around conspiracies.

Case in point, the Jamestown thing you mentioned. And that's a recent example of something the Church dealt with on First goddamn Century.

there is no meaning, there is no point

this is not depression
this is freedom

The point of life is to better yourself and the environment and people around you. Sitting around playing vidya all day is going to make you feel like shit. Get your ass up, do something productive.

I assumed you did, you made it clear, just thought I"d be equally as clear.
Well now that IS fascinating.