Men who are a virgin after 21, what does this feel like? Does it bother you? And do you feel any stigma

Men who are a virgin after 21, what does this feel like? Does it bother you? And do you feel any stigma.

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i took the blackpill around 19 and no longer care. i openly tell people when asked.

feels meh
doesn't really bother me
not really, I don't give too much if a virgin vibe (I think)
I'm 28 in a week

I don't even mind it. I find people exhausting to be around with.

I'm a 28 KHV.

I used to be pretty jaded, angry, and frustrated all the time. Now I barely feel anything and I'm much happier.

I broke away from all the incel crap because it destroyed a couple of friendships I was had. The beliefs are toxic to yourself and others.

I feel a bit defective as a human being.
What bothers me more is inability to for romantic connection. Never being in relationship makes me feel worse than never having sex.
Not really. People (probably) can't tell unless I talk about girls I have crush on which I talk about with close friends only.

I'm 21 and a KHV
It doesn't really feel like much of anything.
Not especially. I'm a little lonely, but I've got plenty of years left to find someone that I want to have that experience with. I promised myself I'd stay away from that blackpill and incel shit, though.
I don't really feel any stigma from being a virgin, no. Maybe it'd be there if I hung out with dudebros, but I don't. They aren't fun to be around.

27. Never cared enough about sex to pursue it, so the virginity itself is whatever. The fact that no woman has ever been even remotely interested in me feels awful, since I can't even imagine that ever changing.

Lost my virginity at age 23
felt alot better after.

Im 24 now and have had sex with 6 women, they are all at least an 8. I always felt awkward before, but losing my virginity really gave me a confidence boost. I do think loosing it this late makes me play catch-up, just trying to get my numbers up instead of perusing meaningful relationships.

It bothers me because I know I fucked myself. I'd managed to trick myself into thinking I never wanted a gf, a wife, a family, though some bullshit reasoning and chronic masturbation and social isolation.
Now that I'm in my midtwenties, have a regular job and HAVE to go out, socialize, and can't spend all day jerkin it, my brain starts to heal, and I realize I DESPERATELY CRAVE those things, but also I'm no so socially maldeveloped because of my wasted youth I have no idea how, and the chronic masturbation (among other things) stunted my growth so I'm average-looking at best.

Every day practically I think about killing myself--never much more than a pop in the head of the various methods I could do it with, but the lingering thought that persists is "if I do it, maybe, just MAYBE, I'll get a do-over of some kind. I can restart and not make the same mistakes."
It's bullshit reasoning and has no basis in logic, but it is the most seductive of lies.

Its supposed to be destructive, we need more destructive thoughts to gain tractions, so this hell hole of a modern degenerate soceity can be brought to its knees and killed

How big is your dick and how would you rate yourself (purely looks wise)

thanks in advance user

22 years old.

Bothers me more than anything. Problem is I have achieved a lot in other areas of life. I have little problem socializing. I have friends and family who care about me. I am on track to graduate college with good grades. I probably have a promising career ahead of me if I don't implode. Even my friends who are girls say that I'm "attractive" and should have plenty of "admirers".

Yet here I am. 22 and never kissed, never been on a date, never come close. I am at a total loss as to what went wrong in my life. I'm not so much depressed about it as I am just hopeless.

It doesn't bother me that I'm a virgin, it bothers me that society places so much importance on that. I feel the stigma and I always lie to everyone who asks (and it's funny how people ask, I guess I must give virgin vibes or something). The only people who know I'm a virgin are my parents and 2 friends.
In reality I'm celibate (inb4 incel meme) because I'm not sexually attracted to women (though I did pursue 2 women who rejected me but Idk if I would have been able to have sex with them).
I would like to have sex with a man but I have too much pressure from my parents and my religious upbringing to make me afraid to do so.

Same dude, I'm 19 and have been called attractive by my social circle often. However I have kissed with girls, but that was in a club, where its completely dark and everyone is wasted, so I dont think it counts.

It DOES count, that's what makes average people not-kissless. Kissing randos at a dark club where everyone is wasted. Having a girlfriend is not really the norm for young people I think.

Don't take what your friends say seriously, they're friends for a reason, they won't tell you otherwise.

Its fine. I dunno if people confuse my akward silence with aloofe coolness, or if me being a drunkard seems like being extroverted, but anyone except my friends from HS (Who know), everyone just assumes I lost my v-card already.

I am not a KHV though. Had a relationship once, got my dick sucked a few times and once I had my fist completly surrounded by a qt girls pussy, so at least I know that I am not a complete failure

It's entirely possible to be attractive and a virgin if you're male. All you have to be is a gigantic pussy and/or sperg with a fear of initiating.

I look pretty good and am in good shape, but am not tall. So like a 7/10. Dick size: 6.3 inch length 4.3 inch girth (pencil dick).

>4.3 inch girth
nigga, 4.3 inches is the width of my fucking hand.

21, 6'0", slender build, 8/10 face, rugged/metalhead fashion sense, 140 iq. i've french kissed, given an unforgettable fingerbang, got a shitty blowjob/handjob before. i've gotten the dumbass teen love experience over with and i'll know what i'm doing when i finally find someone to actually go all the way with. in the meantime, i'm not actively trying to get laid as i actually hold the act sacred and i'm not into hookups with empty-headed roasties. so it doesn't really bother me, i know better than to base my self worth around whether or not i stuck it in some little piggy yet

I hired pussy desu senpai. I hit 26 and realized if I didn't at least get a hooker I would become a full blown wizard. Escorts are the best thing to ever happen to me, almost bi-monthly I will get a nice girlfriend experience for a night. It made interactions with women a lot easier too, I no longer have to worry about trying to impress them or have sex with them. I always have my escorts

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Sorry I'm not american, I meant:
16cm lenght, 11 cm girth.
I think like 12 cm is average right?

you are confusing girth with width

I don't care. I never tell anyone that I'm a virgin.

God speed user, I'm glad you made it.

That is some quality fruit stacking. You do that OP?

I think most people in this thread can make it. After having sex I realized its not that big a deal. You guys just need to realize that most women are more submissive and initially a bit more shy then men. So if you want to get laid, you should actually approach and introduce yourself. Because the women most likely aren't going to approach even if they are interested.

I lost my virginity years ago but as someone who hasn’t dated in a long time it doesn’t make me feel any better knowing I’ve had sex, I’m still alone

22. I've stopped caring about it 2 years ago. It's not like I have anything to offer. I would probably be toxic, anyway.
Yeah, I feel the stigma. They can go fuck themselves. No resentment, though.

When someone hurls it at me I generally know how they think of me.
That's always a "hi bye " friend after that. Like, "yeah, we banter, but you genuinely believe you're above me. "
It hurts, though. My little sister tells me to just get over it and fuck whatever is offered. I don't know why I'm too pathetic to do that. Every time I go to sleep, I'm painfully aware of this queen size. I can't even focus on anything outside of how bad I want a chick.

Maybe it's just because of how shitty my life is. Lack of sleep from work, undercompensated, unfulfilled ambitions, family fell apart. I think I'm in some weird "4 fs" mode. Fight, flight, freeze, fornicate.

I'm 23 and a virgin. The older I get, the more I feel like keeping it a secret but I'm not really insecure about it either and would tell the truth if asked. I have had girls at my whims before and I will again soon. I was raised christian and my parents and siblings basically dated for the purpose of marriage. So the reason I still haven't had sex is mostly due to shame and guilt. I'm reconsidering my values and the whole "virgin till marriage" thing. My father won't be proud of his son becoming a serial monogomist, but frankly I'm not proud to be his son and its none of his damn business.

25 year old kissless hugless virgin.
To be honest, it's not being a virgin so much the problem as the total callous lack of sympathy other people show.
I feel very afraid to talk about my problems in real life because on the internet people seem to demonize me as a Nazi or some kind of lunatic terrorist or some kind of deformed subhuman.

People make up all sorts of excuses when things aren't very complicated.
Men are promscious and women are picky and look for good looks, money and power.
Today the job market is extremely fucked up, pollution has fucked with our health, wealth inequality is greater than ever and women just aren't monogamous anymore.
It shouldn't be shocking that some men can't get a partner when they don't even have a house.
It is no surprise that in the women's market all the fat women are going to be pair up with the promiscuous unchoosy men.
And with affirmative action women simply don't value a partner who makes a wage equal to them.

I don't know how to solve all these problems but no ones trying to solve them at all.
There is no fucking sympathy at all for the bottom scrapings of men.
I don't want a solution, I don't know a good solution, I just want sympathy.

Why haven't you decided to lose your virginity to an escort yet?

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A lot of virgins are also poorfags

I hate it so fucking much, i don't so it changing anytime soon, so idk...i think about killing myself everyday

forgot to mention i'm 21


Why would being a virgin make you think of killing yourself?

because of the stigma and how it would affect how people treat me and affect my chances of becoming a non virgin

I was a virgin until 22. Yeah, it bothered me. It was great when I finally lost it. However, I hadn't fixed most of my issues at that point and when I was single again I felt just as bad as before. Your life doesn't get magically better when you lose it.

Being celibate is harder after you have actually experienced a good relationship and sex desu, because then you know what you miss.

Sexually frustrated but I don't want to obsess over the v-card because life is not a movie.

Why would anyone ever know unless you tell them?

For a little while it bothered me as I got older but then I realized chasing trying to chase pussy is a waste of time.

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i'd have to act a certain way so they don't sense it off of me

I deserve it because I am average looks and have social anxiety. It indeed bothers me a lot.

>so they don't sense it off of me
This is impossible.

Not really. I am actually leaving a job full of older women and they are all sad I am leaving. Kind of funny that I have never had sex or a gf yet women love me.

I'm 22 and have never kissed or held hands romantically. This is unlikely to ever change. While I would like a girlfriend I don't think I'm capable to trusting a human being that much, and in any case have unbelievably high standards despite being quite unappealing myself. If anyone recognizes this they don't mention it to me.

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I know that feel. All the ladies love me. I have had at least 4 different women say something along the lines of "If I where 30 years younger I would be all over you"

Am I considered a virgin if I was raped by a man when I was 13? Never had sex since

Sounds a lot like me, but my standards are: dont be fat

It's pretty reassuring. Honestly I am still a virgin not really out of choice but kind of. I just have chosen not to put any effort into women and instead focus on my future. It is turning out to pay off a lot. But now I think I need to try to get a gf for real no matter how nervous I am.


t. 52 year old wizard

I had phimosis growing up, and didn't have it fixed, I declined several sexual invitations in my teens.
I declined the sexual invitations of 2 COUNT EM 2 of my crushes growing up, as in 2 different girls at 2 different times, both of them after being rejected by me went and whores themselves out severely, I feel quite guilty that I might have been the reason their self esteem tanked and they whored around, that might just be narcissistic of me to think I was that important to their life choices, but it keeps me up at night
24 now.
The worst part is that I can't know for sure that it was the phimosis that stopped me or that i'm just a huge fucking coward.
Rebecca and Linda I'm sorry, there was nothing wrong with you.

but isn't sex like, supposed to be special?

Prostitution is legal in my country.
I went to an escort when I was 21. I've been using escorts on and off since then, I'm 27 now.
It honestly didn't change much for me.
Back then, crippling depression meant I was undateable anyway. By the time I overcame depression, I was at an age where lack of relationship experience makes me undateable.
So, I would say it doesn't really matter.

Because I can't have one delivered to my door like a goddamn pizza without risking having some cops show up instead. If I had the social acumen to communicate and identify with criminals I would probably be able to get laid normally.

Visit a country where it's legal then, if it's so important for you.

well fuck

Nigger I won't even leave my room for a pizza. You think I'm going to leave the country for some literal whore?

24 here, had two previous catholic girlfriends. the second one gave me head and we would 69 and play "just the tip". But i still feel like i'm a virgin loser.

Doesn't really bother me apart from realizing that relationships don't fulfill me and I can't run from myself, I need to learn to be comfortable being alone before I can benefit a girl in a relationship. also I have no motivation to try for casual sex

If you got the money.
Yeah, why not?
Go fuck some loli pussy in Thailand or some model in Ukraine.
It was easier for me since it's legal in this shithole, but as a depressed shut-in weeb, booking a girl then checking in to a sex hotel was nerve wracking. But I did it.

I can't will myself to do anything like that. I would only have to drive a few hundred miles to Las Vegas, but I haven't even gotten out of bed today. I can only work because my brain understands that we will die if it doesn't let me go.

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fug yer sister

Bro that means the ladies now are all over you now. You should need some help and I'll be glad to help. You can kik me @ myboiaa

Also if anyone else needs help you can message me too

I didn't lose my virginity until I was 26

in retrospect it was no big deal and I wish I didn't spend most of my life worrying about it

i genuinely thought i was a failure so i decided to lower my standards and within 1 week i fucked 3 very fat chicks unironically i at first felt worse because it took such drastic 300lbs of drastic to get me laid but i eventually got over it

Depends, Yes and yes but the biggest itch is not having a family (kids) of my own


@ boys itt
I met a boy who I think is cute and nice and handsome, and I want to tap that but he is a virgin and doesn’t make any moves other than talking to me in a friendly way. I try to flirt but he doesn’t really respond other than just talking about factual things like hobbies and stuff which is fine but I’m wondering if I should be more direct. I’m scared because I’m used to being persued and I also haven’t known him very long. What should I do

Yes you will have to state that x is okay under y circumstances. Such as touching boobs is okay if you're in bed together.

You know the whole story about boiling the frog in the pot of water? You are the pot of water, and you have to slowly turn up the heat. He is the frog. The frog will immediately jump out if you throw them into a boiling pot; he'll probably respond poorly to an all out sexual advance. However if you turn up the heat slowly, the frog won't notice and you can eventually boil the frog. Start out with small things and work your way up. If he pulls back, he's not ready for a sexual relationship and you should give up.

had sex once

what bothers me is the lack of physical but also emotional intimacy, and there is some deep-rooted insecurity over feeling faulty and broken, like what was wrong with me that I ended up this way

it's a lonely thing

Am 21, waiting until marriage.
If you think being a virgin is a negative, then you're a degenerate and part of the problem.

yeah there is, everybody thinks you are immature regardless of what you say. You get looks from people. Thats only if you revealed it though. People take advantage of you to make fun of you and shit.

not a virgin anymore, but was until shortly after my 23rd birthday
I waited for marriage though, so it might not count, whatever
felt good, didn't give it much thought, though it did feel good to not have lost it to some random thot
never saw sex as something to have for the sake of it, so it didn't bother me

>27 year old virgin
I felt pretty bad about it before.
But holy shit I'm older than almost all of you who considered themself 'old' when they lost it.

Oh god.
How do I break the curse? I'm cripplingly socially retarded.

i'm 21 and have had oral and grinding with ex gf but never penetrative sex. i am technically still a virgin right?

I was 27 when I hired a hooker last year. Believe me, sex is nothing. It is such a short and insignificant act you would forget about it by the next day. Getting a flat tyre would affect your life more.

Sex with someone you love and connect with though, I couldn't say. It might be different.

25yr here. Most my sexual activaties were with men. I never fucked a girl yet but I consider myself bi because I'm still attracted women.

guys really aren't having sex nowadays huh

I wish I could hire an escort. Too bad a majority of them don't like black men

This. It's like making slaves aware that they're slaves and a better life is possible. We need to shatter the modern world

Getting laid is something 98.4% of people manage by 25, and most manage it effortlessly. And of the remaining 1.6% most are due to serious mental or physical disability, or for religious reasons.

It doesn't feel good to be part of that 1.6% when you're not religious or deformed. It really, really doesn't.

it's way higher number than 1.6% in western countries i can assure you.

The point still stands that I'm in the vast minority, and it makes me wonder if I'm just fundamentally broken.

Self-esteem is built on a feeling of belonging and of accomplishment, and supposedly it's this which makes you attractive to others (friends in general, not just women). But it's hard to feel worthy if you've never felt affection to begin with.

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You'll lose your virginity in prison then.

>I'm in the vast minority
No you're not, and you especially won't be in the future as women's' unrealistic standards continue to skyrocket

Lost it at 26 during a short relationship. Now that I experienced it and with someone attractive and I cared about (and fucked her raw) and realize that my dating prospects are still shit, it feels really bad. Highest high and lowest low. I really want that feeling back.
Eh still worth it though.

Some days it puts me in the dumps and makes me want to drink a strong drink
Other days it doesn't come to mind
I still hate it deep down inside

25 khv. I get lonely a lot. I dont think about it that much but at my worst i use it as evidence im unlovable or pathetic.
I dont known any girls and have no confidence in any photos i take so i havent done online dating.
My friends say they will help me but they never do and i never get invited to go out.

I dont tell many people but some do react negatively. If i sense pity i will want to avoid them.

My biggest worry is that a girl will find it suspicious or use it to judge me.

and they wonder why nobody fucks them.

People who say this are attractive. I want to hear from someone who is objectively ugly and made it after not having any sexual relations whatsoever.

It rarely happens.

I dont give a shit. I unironicaly dont have the time to get a gf and I only want wholesome white hot passion sex and cuddling as my endgame, so fucking whores or pretending to be a bf till I got laid never interested me. Did I have a chance for it? You bet your ass I did, but I knew I didnt love em enough and itd hurt em so I didnt.

21, male. Who even gives a shit, walk tall, stand tall, groom yourself and be a good dude. Shit will come at its own time, people being obsessed over it got it aaaalll wrong.

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heres another perspective anons:
i had sex for the first time when I was 20. I honestly believe that it was a mistake. Looking back, i was a horrible, manipulative selfish piece of shit who deserved nothing but to be alone. The girl who tried her absolute best to help me act like a human being is one of the most beautiful and kind person i have ever met. It took a bit more than a year for me to run the relationship into the ground, causing great pain to everyone who was involved. I still think of her every day.
Some people are better off alone. I try to distance myself from people nowadays.

Okay thanks for your advice. I guess I will move slowly and try to initiate things. I have this weird mental stigma against initiating because I’m not a dominating person and used to being the person who’s persued by very confident and forward men. He’s confident but maybe trying to be very respectful or something or doesn’t understand my signals. The frog in the water is a good analogy