Vent below.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I only hate work and women.

I just fucking hate it when normalfags use Jow Forums and wish i could meet them irl and stab them until they look like swiss cheese

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I am a raging alcoholic and I am slowly killing myself and it scares me... I am also wondering if it would be easier to just end it quickly...

My ex bf won't talk to me but he still keeps up with my life. I know it is him and he knows I know but still hasn't admitted it. It might be comforting but it's kinda making me depressed that he won't admit it or even say anything at all. What's the point of being there without being there.

If you aren't going to accept me for who I am, don't be surprised if I come off as "antisocial" or as a "recluse". I don't feel ostracized by society, and generally don't fixate on that sort of stuff as I have my hobbies and interests, but you can't seriously expect me to want to be accepted by those who don't accept me. And no, you aren't as accepting as you think you are.

I miss you. I wish I was what you wanted.

I'm currently in a thing with a married woman who has a kid with the guy. Husband had a pretty serious affair a while back so I didn't feel bad about it. By this point, I actually really like her, and she really likes me. Well today I was an idiot and decided to check out her social media and saw some pictures of her, him, and their son. I had the strongest urge to vomit. I feel so terrible about it all now. Especially the Father's Day pictures, fuck.

I'm getting really angry. I want to break stuff but I know it wont solve anything. My brain has turned on me and now I cant think straight. I'm still me, but I'm losing focus more and more each day.

>r9k is Jow Forums
>he has been here for less than 10 years

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I hate my fucking life

>Im depressed

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You’re sitting 5 feet away from me and all I want to do it tell you everything I feel. I’m sorry if I made things awkward the other day, but I’m worried about you and want to be there. But I also want to be honest about my feelings. You’re the only person I’ve felt any genuine connection with in a long time and I hate that i met you at work and that he timing has just never been there.

I’d like to give it a shot though.

I feel so bad, anxious and uncomfortiable.

I'm sad and want some affection.

I'm tired and stressed all the time. People compliment or say good things about me but I can't shake the feeling it's not genuine but I'm constantly anxious, I feel like I rely on it to remain careful but it hurts. I don't know how to deal with praise.

I want to feel happy, like I belong and to have someone to love. Right now it just feels like I'm some defect barely catching up in life.

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Some retarded old man was like hey hEY HEY and came up behind me right when I was returning my cart in the cart return at ALDI and shoved a quarter in my hand. Like?????????? You were already at the cart return you stupid old fuck. Get your own cart instead of boxing me in and getting all close to me and wasting 10 seconds of my fucking life. I think old people are so fucking stupid sometimes, Christ

why do you keep messing with my feelings? what the hell.

Its fun~

Two fucking threads at once am I seeing this right. I know you kids are eager to larp but please show the board some mercy!

stop larping

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I used to be mad that trannies think they’re women and force people to go along with it but

They’re removing themselves and their deluded gay lovers from the dating pool and leaving the good men for us thank god, I can’t believe i didn’t see it before.

You're the only one who's stuck by me and loved me even after seeing the ugly parts of me. You always believed in me and that's what gave me the strength to keep moving forward no matter how bleak most days felt. I don't think anyone else could love someone like me that way, so you don't know how grateful I am for you. It's ok if you leave me for good because I never deserved nice things anyway, but I hope I'll see you soon, just like you said. I love you.

I'm 24 now and changed a lot, but every now and then the thoughts of the stupid shit I did when I was like 16 or something like that come to annoy me and despite not doing any of that shit anymore I still feel embarrassed and disappointed in myself for doing those things.

The fact that I'm still friends with people who remind me of those things every now and then doesn't help. Why bring it up? its in the past, I know I wouldn't do it again but it just gets to me. I can't forget any of it.

Why would they leave if they love you?

>Self-ID laws and gender neutral changing rooms/locker rooms/bathroom policies leading to sexual assault and voyeur crime
>scholarships and achievements being robbed from deserving women in sports
>entire generation of gender-nonconforming and/or gay boys and girls will be transitioned as early as 5 years old, treatment being to immediately drug and perform surgery based on the child's word- not even permitted to treat body dysphoria, that IS the treatment
>dysphoria, surgery, hormones, therapy- nothing even required for a man to identify as a woman, woman means NOTHING, it's a feeling
>being called a "bleeder" and "menstruator" and "cis"
>lesbians being accused of perpetuating a "cotton ceiling" by not sucking girl dick and being bigoted (this gender theory is HOMOPHOBIA)
Yeah, it's great, gotta love it girlfriend amirite lol

I wanted to ask you out,but the words didn't come out. I feel like such a letdown. It's so simple to do.

Everyone on here are riaju denialists kiddo

Reddit general
have sex
have sex seething incel
have sex
have sex
BIG cringe
have sex
have sex
little based
oof cringe
have sex incel
little based and a little cringe
sex. have it
have. sex.

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I am really angry that I never told the irish girl from my primary school that I really liked her, hell, my heart starts beating just a little faster even when writing this. We used to talk a lot to each other because we lived on the same street, she would always come over and watch me play video games. I really messed up when I didn't follow through, and now I don't know how to reconnect with her.
When we had christmas reunion I tried to do some small talk with her, but it was like she didn't want anything to do with me. Always quickly turning to her friend whenever I wanted to say anything to her. I am a bit of a narc, don't drink, smoke or like to party, which is the opposite of her. When she got a boyfriend after we went to different schools I felt nothing, I don't know if it was a mental reflex or me just comming to terms with never being able to be with her.
And now, here I am, 10 or 8 years later, thinking back, if only I wouldn't have pussied out when I had the chance. I did find out that she actually liked me back after we left each other in primary.

Might be my biggest regret in life to be honest.

I’m the only really “left brained” (ik this is inacurate but go with it) person in my social circle of suburban hippies and it makes me pretty insecure and jealous. I totally lack creativity and have no artistic inclinations whatsoever. I’ve tried music several times on different instruments, tried drawing and painting, mixed media, you name it, and it just always feels forced and inauthentic. I feel like everyone smells that on me that I don’t “belong” with “them”. I don’t understand “the process” and I’ve never felt “inspired” to do pretty much anything really. I feel really defective like my brain is missing something or I’m missing out on a big part of the human experience and it makes me sad. I’m holed up in a cold room doing calculations while almost everyone I know is having gigs, doing those gay little etsy shops, art exhibitions, tours etc. Even if it’s mediocre garbage they have something to show for it, something they did with their own hands, and they have fun doing it. I envy that a lot
Thanks for reading my blog four channel dot org

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Ok how do you get over the fear of getting someone pregnant?
I've had the chance to have sex a few times and I always pussy out because I'm scared I'm gonna knock them up
>you only have 3% of a chance of them not working
nigga i am THAT unlucky i don't wanna fuck my life into the dirt.

How does it feel being good at the only thing you do?

Im not trans but let me guess:
You spend majority of your time blogging on tumblr and have never spoken to people irl lol and you creepily refer to all women as “gyns”

>taking the time to post this

Your tumblr name starts with a D

>be 30-year old femcel
>have an attractive body but a meh-tier face
>see cute guy on IG from my city
>DM him once, he responds
How do I flirt with him so he eventually ends up fucking me?

I don't know why I'm posting this here

I hate my life so so fucking much, I have no friends, I don't want to study anything, I don't want to work as anything, I'm poor, literally everything goes wrong for me, I'm always tired so just brushing my teeth and taking the trash out feels impossible. I can't feel calm or enjoy anything at all anymore, I can't even cry at how miserable and pathetic my life is, I'm just empty and full of hate. I'm not good at literally anything and god knows I've fucking tried and put the hours into things i thought could be "my thing"

I hate being me so much, people don't like me, I don't seem to connect with anyone. I'm 25 and really reaching the point of no return, its too late to form close friendships and do all the stuff I missed out on (I've had plenty of sex, this isn't a virginity thing)

If I died literally no one except my mother and gf would remember and care, it scares me how easy it would be to kill myself while my girlfriend is at work but why should I ruin her life by ending mine

How are you even supposed to fucking live when nothing brings you satisfaction or happiness? It's been like this since I can remember, just getting worse every year


My sister lives across the Atlantic with her husband and their two sons. In the past two years he's become emotionally abusive and manipulative. He gets jealous easily, tries to isolate her from a social life and keep her away from people. He threatens suicide to manipulate her into doing what he wants. My sister is miserable with him.

My sister is a typical idiot woman and has been putting up with it and covering for him and making excuses for not taking action like calling the police. We grew up with an abusive father who did this shit and worse to our mother so I'm very disappointed that my sister is doing the same. I've lost a lot of respect for her. I can't talk to her about it without her getting defensive once I tell her the truth about what she should do. I'm worried he's going to harm her, kill her, or kidnap one or both of my nephews. She won't even tell his parents back here at home. I'm debating whether or not to just give up and stop caring and let whatever happens, happen. She's supposed to be coming home to visit in August and now there's doubts that will happen because he's probably afraid of her staying with the kids. She's financially dependent on him so I know it's tough but it's no excuse. Courts and police favor women in these situations. She could get him out of her life and force him to pay alimony and child support.

Women piss me off with this shit. Our mom ruined our childhood because she had no spine. And now the same is happening to my nephews, and one of them is already a very sensitive and emotional kid. I told her that she knows what she needs to do. What else can possibly be done? At this point I'm close to just not caring about it anymore. I know I have a lot of issues with women, but they really do make me sick for so many reasons, this being the chief among them. It's so disappointing. I thought she was better than that. Guess not.

If it's just for a fuck then just ask, 's that easy.

I'm scared it'll never be the same.

Me too but we can try, maybe we can make it better

stay mad

Not who you replied to but I love your response.

not him but what exactly do you take issue with? what about that post hurt you?

I won't leave.
Ask me out.
It's still the same.

Im listening to

I saw a hedgehog tonight (I guess it was one because it was too smol for a cat)

I'm on the losing side of a love triangle. God I want to be with her so badly it hurts and I can't seem to get over it no matter how hard I try.


i stopped coming here after we met and now im unsure as always. are you still here? how are you now? dont answer that,actually. i have my own self to destroy and now im glad you arent with me anymore. its my own decision after all.

You have a few options:
1) If they know you like them and you're still KNOWLINGLY losing, give up and take to a hobby or a small vacation. Doesn't have to be big. Just something to look forward to and to get your mind away and heal
2) If they do not know how you feel. FUCKING TELL THEM! LIKE CALL THEM RN!!!
3) If they are unsure and you're unsure then ou may want to reiterate and give an ultimatum. (Expect the worse, Marcus Aurelius is wise here) and if all goes well you're either get what you expected and move on naturally or find a good result

Stop confronting your sister and call out the husband personally. You're spineless too if you avoid making contact with him. Call him out and raise a fuss. The whole family will know if you do and they'll keep an eye out hopefully and take your side once they see you view.

You need to find a job or work with a social environment with people who you can befriend. If you can open up and share your humor (keep it tame) and your beliefs (again, tame) you can make friends through work. Additionally, that distracts you from those thoughts. It also gives you a purpose to wake up. IF you already work, simply find a hobby that involves other people that goes outside of just the hobby. Radio, Train, Card playing, Board games, literally anything. It'll have the same effect as work aforementioned.

So my issue is that I fell for a girl who used to hit on me. We were coworkers and have since become close (really close, not sexual) friends. Now I went to her family's bay house this last week and I fell head over heels for her a few weeks back and finally told her. She admitted to liking me. So it's all good until my anxiety makes me think I'm being too clingy and annoying to her. And I'm SO scared that I'll make her hate me and ruin not just a relationship but our whole friendship. Idk if I should just tell her I rather be friends, even tough I want to hold her every night. Idk what to do?

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I don't have anything to do.

Normies trying to tell me to kill myself

Me and my ex got close again and for a minute it looked like we were going to get back together.
The last few weeks we've been kinda getting distant.

Not sure if it's because i don't like her as much as i did, or because we're just not meant to be.

Kinda sucks to have to move on, i really like her.


I have no contact with the husband. I barely even know the guy. I met him four or five times. I don't have his number and I don't have any of his online contacts. I can barely contact my sister because he isolates her from us. I often feel I should call police or some child protective agency over there (they're in the UK) but I know that'll make things worse if there's no proof of him doing anything to her or the kids and she'll deny it anyways. Honestly, if not for my nephews I wouldn't care at all about this. For my sister I have a "fuck her, she's an adult who makes her own choice" attitude but the kids are innocent.

Where do you live? You can come to my house and help me with renos. I will entertain you and feed you.

Huge neet here and I too, want you to kill yourself.

your sister will never change. A lot of women are just fucked in the head. It'll take him attempting to kill her for her to wake the fuck up. Stop caring. She doesn't deserve it. Just pray your nephews will be unharmed. This is her mess, let her sit in it.

t. femanon fed up with other women's shit and was in a similar situation with my own sister

I wanna learn to dance but im very prideful and dont have much space in my room

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I am circumcised, and I guess I am more delicate than most, the part of my glans that is exposed to friction (around 70% of my glans) with my clothes, is completely desensitized to any pleasure I am supposed to feel, and even hurts if touched, most circumcised men are less sensitive but for some unknown reason I am completely desensitized in those parts, I wasn't a frequent masturbator before this problem arised, and now I've stopped completely because it's extremely demoralizing, knowing that I am far beyond any pleasureful sensation I am supposed to feel, sitting there with my dry, sad, grinded down cock, knowing fully well having a foreskin would completely solve these problems, it would provide protection and moisture, keeping it sensitive, but I have those problems because my either evil or retarded parents decided to mutilate my most sensitive gentle part of my body without my consent as an innocent baby, for the last 8-10 months I've been walking around with a homemade bandage around my cock, it didn't bring back my sensitivity but at least I feel comfortable walking around.

I posted this but no one responded

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I'm sorry to hear that bro. That sounds awful. Me? I have phimosis, so sort of the opposite problem. I can't fully retract my foreskin and even if I did, my exposed cock tip would be unbearably sensitive. It's also small. I'm a virgin and even if I did have the chance for sex I might not take it because I'm terrified of anyone ever seeing my disgusting, pathetic penis.

It's cool that we're anonymous and get to talk about these things freely. Penis issues are not talked about enough, probably due to stigma and shame. It's a really painful matter for a lot of guys. Normally endowed men with little to no issue and women don't know what it's like. It's psychologically scarring. I honestly feel like my penis has been one of the biggest sources of all my problems in life and since childhood its had profound affects on my self-esteem and self-worth.

I'm still trying to get myself to tell you I lost all interest and attraction for you and that I want you to leave. You did nothing wrong, you're just absolutely not what I need.

Same here about self esteem and self worth, even walking was a problem for a while, at least the cause of your problems wasn't your parents

Why even ask for nudes? I’m moving on.

They’re not going to leave until you tell them directly. Don’t hint, or try to be gentle. Jdi


Too awkward, thing is most circumcised men don't have it as bad I do, they won't understand, no one can

Use tact and them reasons even if they won’t make sense to them. Closure.

Some say the act of circumcision is psychologically scarring, the immense pain the baby feels during the mutilation and during the next days, causes changes to the brain.

Well, my parents knew I had a fucked up dick and should have had me circumcised. I might be in your boat now with a painful dick that I hate, though, so maybe I should be thankful. But I think most circumcisions are OK? I'm anti-circumcision generally but I also would like to be able to retract my foreskin. Apparently I might not even be able to have sex because the fraction would tear my frenulum or whatever.

But fuck it. I'm way past the point of worrying about my virginity. It sucks but I have more pressing issues. I'm mentally prepared for the very real possibility that I'll never have sex or a relationship.

Also have you checked around online for this? You can't be literally the only man alive with this problem? Maybe there's creams or some kind of procedure. Isn't foreskin restoration a thing now? Might be dodgy and/or expensive though.


yeah I agree. I'm anti-circ unless when it's necessary. It might have been necessary for me but it doesn't really matter now anyways. I'll never fuck.

Circumcision shouldn't be done on healthy males agreed, You can still be circumcised, and it probably won't be as bad as me, I've noticed that what I am experiencing is what people who've been circumcised as adults are experiencing during the days after the circumcision, their glans are not used to the friction and it's very uncomfortable to them, foreskin restoration is not an option, my penis would look like a disgusting folded loose sock, what's the point, I think I will buy this and wear it for the rest of my life:

I wont tolerate any more shit from anyone.

College is a place for dumb minds to say dumb shit and receive false positive affirmation for it.

I will always love you

you know...years ago they asked me

"who do you want to play you?"

I guess you missed the memo.

You have become the thing which you were making fun of. Now leave.

That's just a kid user. I'm learning to not let dumb people bother me. It's not easy.

Ok here we go

where are we going user? paradise?

A birthday party. Your birthday party! Happy birthday, darling. We love you very, very much.

Ok so he's an idiot and refused supervised visits. It's actually helping my side. I wonder why his counsel hasn't told him that yet?

Well that's nice to know, thanks. :)

I want to challenge myself and live off the land, no utilities, live off grid but all guys are too privileged these days to want that.

You think I'm a feminist but I'm more traditional wife, like my mom. Just more fire.

Hey J, I hope you feel no regrets or guilt. I did deserve it. Thanks for remembering my birthday too earlier this month. Its nice you remembered.

English, motherfucker, do you speak it?!


Thanks for apologizing for making me be here on Jow Forums. You're a gentleman.

I fucking HATE you people for manipulating the markets. I see what you do.

And you're thrash
Now fuck off snd never speak to me again
No matter what.

Thats a lot of anger lmao chill

I never speak to you because you would have nothing interesting to say. You are like a lawn ornament. Decorative purposes only.

You're so unbelievably ordinary that you don't even deserve this sentence.

Mean is ordinary today. Also, it takes a strong character to be kind day in and day out...mean people are weak in character.

I wish I had god-like powers, so I can fuck with people that dismiss me or ignore me

His dick is so good. Sex is so amazing, I can't have him out of my life now. I still want you. Bad. But i am not going to risk this. I did everything wrong with you anyways, it is humiliating to remember. I am sure you don't even care or think about me at all anyways. Even if I said it years ago I still feel what I feel for you. I covet you and your life, its a living hell. But I can't risk being alone again, I don't want to hear you say terrible things to me.