Is it bullshit?

I've seen some argument I don't want to get involved in of a boomer who claims Amazon is the easy solution for employment because they pay more than minimum wage. I'm not very articulate and I'm shit at debate but I feel like that's bullshit otherwise more people would be flocking to these jobs.

Am I justified in thinking that working for Amazon isn't the quick fix the boomers think it is?
Interested in opinions, especially from employees from Amazon, Walmart, Target, Uber, Lyft.

Pic related, it's what started it.

Attached: 30 year old boomer.png (561x126, 14K)

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I mean he's right. It's why so many foreigners come to the west and are fine working in McDonald's as a 50 year old. Without those superfluous expenses they aren't used to anyways that money is enough for them. Can't tell you the untold millions of immigrants sitting around totally satisfied at minimum wage and getting 99c store items, food and thrift clothes.

Cigarettes cost 7$ a day
Beer costs at least 5$
Weed is more expensive

When I was a heavy stoner I could afford rent, food, alcohol and weed all on minimum wage, 3/4 days a week of work.

If you're living in a shit country like the US it's impossible, but not everywhere.

I’m on minimum wage, and i thought my life was doomed. Turns out if live accordingly to my means i can have pretty sweet life. Now I’m in my 30s and i own my own house with almost no debt and i got a car. It’s a small house and just a regular car. But I love my life, and im cutting down on work too so i can do hobbies i like.
I’m good at budgeting and planning ahead. I have more freedom than most of my friends that is chasing careers and big houses etc.

Oh forgot to mention. I don’t live in the US, if that’s your case you’re fucked.

Very few people actually life their entire life on minimum wage. Most people who are paid minimum wage are aged 16-24. Even without any education, having a minimum wage job gets you experience, and experience allows you to get better paying jobs.

If I recall correctly, American supermarkets have an average employee retention rate of 90 days. Barely anyone anymore works their entire life at the same minimum wage store.

Also, the OP's pic is right. I went to some of the best schools of Canada not because my parents were rich, but because my parents were careful planners when it came to money.

Are you in the US? I feel like this isn't possible in Canada since rent has gone through the roof and car insurance costs more than a used car

Without a car I can see how it can be done though

I’m in Scandinavia. Minimum wage get you very far. We have problem with rent going through the roof, but i just found a house in the countryside and bought it. And as I don’t need to stay put for minimum jobs i can can move more freely. I thought canada was similar?

maybe in other provinces, but im near toronto so everything is pretty expensive. you could live off minimum wage, but you wont be able to have a car and youll have to live with 3-5 other people in a house

In my experience the dude is mostly right
I've lived at minimum wage for some time and I was doing ok

Some people I see living with minimum wage or welfare are spending a lot on alcohol, smoking, ordering food, eating out.. and then complain they don't have enough to finish the month

This is boomer lore, the buying power of our wages are significantly lower than the 90s. It is to a point where analysts are finding that wage growth has stopped
And keep this in mind, minimum wage hasn't gone up for ten fucking years. It is unlivable and the longest period in American history minimum wage has not gone up. Frightening in a time where your dollars are worth less than a 1970s wage. And as far as Amazon goes:
Fucking business insider, a pro-capitalist paper talk about employees working 12 hour work days without overtime and having to pee in trash cans because they aren't allowed to use the toilet. Great place to work huh. And Jeff Bezos paid zero in taxes this year

Attached: 1551453601681.jpg (900x900, 81K)

This is an important note to make. Other western countries have better social support that reduce the amount of financial strain on the minimum wage worker.

This user is correct. minimum wage might have meant something 70 years ago, but its stagnated since Reagan's policies. In fact when you couple it with inflation the actual buying power of the minimum wage American has decreased dramatically.

>it's not meant to...
It's meant to compensate you for the value you provide. Anything else is retarded sophistry.
Let's take a look at what my retail job expects from me.
>open availability
I have to structure my life around this job. Any job I get on the side is unstable income that I will eventually have to give up when this one needs me.
>no daily or weekly overtime
If I need more money, I can't work more hours for it either.
>weekly overnight shift.
Saturday, Sunday, Monday are essentially a missing half of my life.
>two hour shift on Saturday to compensate for lack of staffing
Friday night is gone too. If I stay in this job, my strong chance of dying a virgin becomes a certainty
>no merit raises
I'm forklift certified and one of the few people in the store that can order central supplies. At least I can be confident that I won't lose this awful job.

Please find me a high schooler that will do ANY of this shit.

On principle, yes, you have to be smart with your money. Don't buy a Ferrari if you can't afford it but the OP pic is making the assumption that there are no other factors when it comes to financial problems.

What country is the post about. What rate of minimum wage? Most people in the US realize that the minimum wage is not a living wage and it was never created to be a living wage by any means.
Some people do it though.
I sometimes wonder what the minimum income I could live off of if I really tried cutting out all excess spending and just lived bare bones as possible.

The US. Dude's in Texas so minimum wage there is $7.25. Here in California it's $12.

I'd tell OP to avoid the argument. I'm guessing OP or the boomer aren't that educated in economics because most people aren't and even the ones who are are wrong half the time. (See Alan Greenspan).
Right now most people who want jobs are working and most people who are working at amazon are probably looking at leaving. When the economy was weaker like 10 years ago communities were fighting for Amazon to come to town and temp workers were lined up to work there.
I would need some major cutbacks to live off 7.25 an hour. Like, live out of my vehicle cutbacks.

his FACT is false. they call it the minimum wage because thats the least they are gonna pay you to do your job.

the minimum wage hasnt ever been livable in any country. so you have to put in more hours to make a "living wage" the reason is CEO take a big cut off the top middle and lower wage earners have been earning less and less just trying to keep their heads above water. all comes down to tax rates.

you should learn while you earn.

>>while you have job start studying to get better job.

A group of individuals that live together could live off minimum wages. Usually migrant families in the U.S used to have large families and communities of similar migrants that worked minimum wage jobs until they formed together to help their internalized communities.

OP here, yeah, I didn't want to get involved if I don't have enough information on hand, which is why I'm here.

Where do you live?

>the minimum wage is not a living wage and it was never created to be a living wage by any means.
It isn't currently a 'living wage' but was actually created with the intention of being one. Legislators have just failed to preserve that aspect.

>the minimum wage hasnt ever been livable in any country.

My minimum wage is $13.85 an hour and my rent is $820 a month. I would say that is plenty livable.

BC Canada for anyone interested.

>untold millions of immigrants
you are a potato