My boyfriend won't talk/text me unless I initiate it...

My boyfriend won't talk/text me unless I initiate it. I've brought this up to him many times in the past couple months and he only seems to listen for a day, then he goes back to the same behavior. We just went a week without talking because I didn't text him. He's my first bf, he tells me that all guys are like this, I don't know if I'm just being crazy, please tell me Jow Forums

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>he tells me that all guys are like this


You're a virgin. Not all guys are like this and he sucks as a human being. Dump him sis.

>he tells me that all guys are like this
what a terrible lie

So what? Texts mean nothing, all that matters is how you two treat each other in person!

I just wanted to add this, it seems like he just doesn't pick up on me wanting to talk to him

Is it a majority then? I just have no idea

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End your life.
You never had a GF/BF before you incel.
Have Sex.

>Is it a majority then?

Probably still no. Some guys are the opposite.

End your life or have sex? Which one would you prefer I do?

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You sound mad as shit! I have a girlfriend and we long since established texting doesn't matter, its just a way we keep in contact when away.

It's because I never had one before.
I had only one BF, but he was too much of a Normie.
I think you'll like him, but ever since that day, I never felt the spark again.

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How long has it been? The spark takes time to reignite

Well nope, it isnt normal. I do love to wake up to a good morning text.

And do initiate convos as well, your bf is lying.

Two years.

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He sounds weird. Also, no. Guys don't stop texting their girlfriends like him.

That is exactly how long it took me to finally find my footing. Keep making an effort and you will find love.

Oh hate to admit!
That was the first time I ever fell in love.

Here man, my first time falling in love I was 17, I fell in love with a 27 year old woman. Obviously it was unrequited love, she turned me down hard once I finally admitted my feelings for her, but I am glad I did because she taught me a valuable lesson about how to act aloof around women.

The second time I fell in love was 2 years and 9 months later, I was 19, and that was the start of my current and happiest relationship ever. I used the wisdom she passed onto me, I kept level headed and cool and didn't repeat a single mistake I learnt the first time around, and now I am happier than ever.

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Yeah, can i have those lessons. For a friend..

This is a str8 lie. Your man is ghosting you. When 99% of dudes are into a girl they are the initiators of texting. More than that, I'd crawl through a mile of barbed wire just to get some happy responses from a girl via text. But your man is just actively ghosting you? I would shop around again. Remember: you always have the option to leave and it is harder for him to get another gf than it is for you to get another bf

I'll admit, first time was very rough. My current girlfriend is my age, I just hung around the wrong people at 17.

Hes ghosting you my friend. He probably stopped caring abt you or never did. Guys dont dl this at ALL, not to their friends amd much less to their gfs. Hes just not interested on you. Drop him like a sack of potatoes

Don't over think anything, always assume the most simple and reasonable outcome, keep level headed and aloof, and most importantly just trust her. She may cheat, or be unfaithful, but you will inevitably find out, so don't get worked up about finding out.

You really just have to put all your trust in her, and with time, she will do the same to you too.
I suppose, over thinking things is the cause of most problems.

My bf and I were furries, im not one anymore, but we kinda loved watching Bojack Horseman.
I know shit taste, but it's something that we both related too, I was the horse, he was the dog.

Now, since we are gone, I can't really watch it without thinking about him.

I watched Gavin and Stacy during my little honeymoon stage with my gf.
Everyone has their little show or song they bonded over, you'll get over it eventually, don't worry

My problems isnt with trust, it is with turning a platonic relationship into a romantic one.

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Oh! I suppose your best bet is to be more obvious, invite them on dates, be obvious with your intentions and just see how they respond!

Thats not normal at all. Most guys I've been with are happy to text first. The ones that dont like texting will still message or call to set up dates and stuff. Without more info, id say at best hes not interested in you at worst youre his sidepiece.

Not really hepful to my sorry ass but thanks for the suggestion..


I have no idea how to materialise what you said to reality. I am in my late 20s and except for one pitiful coffee date via tinder i never had a date.

I actually can talk to people for days on end but seem to fuck up to turn it into sth romantic. Thats why i doubt your suggestion is helpful to me..

Okay, let's try and figure this out then. Can you give me more context about a woman you are close to and want to date?
What your relationship with her is, what is acceptable for you to say to her, and how long you've known her?

yall should make a seperate thread desu

Gee almost like different people have different habits huh? I don't text anyone ever. If I need to talk to someone I will call them or better yet stop by and talk to them in person if at all possible.

Stop trying to change him and just accept the way he is OP.

And essentially make another "how to get a gf?" Thread? Here is fine and i think might zhow OP some people just text too much. That some people being me.

There is really not an actual someone at the moment, a few i talk to which i am afraid i might messaging too much already. I am pretty sure i messed my chances a few times because of that.
I act too invested too fast, cant act aloof for shit and probably have a problem with infatuation.

I read here a lot how your SO is supposed to be your best friend who you also have sex with and that just boggles my mind. There is no way i see that happening for me for example. I usually just try to get to know people for a while before settling my aquiantence status with them. This seems to work fine with guys but i just turn into an idiot if i decide when it isa girl that i like..

He isn't calling me or seeing me either. Like I mentioned we just went a week without talking at all. We are on summer break for college, he lives a half hour away but hasn't wanted to visit when I asked. I understand this is how he is but I just didn't know if this was how all guys tend to be

That's why you should actually get to know people before you start dating them. I knew my girlfriend for 5 months before I asked her out and I was interested since day 1. I spent all that time getting to know her and making sure that we were a good match.

I'm kind of like this. Texting is sort of awkward. If a girl I'm with wants / needs more reassurance I wouldn't have a problem shooting off the occasional text like "good morning" or "hope you're having a good day" or whatever but I'm talking to a girl rn and I haven't texted her at all all week.

We're not in a relationship and we've agreed to meet up probably this weekend, so wtf would I even say? I'd rather just spend time with them in person. I'm pretty excited and I think she is too.

All people are different, it doesn't make him terrible. If he doesn't ever initiate contact that's probably not a great sign but just not being overly texty isn't a bad sign on it's own I don't think. Like he should still be trying to set up plans with you and shit.

Thank you for all of your replies, I appreciate the different viewpoints

Nah, your boyfriend just sounds like a bit of a dick.