I’m female and I don’t wear dresses. My mom says that it’s something scary...

I’m female and I don’t wear dresses. My mom says that it’s something scary, constantly trying to encourage me to wear dresses. I feel bad, but do not want to wear ones because it feels too normie for me. What do?
Honestly this her “this is something scary” sounded really disturbing. Need to mention that I’m not tranny or something, I don’t deal with disphoria, I just like those for aesthetic and also because it stands out mostly.

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>but do not want to wear ones because it feels too normie for me

What are you on about? Women hardly ever wear dresses anymore. Whatever you wear is probably a lot more normie than dresses. Either way do whatever you want. What are you even asking advice for? Go away.

Show us your body and we’ll tell you whether you should bother with dresses.

Idk, just wanted to hear what people think on this. I feel pretty upset and uncomfortable now.

I live in pretty conservative area, dresses are normie here.

Post body or fuck off.

Dude, this issue has nothing to do with what do I look like

not him, but yes, it likely does.

do you dress in clothes that have no shape or conceal at first glance that you are grill?

like baggy male type jeans and oversized flannels?

Not really, skinny jeans and oversized tees (trying to follow this 90s trend sorta, this is supposed to look pretty feminine). but I don’t shave legs, idk just for the sake of being against.

It absolutely does you retard. You came on the internet seeking gratification for your choice and attempt to be “different” but act offended when you’re told to show your body. The way your body looks dictates the answer you’ll receive, just like a dude with skinny-ass legs asking if he should wear a certain type of pants.

So you’re anti-conformist at a time when anti-conformity is the norm? Wow, look at you, girl.

Here’s a tip. Stop dressing for or against something. Dress to look good, quit worrying about what is “in” and “out” and dress in what looks best on you.

Dude, I’m asking for psychological advice, not fashion one. I’m content with what I look like, I just don’t know how to deal with anxiety that my mom’s reaction gives me. No need to be like this

>I’m female
Hey, got kik?

>psychological advice about dressing
Jesus Christ, fucking women.

ok, so nothing obviously engendering, like vneck tshirts or slim fit blouses.or short dresses designed for jeans. no shorty-shorts either, especially if not a shaver. None of that shit in your closet.

Look, do whatever you want. It doesn't matter what other people think about how you dress until you start actually interacting with them and realise no matter how unfair it is, people treat you the way they do based on what they think about how you look. So do what you want, there's no moral problem here or anything.

Your mom was, in her own inarticulate way, probably just trying to warn you of that judgement. Especially if you've made her feel bad before for buying you dresses that you refuse to wear.

Post your tinder profile and bank balance

>asks for body photos of random women on the internet

jesus christ men are cringe

>go on Turkish bathmat distribution site for petty advice and attention
>get angry when you receive petty advice and attention
Get bent, hair-whale.

Here’s some advice. Shave those Brillo pads you call legs, dyke.

>nothing obviously engendering
I def do not want to look sexy or appealing, even if I dress more feminine I’d rather like to look less of sexy and more of fancy

like i said, i dunno why you are acting so threatened by that, but you can do what you want, you don't need to be sexy or fancy.

your anxiety is more likely that you somewhere inside you know that there is probably something to what your mom is saying but because you're okay with your status quo right now, you are also afraid to explore it.

Ayy my mom says the same thing! I'm a dyke tho so that's my scapegoat

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Dude, there’s important thing. My mom is pretty religious. A while ago she took from somewhere that it’s sorta sinful for a woman to be alike to men wearing pants included. I guess partly she wants to get me into wearing dresses because of this, and actually this actual thing makes me refusing to dress like that.

Every sjw has an excuse related to their family and some kind of "emotional distress." How about this: Take responsibility for your own life and stop blaming others for your feelings and insecurities.

This. Get over yourself you uggo muff diver.

Just tell her to fuck off. Not hard.

there are dresses for every body type, fucking retard

lol yes it does. Its like if Shamu asked me 'should I wear yoga pants?' I'd say fuck no but if Liv Tyler asked me wellllll

>actually believing this
Either you're a hambeast in denial or a white knight faggot with a harpoon hidden up your ass.

lol ur 2 edgy 4 me
not even op but you keep going
it's turning me on

>28 replies
>12 posters

the state of men these days
tough online, weak in reality

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I bet the only thing that can turn you on is shoving a vintage lightbulb up that pork pie you call a cunt, snatch-scratcher.

At least we shave, Grimace.

If you think women have a hive mentality on Jow Forums, maybe you should go back to Tumblr where original thought gets attacked on a daily. Why you are here with these views on a Vietnamese knitting site baffles me.

god at least make me cum worthless incel. can u even make a gurl cum?

Yeah. Nah.

I bet this chick’s hole smells like soggy crabgrass.

Just been talking to her. She sounded upset and so am I.

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Are you underage? You've got to be underage. Fuck off and grow up a bit, you'll realize literally nothing you said matters

If you are an adult, I high suggest suicide

My mom was always super butthurt about me not wearing dresses, too. I was a little tomboy and I always made a big deal out of it if she made it and it became a point of pride and rebellion. Now I'm a 25 year old woman and it's just clothes, I have some dresses but nobody gives a fuck and neither do I. Wear them or not it's probably just a control thing in your stupid mom's head and nobody else cares. I thought people would be like OMG YOU'RE IN A DRESS! but nobody fucking cared but me lol

dude, she was actually upset and said something like "this is something scary, you look so boyish all the way" and later on when I been talking to her she sounded upset as if I hit some pet peeve.

I'm in the other guys boat, people treat you the way they perceive you. And clothes do a lot for perception. If you want to be perceived as a respectable and beautiful woman then dress like one.

My mom reacts the same way with the "boy" remarks if I cut my hair above my shoulders. Also if any clothes I wear aren't a fucking tent it's "sausage tight!!!!" and I'm a harlot. Moms are fucking stupid sometimes

Guys who have anger towards their mom act more feminine than “normies”.
That’s why gang members are obsessed with jewelry and shoes.

Edit: I didn’t realize you’re not a guy.
Easy mistake on this site.

>Moms are fucking stupid sometimes
don't be such an ass

What is this, the 1800's? Who fucking cares about what you wear anymore? If you don't wanna wear a god damn dress, then you don't have to wear a god damn dress. If you wanna walk around in a bikini and shorts all day - you are within your right to do that. Mom needs to understand that it is 2019 and women shouldn't have to dress a certain way to please anyone other than themselves. If people don't like the way you dress yourself, they can look the other way and ignore you - just like how they ignore and look the other way with more important things in this world, like starving children and global warming.

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this. fuck em
some girls look really good with jeans, t shirts and sneakers
dresses look comfy though, i wish they were socially acceptable for men

>starving children
lol, just move to africa and help them learn to grow their own food if you care so much
>global warming
actual scam. people have documented that signs that used to say "this glacier will melt by 2020" have been removed because it doesn't exist

For the record, I believe men SHOULD be able to wear dresses without social stigma. Middle eastern men wear dresses. Irish and scottish wear kilts. They are not seen as less manly for it.

I say that if you wanna wear a tutu and heels - go for it. You'll have my and many other's support.

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I had the same problem with my mom. She wanted me to wear dresses, but I did not like it. So time passed by, and now as an adult I decided to wear them, I like them. Attention! It's not when they want it, it's whenever YOU want it. IF you want it. You're free to wear whatever you like.

just dont wear it and ignore her, simple as that

i agree but Western reality is very different

you should wear a dress at least once just to make your mom happy even if you dont like it. Its so shell stop complaining about it lol

are you afraid of sexual attention?

these aren't dresses, dress is a women's clothing. that's a tunic.