1. Are profiles like this legit pay-for-play, scams, or honeypots?

1. Are profiles like this legit pay-for-play, scams, or honeypots?

2. Why are so many girls on this thing so wholesome?

P.S. There are so many Tinder threads. Why isn't there a Tinder general?

Attached: Screenshot_20190617-182049.png (1080x2220, 1.16M)

I guess this could also be a whore/tinderwhore general

Attached: Screenshot_20190615-182118.png (1080x2220, 762K)

1.) The way that reads says its most likely a bot or an extremely elaborate inside joke

2.) Not many of them are actually

1. Going with bot then, seen ~8 of these in the last two weeks

2. Yeah, but they present themselves as being so wholesome as to be above my maximum bar. Horseriding and churchgoing and shit. Literally 80% of what I swiped left on today had "god" in the first 5 words. Is it just my region?

> Horseriding and churchgoing and shit

Ok? I can spend like 50-60 bucks to ride a horse and have a friend take a picture of it. Unless you're looking for a real relationship, fake it till you make it, senpai.

Also general tips for anyone who's trying to score on tinder, flings or paid

I don't even have the balls to install the app, I'd feel so dirty.

>Unless you're looking for a real relationship, fake it till you make it
Yeah, I'm not, and I'm not looking for anyone who's acting like they are either

lmao. do you teach sunday school with that mouth?

if you really wanna be ruthless, pretend you want one then leave when you get the cheeks.

Fuck that

I don't want girls who are wholesome, I don't what girls who feel the need to act wholesome, and I don't want girls who want guys who expect them to be wholesome.

I hate all this bullshit pretense. I want a girl who's willing to be straight up about what she wants, and what she wants to not be a husband or a family, because I don't want a wife or kids and I'm not gonna waste life pretending I do.

...so you can probably imagine part of why I'm asking about prostitutes.

That said are you guys actually saying NO girl will accept a fling unless she's being lied to about being with a future husband?

Girls play hard to get if you aren't Chad
They have dozens of guys bombarding her if she isn't very selective

unfortunately that's not how these things work, my young padawaan.

I don't think you know what wholesome means

I had to quit Tinder, i live in a less populated area so 90% of the profiles was bots. The ones that wasn’t and i matched with was more than pleasant, only one bad date in the bunch. A girl who was fat and racist, lol

I feel you man, plus I dont feel comfortable with going out with random literally who women.
Also I heard 80/20 rule is really cruel on here

>80/20 rule
what's this?

80/20= 20% of men get 80 % of women

I've had it for one week and haven't had any matches
is this normal or am i just too ugly?

I love how this law is applicable to so many things, and is mostly true.

Normal :/

Still, try mixing stuff up with pics & bio. Guys here talk about it like a formula and once you find the right recipe supposedly it gets much better.

I've had guys accuse my profile of being a bot, even when i message them and clearly have a conversation. I even called one on the phone and he still thought i was a "bot". what the fuck are bots and why do they exist? why are men terrified of them? what do they do?

Fake profiles that are used to either scam men into CC details or accuse people of being pedos. It's all just crime shit. I for one enjoy bots because sometimes they have people working them and if you call them out just right you can get a response.

It’s not only that they think you are bot. I know guys who will flag you if you are attractive. As like some sort of...punishment? Or jealousy. I never really understood why.

its been like 3 years since i set up my profile and im locked up now but i think it was something like

>1 pic of you hanging out
>1 pic of you with friends
>rest of pics of you doing stuff you like

no shirtless mirror selfies, no selfies at all if you can avoid it, avoid fishing pics, no pics with guns unless you REALLY like guns/hunting and your profile needs some substance unless youre 10/10

also double dip in tinder and bumble and whatever other apps they have now.

gl boys and dont be afraid to fail

flag? i just don't understand it. men are retarded.
well, okay, so how does someone "look like a bot"? why do these guys think i'm a bot?
>also double dip in tinder and bumble and whatever other apps they have now.
is bumble any good? neither app works on my phone so i've been using tinder desktop, but i think the men there are retarded. my phone is really old and i think they stopped supporting my os or something...

>men are retarded
Not necessarily. Women can be just as "stupid", the kind of stupid that makes you vindictive and insecure because you envy others's well being.

It's not that hard to grasp. It's most likely because you seem too good to be true, and the fact you're making such naïve commentary on the situation probably exemplifies an observation that you're probably not the brightest bulb.

Just shut up and date me already you aloof thing!

The men on tinder arent retarded btw, but they might desperate or jaded. The ratio of swiping to matching is abysmally low. And it even goes lower and lower each step.

So people question the gift horse. Because it feels unrealistic. This is assuming there isnt sth wrong with them or you..

bumble is higher quality (in women at least) in my experience theres hinge too thats supposed to be even better.

also get a new phone

its a numbers thing. blow all your swipes every day. you might get 0 swipes one week and 10+ the next. keep that up for a few months and youll have a pool of girls to fuck up with

What's with so many people getting "locked" or "banned" on tinder?

dont know, i havent used it in a year
you usually only get banned for saying stupid shit though

Bio advice for dudes? Torn between trying to get a laugh, being earnest about what I'm looking for, or shitposting.

Currently it's more minimal, descriptive, and honest about how weird I am (which is probably obvious from my pictures).

I put “i play guitar. I write songs. I put ketchup on my spaghetti. Fight me”

to be clear, I'm a guy who needs some sort of interesting/engaging bio for the few who may get past my pics, because looks alone won't cut it yet

1. Is it true (do you play?)
2. Has it worked?