My new girlfriend sent me 547 texts while I was asleep, all of which say "I love you...

My new girlfriend sent me 547 texts while I was asleep, all of which say "I love you." I chalk it up to her being in the passionate honeymoon stage and think it's very romantic and sweet, but my siblings say I should break up with her. What does Jow Forums think?

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Nope, that sounds like crazy. Don’t get too involved before you get this confirmed. I’ve had a couple of crazies, it’s really great at first because they will let you do anything sexually. But oh dear gods they will fuck up your life if you get involved. Be careful.

I think you should feel the need to break up, not hear it.

Use a condom and await further red flags. Maybe you are here first bf and she wants to keep you. Still, be alert.

10000% psychotic, run away and do not look back

Captcha tf outta her she's a bot

I have never said this to anyone yet, but seeing as no one will know and you might be dating crazy.
I had a relationship that started out similar to this. She ended up writing shit like; I want you to rape me pregnant, and when we get a girl i want her to lose her virginity to you.
And yes, it escalated from there, but km too ashamed and scared to write it. And i broke it off because i would have panic attacks and she went total nuts and stalked me for a long time making my life hell.
I’m not saying your gf will be like this, but take some precautions

Holy fuck i have the strangest boner reading this.

>And yes, it escalated from there, but km too ashamed and scared to write it.
no, do it

Also consider the possibility of some obscure phone error. Just a thought. These things are fucking shit when it comes to button mistakes.

Have you talked to her about it yet?

I’m ashamed because i did do some of the stuff she asked for. Well, i do know now after therapy that she was manipulating me into fulfilling her sexual kinks caused by abandonment issues and family abuse.
So I’ll leave with this little incident. Remember this was all done with consent from all parties included. She sought out a girl on a bdsm site, that just turned legal (18) and she got us to play dad & daughter. my gf was to be tied up and humiliated, (beaten, peed on and yelled at) until she cried and then watching me do rape-play with this young girl. After my gf would behave like this was just another tuesday, while I would throw up in the bathroom because the intensity made it all to real for me. Just some of the stuff that she got me into. I don’t even feel good sharing this, but maybe it will avert some of you to better handle yourself.

> I want you to rape me pregnant, and when we get a girl i want her to lose her virginity to you.
To be fair, if not for the stalking and depending on context as long as her crazy shit remained a fantasy...

...I mean it's kind of hot on its own desu

That doesn't even sound... I mean alright I'll take your word for it, but out of what you wrote here, none of that, alone, actually sounds wrong enough for you to be throwing up wtf

I was close to 40, maybe that will shed some perspective. Or maybe im just sensitive and don’t get young culture when it comes to sex...

Who cares what your brother thinks? Who cares what Jow Forums thinks? The question is, how do YOU feel about it? If it's weird, you should speak up and tell her to chill. A good healthy relationship involves communication and honesty, and since this is a new relationship, what better way to start it off than by honestly talking with her about things that you feel should be clarified.

Not that my opinion matters here, but it sounds like she may have just been silly and extra. I suppose the truth of it will come from her, so follow up with her and figure it out.

You should have just responded with "ditto"

Sounds like she was just shy of the crazy line. If she had sent 550 texts I'd say she's nuts, but you're in the clear. Or she'll be wearing your face as a mask by next week. It's a coin toss

Not "ok"

At the time? Because that's a decade older than me, but only just.

I guess it depends on the actual intensity of the situation itself which I can't tell. Also, being pissed on is pretty fucking niche/hardcore.

I know normally in BDSM they meme about this after care thing if it was real intense like that. But I've never had sex so actually everything I've just said is completely invalidated.

I mean, is someone getting pissed on something you'd throw up for? That I might get. I've never been particularly disgusted by urine, so I don't know if some people would react like that.

you're a pussy user

I see nothing wrong with this

The worst legal sex things I've read include a necrophiliac morgue attendant who would fuck herself with dead people dicks, the one poor guy at a cosplay con who roleplayed a rape on a girl who was infinitely crazy and a nurse who got surgically and invasively abused during sex. You rate a distant fourth, well done.

Nope, don't EVER stick your dick in crazy user.

Yeah, just another term the fetish freaks have for "trauma bonding". Training their brains to enjoy abuse. Mentally ill. If that's sexpositive just call me negative.

Hey don't feel to bad dude, mine wasn't anywhere near as bad but I had a similar situation with my ex. She was molested by her brother during her parents divorce that was caused by her dad cheating. This led her to be kinda odd kilter when it came to sex. She liked being beat and verbally abused (probably because that's what her brother did to her). I only got a bit into the sadist aspect of it because I have a lot of repressed emotions but because she kept manipulating and breaking up with me I started to get I to a werid zone where I resented her and loved her at the same time which got me to say horrible shit to her in bed and occasionally out when she'd push me.

All that wasn't too bad but the part that fucked me up the most was how after sex she'd grab a box cutter and start trying to cut herself or if I grabbed it out of her hand she'd start beating the fuck out of her head. I should have just left but I cared about her and knew how bad her past was and I let it get a hold of me. But the part that screwed me up the most was I feel like she sought me out because I reminded her of her brother and anytime these episodes of her would happen it always left me feeling like I was the cause of her mental instability.

I'm guessing you have never had sex.

I'm guessing you have never had sex with a mentally stable person

Fuck you user. Marry her.

>My new girlfriend sent me 547 texts while I was asleep, all of which say "I love you."
>She ended up writing shit like; I want you to rape me pregnant, and when we get a girl i want her to lose her virginity to you.

yeah OP break up with the girl who says I love you too much great idea.

what could possibly go wrong

How did you break up user?

Ask questions about her childhood/family life and parents, read up on personality disorders (like bpd npd etc). If she shows any criteria for these or had a troubled childhood or her parents are even just divorced, leave her.


> I want you to rape me pregnant, and when we get a girl i want her to lose her virginity to you.

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Had a friend who was jealous because he falls for any girl that talks to him. She just saw him as a good friend but he'd try to encourage her to break up with me and basically tried telling the rest of my friends that I was pushing her to be crazy and that I was abusive (which didn't help because another friend of ours was beating his gf at around the same time).
She initially broke up with me because of that, and because she kept breaking up with me I became less and less myself because it was the only relationship I've ever been in, eventually because I lost confidence and felt like I had to try so hard to keep her I guess she saw me as pathetic and broke it off with me for good.

She still played me for a bit afterwards and I gave in because I had feelings. I ended up snapping at her and cutting her off when my dad lost his job and she couldn't even give me any support.

Glad she's gone now but I wish we'd never met because that whole thing still has me kinda horrified of being in a relationship again even though I want to be in one.

I know you have never had sex.

I wonder how she is doing now user. And with whom. Sad story.

>547 texts
Is she a programmer by any chance because I've seen folks pull a script to continuously message someone doing this shit

Do you still have her number? I uhhh, wanna make sure I avoid her. Yeah that's it.

All of you guys have stories about submissive crazy girls. Anyone have experience or know about dominant crazy girls?

Is it too much to ask to have my head rest on a woman's thighs while she stroke me head?

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