Am I a bad person if i've posted offensive shit on Jow Forums when I was a teenager?

Am I a bad person if i've posted offensive shit on Jow Forums when I was a teenager?

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Noone gives a fuck user. Continue your life

I give a fuck though. I've since calmed down but I can't get rid of this pervading guilt.

we're all probably on some Big Brother watch list right now anyway so there's no use for your worrying about what is inevitable.

See you in the gulag mate. Hope your senpai makes it out alive one day

You're joking but i'm unironically afraid of my old Jow Forums posts being publicly released under my name.

To clarify, I don't think i've ever typed anything too extreme or unironically wished harm on someone else, it's just the usual immature banter (calling people faggot and nigger) a 15-16 would use on the site, but it doesn't reflect well on me and I wish I hadn't done it.

I still post it because I mean it, and I'm 30.

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You're literally posting under the name "Anonymous", unless you tripfagged and used an alias that's associated with your name then you'll be fine.

If people on Jow Forums could be traced back to the things they posted, Jow Forums wouldn't be what it is today for as long as it has existed.

Everyone on Jow Forums has said stupid stuff like that, and most people have said something to some extent when they're talking shit in a game or some other setting. You come to terms that you've already done it and it can't be changed, but you're a different person and don't do that anymore. Worrying and feeling guilty won't change anything or make it better.

Like I said, you under-estimate the powers of the NSA. All your data is being recorded from your ISP and that ISP knows which computer transmitted that data, what time, which OS user, all sorts of data. It can easily be traced back to you.

We have all been exposed already, just not to the general public. They already know and have plans for people like us. See you in the gulag and hope their blacklist won't have them torturing you for your beliefs. If you need any more proof, read the book, "Gulag Archipelago" to see what an over-reaching government entity can do to innocent people. Good luck bro. Should have used a VPN.

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Now you're just being paranoid. There are people who have done way worse things on this site, like announcing that they hate a certain race, shouting all sorts of profanities, or literally posting co-ordinates to their murder victims. The NSA has way more stuff to deal with than someone who posted a few fairly mild profanities years ago and hasn't since; all of Jow Forums is more likely to be targeted than you.

Seriously, ask yourself - why would they bother pursuing you?

That guy isn’t me. I’m OP

just do a little community service, like one a week or once a month or something.

I legitimately hate kikes and niggers, and actually hold conviction to my beliefs.
Don't want to start a pissing contest, though, but we are all on a watchlist somewhere.

We are, but some are more notorious than others - you're probably *more* likely to stick out if you haven't said anything extremist at some point.

Google might be in a position to do that, but nothing you said is worth blowing their surveillance system over.
If it got leaked to a news agency, how would anyone even prove it was you?
A bunch of random shit posted here with claims that it was you doesn't mean it was you and nobody can prove it was.
It is meaningless to fear this stuff.
If it was Twitter or Facebook, then sure.

I am an extremist, but IRL I'm just a regular dude who wants to hold down a job.
2015 fugee crisis was my spark, but I lurked since I was a kid. Found this place through newgrounds and habbo. Jow Forums is a shill infested shitshow and I don't visit much, I've relegated my boards to living essentials like /ck/ and /diy/.
I don't want to hate anybody, I just got flooded by violent foreigners I grew to hate through exposure.
Also, I do believe the whole planet is run by a few dozen pedophiles in high places, the lgbt being their primary recruitment drive.
The redpills just stacked up and clicked for me, I honestly wish I wasn't lost like this, but my world is fucked.

Like I said, deeply under-estimate the amount of data they have collected from you. NSA has their hands on everything internet-wise. Who's to say they won't collect come the time from companies such as Microsoft, Google, Youtube, Facebook, Google/Android, Apple. We're more integrated into these platforms than we think and one little slip a couple years ago ties all your internet activity together. Short of going full-paranoid, VPN/Tor mode, you already exposed yourself here. Just filling up the Google Captcha with securing your web browser when you post already made sure of that.

People were sent to the gulags up until recent history and it were people who never thought they would be caught. What more today with all this tech running in the backround? You don't even get to delete any data you send to their servers without legal precedence even these days and even at that, is wholly rare to begin with.

While this may be true- things like "blending and getting lost in a sea of data"- you have already been categorized and placed in watchlists. These days there is no anonymity at all.

You aren't wrong. But you are wrong if you think you are safe from your past deeds and what content/data you've posted before. It doesn't matter if it were in the past or if you "didn't mean to" post it. You've been placed under categories only Big Brother knows and come time, will be sent to the appropriate containment zones for not being allies with "The Party." It's only a matter of time. Prisoners of war in containment camps have existed all throughout time and it's a frightening thought that they existed in the not-so-distant past and even today- it should wake you up more that these tech giants have just made it far easier to find "dissidents" today. Its the same old shit, just with cellphones and computers. Prepare yourself and don't say you have not been warned.

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I really could not care less if I'm on some watchlist. So what? I've done nothing worthy of being sent to a gulag or jailed for life. Sure, I've said or searched for a few questionable things, but if I was going to be arrested for my actions I think it would've happened by now
>not being on a watchlist

Yeah, it may not be right now. But it could be within the next couple of years- come the right political party to come into play.

That's the thing right? You may think you've done nothing wrong. You may think you did nothing to anger them. It doesn't matter. You've been categorically placed under an appropriate label with computer-guided precision. With data that will be withheld for years until used at their discretion and knowledge alone. Such was the case in Russia.

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Holy mother of tinfoil paranoia

Fine, let them. I'll kill them or die trying. Who the fuck cares? I got teeth, I got nails, I can bloody a fuckin' snowbitch before he gulags my family. Forceful takeovers can eat ass, they'd better bring fucking explosives to my house because I'll deadass chew the neck off any wannabe-kikes that come thinking they can use force to make me obey.

It's not like suicide is far off for any of us. Is it really so crazy to imagine we'd fucking snap if the government did a shiggy diggy and became bitchly enough to try and forcefully take over or privately police peoples' lives?

yah nah m8 you fookin step ere an i'll nip ya m8

Is it really? When your own phone's microphone is constantly operational because a certain app is recording local conversations and sounds? When your "smarthome" device records and with algorithms best decide how to create a digital footprint of you as a user? When certain websites track your mouse movements over certain visual devices and what recorded history your browser contains in order to better try to formulate a digital identity of yourself in their platform? When major metropolitan airports in the USA have started implementing facial-recognition software that seems so highly-familiar, akin to Facebook ghastly face-tracking devices in tagging photos feature?

Is it that hard to grasp? I don't believe so. You just have to be careful about what content you show to these companies because you don't know who to trust and who THEY trust with your data.

nooo dude don't worry, people do stupid mean shit all of the time when theyre younger. you sound like you regret it and are a good person now so everything is all good.


It's childish, but it's not really that different from having a messy bedroom or bad hygiene when you're younger.

No also keep in mind the written word is often colder than spoken. I also think it is easy to forget the words you see online actually came from a real human bean. So you treat people online more like thoughts than like people. At least it is something that can happen from time to time.

Of course not, you retard