Posted this on Jow Forums earlier but that board is dead and it’s something vidya-related so might as well

Posted this on Jow Forums earlier but that board is dead and it’s something vidya-related so might as well.

I live in Europe. Didn’t go to college, but I’ve been coding since 15 y/o so I had a solid job for a while that paid really well. But I just can’t work for someone. I always wanted to have my own game studio and I have a crew of 4 people that I’ve been working with on our debut game. I financed the project from my salary, but I had no time to work on it. I coded for 8 hours in the day and that left me too mentally exhausted to work on the game.

So I quit my job yesterday. Should I find a job in retail and work 3 days a week to make just enough to pay rent and feed myself? Or should I focus 100% of my time on the game? I have saved enough money for about 3 months of living.

Attached: 066F90B9-D85A-4912-AA1B-FB478652A0A9.jpg (300x188, 14K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Absolutely nobody:

Not a single soul:

OP: sHouLd I fInD a JoB?

make a website
create a portfolio
advertise your profession
i'm sure some boomer would take you on

Haha, funny twitter meme, user!

>Should I do work to keep living or should I run my savings out over 3 months and regret my life choices
I mean, you're already a failure so whatever

you'll quickly die if you don't have funds
/agdg/ says treat game making as a hobby aside from work

>tfw investing over 50% of my income and on course to retire in my mid-late 30s
>work only 35 hours a week and don't hate my job like most wagies because I didn't choose a shit career path
>have 60+ hours of free time a week because I'm not a moron with time management
>still have tons of money for whatever I want because I am not a moron with money who wastes it on stupid shit
>not depressed because I actually get enough sleep on a consistent schedule, exercise, and eat healthy and natural food instead of processed garbage
LOLing @ both wagies and NEETs

Attached: 1560460715529.png (1280x960, 1.21M)

mods, ban this sperg and make this place better

>Working for a living

Just work for a couple years, build up enough money so you can survive on it for a couple years, quit, repeat. It's the only way to live for me now, couldn't imagine working full-time, I need a long holiday in between.

>Should I find a job in retail and work 3 days a week

I'm trying to do this myself but the recruiter won't take a hint and let me do 3 days.

>"""not depressed"""
>posts on some random /v/ thread to gloat.
>"""LOLing @ both wagies and NEETs"""
No need to larp. Post bank account and physique (with confirmation of course).

here's another twitter meme to compliment yours, you moron.

Attached: Dhn3tHQU8AAg8pR.jpg (438x106, 9K)

fuck off this is a vidya board

Go back. Also HAVE SEX, DILATE, AND NECK YOURSELF ya damn trannie.

Get a job man, the game dev dream is cool and all but super risky and frankly if you want to have even the slightest fucking chance you need far more than 3 months savings. Honestly the best idea is doing it alongside a job until your sure you have an audience, but if you absolutely want to go full time on it you need to have savings for a year or two of constant dev at least. And be aware that if you do fuck it up your basically screwed one or two years of not working isnt exactly what employers are looking for.

Wishing you luck user, and because im curious what is your project and how is it going

>I just can’t work for someone
Kill yourself for being an ADHD autist.

Yes. I work three days a week and have plenty of time and money to fund my lavish lifestyle. I pay a mortgage, have a pet cat, watch lots of hentai. If I can do all that, you can too. Except with making a game instead of jerking off.
Good luck!

Basic priorities user, food and health comes first. Some investiments are just too risky. You ain't a Toby Fox who already had some reputation and lives in the basement of your friend.
This post is extremely low quality.

3 monrhs is not enough for a commercial project


OP here - 3 months for a working concept. People from my old job told me they’re eager to invest if it’s any good. They play games, in their 30s, no gf or any of the sort

>>tfw investing over 50% of my income and on course to retire in my mid-late 30s
>>work only 35 hours a week
You are so fucking full of shit. There is no way you can accomplish that on 35 hours a week. Do you really expect anyone here to believe this nonsense?


Teach English online.
You have 3 months to build clients and then after that you never have to leave your house.
I have been doing this for 4 years. Also haven't gone to college or university.
I'd you are white and or American you will get a job instantly.

You should spend your 20s trying to make a lot of money and socializing(networking). Until you're about 28 and you still want to make video games, then head for it then, not now. You're just gonna wind up a broke old bum if you follow your creative path early in. Look into finding a trade or better your programming skills and find a good career with that. Focus on what makes money now and work towards that. You'll be better off in the long run.

Also you will have plenty of time to do what you want or need to do. I work 5 hours a day and don't work weekends.

You quadruple retard

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How do I become a wagie bros? I need money.

My expenses are about 20-22k a year, I invest everything else in an index fund.

I’m taking my first programming class and I have no idea what these instructions mean. Any help bros?

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Undertale was made in 4 months though, and that was just one person

What about when you're old and don't get no pension money because you've been job hopping all your life?
Nobody wants to hire a 60 year old.

based, gottem!

cringe post

based cringe poster
op btfo

fucking kek

literal scams. how retarded do you have to be thinking anyone will pay out more than what you pay in?

Just invest in growth then switch to dividends as you near the grave

You should have just look for place where
they would let you work 6 hours per day or 3 days per week so you can work on your home project.
I'm wishing you all the best but dropping your work to chase this kind of dream sounds silly. Especially if you consider working at retail as an option.

what about unemployment? you should be able to use that plus what you have to live and get your shit done.

Attached: 1317874650815.png (255x255, 80K)

did you try attending class

It’s a summer class online with no lectures :(

Make a game about your exact situation.
Sounds like a fun challenge.

I mean, how good/important is this game to you?
You don't have to go into any details, I just want a measure of whether you feel this needs to get out the way or will be fulfilling.

>saved money for only 3 months of living
See you on the streets

I know jack shit about programming and I know base whatever.
Base two is binary, decimal is base 10. Meaning you have numerals from 0 to 9, but because there's no numeral for ten, you just make it one-zero, i.e. 10.
For binary, it's the same thing, except it's every 3 numbers. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, etc.
Binary is 0, 1, 10, 11, 100, 110...honestly I don't fucking know how binary goes, but it's like that. When you run out of numerals in the system, you add more.
Base 10 comes from humans adding their fingers together to count. There's also base 8, which comes from some cultures using the spaces between their fingers (also the hutts from star wars use it because they have fewer fingers).
Be less of a retard.

>Undertale was made in 4 months
Everything I've seen online has said it was done over 32 months

this guy has been posting this format in every thread in the last 20 minutes

epic cringe format

op will never recover from this

Thank you user

Don't put all your eggs in one basket user, Assumed the worst and make a back up plan based on that.

Yeah, I already sent my CV to a grocery shop near my place as this thread was unfolding. Thanks everyone.

based cringe fpbp post post

The best no experience/degree well-paying job that you can easily get is waiter. They hire pretty much anyone because you get paid a fraction of minimum wage, so they just hire whoever. For some higher end restaurants you will need some experience, but something like a Denny's, IHOP, etc. you can get with no experience and get good pay then move your way on up (I made about $15-20 an hour as a teen working at IHOP). Although in Europe you may be shit outta luck.