
Any advice on buying and using these things?

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Best advice to both questions - don't

the only masturbation aids i've found to be fun and also not gross are the tengu eggs. don't re-use them though, that's nasty

Have your tried Fleshlight though?

Hey what's up. I'm Dr. Big C0ck.
In my experience, this is probably the best male sex toy I've ever used:

Among people who have knowledge of male sex toys, fleshlights are generally frowned upon and regarded as inferior. The Japanese have much better male sex toy technology.

Cleaning them is a pain from what i know.

yeah i've tried it, i didn't really enjoy it

Is this single use like the Tenga?

They're okay, it has some benefits like not giving yourself death grip from using a powerlifting grip on your dick. And you can make the lips stick and it's sexy to look at. But as someone who's owned many pocket pussies they are generally all the same desu. A tube with ribs in the same silicone whatever that material is. The pussy lips and assholes are really just cosmetic

No, this one is designed to be used indefinitely. I've had mine for like 5 years now. You just need to wash it and dry it carefully.

Hide it well.

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Bad Dragon. You should probably just get laid instead. Speaking from experience

Just a get gf bro. And if you don't listen to me and get one anyway, the shame you'll feel having to clean your cum out of that plastic vagina over and over, and the work it takes to keep from smelling and mildew, will be enough motivation to get a gf. I speak from experience

>have a box of onaholes I haven’t opened in the past 8 months
>I think one of them is used but I’m too scared to open it
>if I kill myself my family will find it when they come clean out the apartment
There’s no escape

Attached: 75B554D7-8D64-4DCA-8074-4712784834D5.jpg (4032x3024, 1.96M)

>thinks having a gf means you don't masturbate
virgin detected

Get an onahole instead, japanese stuff is cheaper and better
Visit the onahole general on /jp/

>Just a get gf bro
I can't

What? The maintenance on those things is easy as fuck. It's just a fun little sex toy to pull out every now and then, not some replacement for a girlfriend. Why do people always assume it's weird when a guy buys a sex toy?

>The maintenance on those things is easy as fuck.
im guessing you just turn it inside out to wash it? he's probably making shit up and hasn't tried one

Lol are you stupid?
You dont finish inside it, and if you do just wear a rubber.
Cleaning will be done in a minute, add some water and dry it.

Eight years and I still bust a nut, ooh, 6 of 7 days of the week.
It's important and healthy, and builds away from a reliance on sex; it's kind of a sexual independence.

As someone who's both had sex and used those, I can tell you that it comes pretty damn close to the real thing. At least as far as what it feels like on your dick.

The only major downside is that you gotta get it warmed up and lubed up, you can't just shove your dick in when you feel like, much like a real vagina. You gotta like prep it ahead of time like "oh I might be horny 10 minutes from now maybe I should take my fleshlight out". Nothing's worse than a cold fleshlight. Unless you're a would-be necrophiliac I guess.

Also much like a real vagina, a gross disaster will happen if you bust inside of it and don't clean it out. I had forgotten about it for a couple of days and then when I looked inside it was just mold and mushrooms growing out of it.

Also if you live at home or have room mates or whatever you gotta consider the fact that maybe probably someone will see it.

>builds away from a reliance on sex; it's kind of a sexual independence.

>sexual independence

I'm not a virgin incel, I'm sexually independent.

Mushrooms? Really user?

>You dont finish inside it, and if you do just wear a rubber.
what's the fucking point

Wait are there guys who legitimately don't prefer cumming inside of whichever hole/walls 100% of the time?

I've gotten two Flight models from fleshlight.
Wash it out after using it
Use water-based lube
Pat it down with cornstarch powder every now and again

Other than that, they're pretty goddamn nice. Well worth the $50.

I busted a nut in mine a month ago and hid it away wrapped up in a box in my closet, I'm too scared to look at it

Just open it and rinse it out. I've done that before and your cum will be all gross and stinky but they're made of silicon so whatever, just wash it.

Could you tell us the experience? And how much you paid for it?

>Sexual independence
>Masturbates religiously
OK user

Don't buy one. They're pretty awful outside of some part of using them. Cleaning sucks, you have to powder them or they get weird, they need water based lube or you ruin them, and even getting rid of it is risky. Jerking off is a better time to me and costs way less.

It isn't awful or so unrealistic, it's just not worth the hassle.

How different is the hard version?

Everyone ITT are idiots. Fleshlights are amazing and the one in your pic is a good one that I just used the go surge. I have 7 fleshlights and don't regret a single one. I recommend the turbo ignition and madison ivy beyond