I took lsd with my friend a few days ago at a concert. His wife and another couple were there too...

I took lsd with my friend a few days ago at a concert. His wife and another couple were there too. He went on a tirade and kind of started insulting everyone. He accused me of being in love with his wife and I didn’t know what to say because I was, you know, tripping on acid. It’s not how I feel at all. Not even fucking close. However, he started telling everyone how this was the case, totally humiliating me, and saying how he just lost his best friend. I said nothing at all after that, even for the 5 hour drive back home. They all just ignored me for the most part after that. I feel totally humiliated and I absolutely am crushed because I feel like I lost my best friend over absolutely nothing. I am completely having a mental breakdown essentially and don’t know how to approach him or what to do. Please help.

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Your ex best friend is a fucking asshole, fuck him

Also the other couple was his wife’s brother and his girlfriend, which makes things even more humiliating and worse. I thought the best thing to do was say nothing at the time. I was so humiliated.

I’ve known him for 6 years. All of my
Adult life. But man, the things he said after that were even worse. He knew I was nervous about 5th wheeling and tried to rub it in my face after that. I know he was an asshole but I still want to be his friend. I love him like a brother.

Your friend needs therapy. I'm having trouble imagining this scenario but that really sucks. I've had some misunderstandings on psychedelic drugs but they got hashed out and fixed during the trip mostly. This sounds really terrible and it seems like your friend has some deep rooted fears about his wife. Approach it with him with that in mind - I don't know if you can fully get over something that rough but if you can get him to talk you can at least help him and know that you tried to help this person

The previous night we talked about how I could fix my self confidence issues and he kept saying how “it all makes sense now” because of that. I wish so bad I’d have said something then, but I was so humiliated and uncomfortable that I didn’t know what to say. I don’t know if he needs help, but I do now for sure. I can’t tell you how absolutely fucking traumatized I am.

Was he on acid as well? It does that shit to me too. I get mad paranoid and caveman and aggressive if my woman is around because my mind is fraying and it feels like those around me are trying to pounce on me in my state of weakness and take advantage of me, and my wife can see the posessiveness and weakness in me in these moments and she is rightfully disgusted and this other suitable male is keeping his cool and even coraling me (?!) so i get more frustrated and aggressive because my mind is broken by my own hand and degeneracy and I can't control myself or the situation so I lash out with whatever falls out of the garbage pail of thoughts I can muster in a desperate attempt to keep my manhood intact.

We were both on 3 tabs of acid.

stop doing LSD.
you didnt need him as a friend anyway if he was this petty.

best thing to do is nothing.

I don’t do lsd. That was my first time in 3 years. And I refuse to just give up on my friendship with him.

This person sounds off the rails, you should know when taking lsd the energy around you really seeps in. You are going to feel awful for months. This person clearly does not love you. In one of the most spiritual states you can be in he belittled you over insecurities he had. This story was enough to make me shudder. You sound weak, like you need other people to keep going. You dont. Work on yourself and why you would want to apologize to such a terrible person. Loosing someone is hard especially when they have been around a while, but you have a energy demon in ur life bud

He will do this again. you came here for opinions but are dismissing all of them.

He was weak; fuck him. Not your fault he can't handle his drugs.

Why didn't you just say "Uhh I'm not in love, chill". What the hell dude. Either way, your best friend probably got paranoid from the LSD, maybe he has some psychosis too.

I am the one that was too weak to say anything. After I got the vibe that he was thinking that, before he blew up on me to his wifes brother, I walked away from all of them and stumbled around for 1 hour completely dehydrated and so weak and pathetic I couldnt even ask anyone for water. Thats how weak and pathetic I was.

Well everybody reacts to it differently. Some people take it like a champ, some people fall to bits and are easily thrown off kilter like you and your buddy.
The only thing for it is to visit, or probably better to ring him, then calmly and politely address it and ask him to explain himself. If he can't, then tell him to take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut and get on with your life. No room, time, or need for bottom feeders and other scumbags in your life.

>In one of the most spiritual states you can be in he belittled you over insecurities he had.
This alone is reason to end the friendship forever.

>don’t know how to approach him or what to do

How about
>Hey, I know we were all tripping, but you were way out of line at that concert. The LSD is no excuse. You owe everyone, and especially me, a huge, well thought out apology. We've been close friends for a long time. But until you get your shit together and make this right, I don't want anything to do with you.

i've had a similiar thing happen where this friend who i've been basically best friends with at that point started yelling at me really loudly after i kept interrupting him to say something. he called me all sorts of names and was very , very mean to me during the whole train ride back home. for like 30 minutes he was just angry. i never looked at him the same and could never bring myself to trust him. this guy probably has similiar anger issues. if he doesn't say i'm sorry or anything he's a fucking dick OP there was nothing you did to deserve that and you should reconsider your friendship with this person

can you normalfags just fuck off already?

YEah what a fucking Scziood piece of shit. Reminds me of an old friend. Anyways causing drama, always thinking shit. Text him and tell him that you Never seen anyone act so childish and embarrisng. Tell him nothing he said was true. And you’ll be taking him to court for slander (you can do this in the states) he can eat shit

No it’s done. Tell him to fuck himself. You can’t go back. He secretly this whole time truly believes you love his wife. He never seen you as much as a friend as you did

You’re a pushover

Yeah like I said you’re a pushover, timid fuck. I really hate this saying but grow a fuckinf pair dude. Couldn’t even ask for
Water ? You’re a timid man who needs an asshole as a friend to keep your
Going. Find better friends

You know op is too much of a pussy to say this

Doing what your friend did to you while you were on acid is highly manipulating and bad. Dump him, this is no friend. You cannot trust such a person.
But if I were you I'd tell him that he isn't right and that he acted like an enemy and not like a friend. (And he's a schizo.)

your "friend" is an asshole. fuck his wife.

>fuck his wife
that's what caused this all to begin with user

You should clear that up, he said those things cause he feels deep down they are true. Talk to him calmly and make clear that you want other things and that this is bad and retarded and he owes you a fucking apology for that.
Be assertive, OP.

What if OP really does love his friend's wife?

In these types of threads the OP usually gets positive reinforcement because you're only hearing things from their side.

Would it have been out of line for his friend to have went off if he was right about his suspicions?

>Bloke is a pushover because he won't listen to some dude on the internet telling him to can a 6 year relationship over one incident