Why do libraries proliferate whiteness?

And how do we stop them?

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these twitter journalists are enemies to the state

written by sofia leung
doesn't exactly look full chineses

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>continue to proliferate whiteness
Simultaneously admitting the culture of transferable written knowledge is white and implying that it is a problem that it exists purely because of that fact, all while living in a white-founded country. Tiresome.

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She may not look chineses but she look quite dangerous

>Libraries proliferate whiteness
Bigoted alt-right scum larping as a liberal detected.

these people are one step away from burning books

you mean retarded

The beauty of journalism is you can attack bad journalists by just citing the truth.

Instead of giving them what they want (rage, etc) that generates clicks and knee-jerk communist bullshit from the left give them what they don't want - the truth.

>how do we stop them

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Looks like a serial killer. 5/5 would never leave kids alone with.

With memes. This is the original version of that picture.

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Reminds me of doitfagget.jpg

Why are there so many anti-white Asian people? The weebs said they were based

>Why do libraries proliferate whiteness?
Because you have to be quiet in a library.

Because non whites cant read

Burn the books! Tear down the libraries!

replace the books with fried chicken and weed

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Picture books be over there, my nigga

Obviously a bullshit PR scam

Very good.

They overwhelmingly vote democrat. I never understood this. Niggers fucking hate Asians.


They’re looking for any reason to attack libraries. You can tear pages out of book the same way you can remove it from the internet

The anti-white Asians are usually the browner-looking ones.

yo books iz racist n sheeit

nice fashel simetree


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>libraries full of wh*tes are taking up OUR space
>burn books written by white people
>*solar flare EMP event*

this is how a civilization dies

apparently Vietnamese are the exception
make of that what you will

they're negging white people so they can claim their own hapafactory

Her vagina is probably gross purplish brown gooey gash. Also look at that ratio.

>these people are one step away from burning

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that bitches eyes are staring in three different directions, how is that possible? Is she one of those lizards that can focus outta both eyes so they gaze around the jungle like freaks? That is the crookedest faced bitch I have ever seen

this is what racism looks like.

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fuck off with your stupid race baiting nonsense. as if anyone here goes to a library anyway!

Ai yi yi, Dios Mio!
La Ogra de Oriente!

It's pretty obvious to anyone who pays attention these days that the republicans are the white party, and the dems are the colored party. Obviously the republicans are on the shit end of this deal, since they are obviously the losers of this situation in the decades to come. But then again, Republicans don't even really stand for anything at this point. They want exactly what the democrats do, but just at a slightly slower pace. That's literally the only difference between our political parties. The republicans are just democrats with their feet stuck in molasses.

Mas como la puta del baño público.

Black people can't read.

Obama's presidential library that is supposed to be built in Chicago will NOT have any books. There is nothing in the budget or design for books.

It’s probably along the lines of shit like this


Because books are kryptonite to a nigger.

because the girls that get passed over by white soifags are literally stuck with asian guys and it pisses them off

>Taking up space
>In a library
"Dat's where dey bury duh lies."
"Why caints eyes gits on duh internet's?"

>says libraries proliferate whiteness
>suggests whiteness is quantified by reading/writing
>implies niggers can't read/write and shouldn't read/write
>implies Asians shouldn't either

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oh better start burning all the wypipo books then!

this article sent me down the rabbit hole of woke librarians and it's red ice tv for negroes:
>It’s been over a decade since I last visited the African sub-continent, and I’d forgotten how essentially life-giving and invigorating and renewing it can be to spend time in a place where my Black body is the norm and not seen as an anomaly. To be somewhere where everywhere I look, I see faces that look like me and mine.
>The colonizers might have thought they were calling the shots, but the Malawians were definitely getting their own brand of reparations for centuries of the rape, genocide, and enslavement of their people and their land.But, like their cousins whose ancestors survived the Middle Passage and Reconstruction and Jim Crow–all of which are the direct predecessors to what we are now surviving in the police state and industrial prison complex–the Malawians are finding their own way to joy and fulfillment.

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I hate browns.

You know what to do bois

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This pisses me off too much for ironyposting, I absolutely fucking loathe these foreigner pigs who come to our white countries and try to dehumanize us. How are these pigs not immediately deported?

Just like my Chinese cartoons....

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Kikes defanged our legal system with a hundred years of pilpul.

My public library is literally a haven of degenerates who are either homeless, creeps, or have no life.

Why do they still say centuries of colonization?
it was the 1800-1950 at best. Prior to that the whites had a port they controlled while other blacks dragged other blacks to sell.
Unless we are talking about the muslim/arabs. they were there for centuries.

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We need free crayons and more pictures. Less words

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I hear you but the main reason why it doesn’t make sense to me is economically. They immigrate here, many start their own businesses, and often within black areas, and they see these retards getting handouts and fucking up their communities and decide “oookay! i vote riff jamar!”

>"Greetings, Black Man, it is I, the White Man, here to bring you... the library! A tradition carried on by the Arabs, Chinese, Europeans and Ancients, this repository of thought removes the need for rote memorization of ideas and allows for near instantaneous transmission of knowledge, eliminating centuries of trial and error so your people can prosper and grow!"
>"Dat's racist."

This is what I hate; retards like you that sit on your fat ass all day browsing the catalogue and waiting to respond to the OP first. I never get (yous) on this site no matter how hard I try, so getting the first post is important. Is it too much to ask to have a decent conversation with somebody? Imagine being so much of a loser that you actually get off by taking that opportunity away from someone. I'm so god damn sick of you assholes on this board, or this site rather, because it's the same no matter where I go. Enjoy your miserable fucking life, because getting "fpbp" responses is literally all you have in this world. Fuck you, seriously.

Our former Vice President literally said that when whites become the minority in the near future, it will be irreversible
>and that’s a good thing.

Wow what a beauty... I'll never look at a ball of pottery clay the same again.


They're literally seething mad that white people have produced a lot of authors and written a lot of literature

I wonder when they're going to begin unironically considering removing books from print/blocking online access to public archives/throwing away physical copies of books just because they were written by white people

Amerishart education

Reported for racism

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I thought East Asians valued scholarship and books and that kind of thing. Her ancestors would be horrified.

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See The Classics are no longer Homer, Aristotle, etc because “Western Civilization is a construct” , woman gets fired for speaking out about this woke bullshit

Problem is when their ideology becomes the government's ideology, and the government becomes the world government, and giving them the truth becomes illegal everywhere.

People from communist or ex communist countries probably. I vaguely remember something about Cubans being the same.

they will destroy everything, all out of spite

Let's Play: How Much Buzzwords and Anti-Whiteness Can You Cram Into One Shitass Article

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>no link

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>not chinese
abbo inability to google

Start at 45:00


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niggers wont read

>visit negro section

If Trump had any balls he would start executing these people for being traitors for sewing division in our country.

They are conformists, and when they come to the West they conform to the anti-White ruling culture.

Holy shit the cock mongler had a daughter?!



But honestly I can't help agreeing with the nig who said
>And here’s what I have to say about the vision of classics that you’ve outlined: If that is in fact a vision that affirms you in your white supremacy, I want nothing to do with it. I hope the field dies, that you’ve outlined [sic], dies, and that it dies as swiftly as possible!

If the field is this infested with social justice, it needs to burn and be reborn from the ashes

It's actually better if the tweet stays up.

politically sure, but half a billion guns say we don't need to go quietly into that good night

this man accelerates

Military also tends to lean pretty Right. So that's a plus for us should anything stupid happen.

It was a pleasure to burn.

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It's a gamble desu.
Best case:
>Tweet gets reported, Twitter leaves it up
Mid case:
>Tweet doesn't get reported
Worst case:
>Tweet gets reported, Twitter takes it down before people see it

The best case is really good, since it also reveals Twitters bias, which then makes people distrust everything else posted on the site.

Many of the authors of those books ended up here:

Books tell stories.
Stories are written by the winners.
Whites throughout history tend to be the winners.
They basically asking for history to be changed?

>>Be Republican
>>Literally just Israel's bitch and a party of half retarded war mongers
>>Mismanage everything on purpose to make "bipartisan" political theatrics look believable
>>Really the Deep States bitch
>>Be Democrats
>>Party of low IQ niggers and spics
>>Party of half retarded communists
>>Party of literal faggots and unironic dude weed 4/20 morons
>>Party of Jew-wood, drug runners and pedophile human traffickers who use open border immigration as a scheme to make more illicit cash
>>Also the Deep state's bitch

So yea, at this point everything is fucked guys.

If you subscribe to an ideology that leads you to think things like this and you don't question the validity of said ideology, then you are an idiot.

aww, look. the kids are heiling.


libraries promote white supremacy.

They could just start writing...?