We had our chance

We blew it

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That's over and done with. Join the new republicans and fight for your heritage.

them niggers was rothchild funded abraham lincoln wuz a SAINT


Time for new Union. A Re-Union

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Brother, the North has never been good to us. Sorry about Beto.

Robert E Lee should have sided with the Union and been a reasonable voice in a time of great tension.

The world would be a better place if we had won our freedom.

>inb4 Union shills claim all the slave owners was really Jews and the Confederacy with a Jewish plot against the oh so based Union.

The Confederates = Rothschilds.
they wanted to break up the USA into smaller states to instal central banks. Just like today where they want to unify it with a global world order.

Also they destroyed the Deists in Freemasonry and turned them back into occultist homos. See Albert Pike and the "Illuminated Order of the KKK"...

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The South should have gotten rid of their slaves and shipped them back to Africa like Lincoln wanted to do. The South are niggerlovers.

The only patriotic Americans are Southerners. The South was raped by the north and destroyed. Turns out (((some people))) don't like whites having control of their lands.

>Kill that Yankee soldier

Albert Pike, that's right. Forgot about him. Good post.

Don't give a shit about northern jews.

>lets create a country with 90% blacks because they are cheaper than white labour

Because that worked out so well in Haiti. Lincoln wanted to deport all the blacks to Africa. The Southern elite wanted to keep blacks in the Americas and breed them until they totally replaced all white laborers.

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This is what the South was fighting for, a country full of niggers that would revolt and kill all the whites.

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You silly misinformed probably jew. The South is the only part of America left. God bless Dixie, Dixie forever!

How stupid do you have to be to actually believe the promises of a lying demagogue? Lincoln's power base was in an abolitionist party and his biggest financial backers were rich Northern liberals. The Republicans had to sell lines like these to conservative rural Northerners who didn't give a shit about niggers but were fearful of competing with slave labor. He people what they wanted to hear and he'd be tickled pink to find that even over a century after his death people still believe his lies.

Reconstruction is all the proof anyone needs of the Republican party's intentions in the 1860s. The Republicans disenfranchised white men in favor of negro voters in the South and tried to force a multi-racialism upon the Southern States.

I hate the northern nig nogs for bringing in all of the shitskins and keeping us from telling the mexicans from fucking off.,

>Lincoln's power base was in an abolitionist party and his biggest financial backers were rich Northern liberals.
Better than Jews

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>The North borders Mexico

The midwest and the appalachias are cooler desu. Also, while Dixie lost the war, they won the culture war. Our culture is entirely viewed through the lense of Dixie racial politics. Thanks faggots. Now Tyrone can destroy someones lives by calling them racist in Minnesota because 1000 miles away South, some black guy got beat up for not wanting to sit in the back of the bus.

The Confederate secretary of war and state was jewish, jews were heavily invested in slavery and didn't want to send the blacks back to Africa like Lincoln did becuase they had too much money to lose

Wrong most of Lincoln's base wanted to exclude blacks, almost all northern states had anti-black laws including his home state of Illinois, which didn't even allow blacks to live there much less vote or hold office.

Lincoln himself was still planning sending the blacks to Africa as late as spring 1865.


Reconstruction was done by radicals after Lincoln was killed by Booth (who claimed jewish ancestry btw)


Lincoln however always supported sending the blacks back to Africa and had been a member of the Back to Africa society since he entered politics. He never believed in racial equality not once.

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At 1:30 in OPs video shows the famous 1st Kentucky Brigade, also known as the orphan brigade. My home state of Kentucky was the definition of brother against brother. God rest their souls.

No, Christian Values, decency, we lost user. The South was the last stand of normal western values.

Jews were the slavers you retarded fool. They were all up in Massachusetts.


There's nothing decent about allowing shitskins to live in a white country. That's what the South fought for, to turn the US into Haiti.

Most jews were in the south, they were highly over represented as slave plantation owners.

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The southern aristocracy were deist degenerates who would fuck their slaves. Not good people, although they were good fighters. Kinda like the Cossacks.

You're a fool, no one here likes jews or SJWs. Blacks are okay, we get along with them. You fucking yankees need to fucking relax with the foreigners.

No one down here fucked slaves. I'm sorry Oprah's movies made you think otherwise.

Our niggers are all right, and we get along. There isn't a Detroit or Chicago down here.

Meanwhile you ignore that racial integration in this country has ever been forced on the South by the North and the Jew's seat of power in this country has always been New fucking York. For ever kike south of the Mason-Dixon there were hundreds in Jew York.

You're trying to lie and create this myth of a savior Lincoln and a clean union and cast the blame on the South and the Radicals in the Republican party that Lincoln supposedly want to restrain. The truth is that America was a bad idea from the get-go, that "All men are created equal" wasn't the stupidest phrase ever written. The confederacy had the right idea to get out while they were ahead.

The north invaded the south. Fort sumter was bullshit.

We get along just fine with our black friends. Yankees are still trying to destroy our nation.

Oh look a lying shill.

They fucked their slaves. American blacks have a sizeable amount of european DNA because the female slaves were in relationships with their masters.

Oh look, some faggot from Connecticut.

I raped my lawnmower last week. I'm expecting very sharp babies.

Nice Chuzpah, but fuck you are retarded. Theres a Confederacy versus Union conversation going on where pro-Union shills are trying to convince people that the Lincoln was the white man's savior and the Union was fighting for the white race all along. And here suddenly and conventionally theres a self proclaimed Southerner talking about how much he loves niggers.

You discord faggots really need to learn to act more convincingly.

fuck discord, I've never been and i never will

Dixie Forever!

>Blacks are okay

lol retard

Lincoln wanted to rid our country of non-whites, so yes it was a good idea

>"All men are created equal" wasn't the stupidest phrase ever written

Jefferson meant for whites only, and he fully supported ending slavery and sending all the blacks back to Africa s well. Lincoln's policies were totally in line with Jeffersonian thinking.

Lol just admit it the Confederates wanted to fill the country with niggers which would have resulted in another Haiti. Lincoln wanted to send all the blacks to Africa where they belonged. Even today we have pro-confederates talking about how much they love blacks while it was Lincoln who inherited the idea from Thomas Jefferson and Henry Clay that all blacks need to go back to Africa.

>it was impossible

No it wasn't impossible, the North sent all their ex-slaves back to Africa, and Lincoln wanted exactly that for the South.

I'd take a Black over a Northerner any day.

lmao that's fucking pathetic. Not even ex-rebels thought like that.

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I hope all of you Yankees get raped by a pack of niggers

>the north sent all their slaves back to Africa....

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The literally did, all the blacks were sent to Liberia or other parts of Africa as part of the Back to Africa campaign.