Trump already implemented UBI: in Israel

>Yang wants to give everyone in the USA 1000 dollars in the form of UBI by having it replace the current welfare system
>Kids under 18 don't qualify, so no incentive for nigs to shit out kids
>Only helps those willing to work, 12k enough is not enough to leech the system.
Replacing the bloated welfare system will mean it costs less in the long run
>MIGApedes scream and cry it's socialism, it will destroy the country, etc
But wait!
>Trump gives Israel 38 billion dollars in the new budget
>Israel is a country of 6.5 million jews.
>That's 5,846 dollars per person!

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Based gif

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>5000 dollars which goes to the MIC over 10 years is equal to 1000 dollars a month

Lmao Yang is still at one percent

3% and rising. Get BTFO, boomer

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This is Jow Forums, and it's for Right-Wingers. No Leftists Allowed, That includes the Yang Gang and Discord Pedo Commies. Go Back To Fucking Discord.



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How much is going to 10 years of wall construction?

>Implying that supporting Yang makes me a leftist and not just a dude looking for some neetbux

Wanting free money makes you a leech. Get a job, faggot.

NEETs=Millennials who don't want to work and leech off of their parents

Gotta pay those taxes so we can give Israelis more money! MIGA!

Better my mommy give it to me than the jews

But pol is national socialists, and the Nazis were leftists

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>>Only helps those willing to work, 12k enough is not enough to leech the system.
Itll still be a massive drain
Also, paid shills to promote himself here
Uploading evidence means getting banned by a content filter for 2 weeks
So yeah by this point who cares what he thinks, he's just another subversive cunt who cannot be trusted

Does Being a Leftist make you a SJW, S O Y B O Y, Triggered Snowflake?

This is a Leftist?

If Jow Forums is national socialist and the Nazis were Leftist, How can they Meme if the Left Can't Meme?

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Hey leftypol

lol nice gif

from mexico? 0

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If the Nazis Were Leftists, I Bet that Hitler had a S O Y F A C E

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This is Jow Forums, and it's for Israelis. Soon your anal cavity will be too. Shut up and bend over.

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Fuck off moron