What do I do if I cry every day because im trapped in a small town and my life is hell? I have to sleep 12 hours a day...

what do I do if I cry every day because im trapped in a small town and my life is hell? I have to sleep 12 hours a day. I constantly have people yell at me to get a job but its fucking impossible. I live in the woods with no car or license and they took it away and I have to constantly go to shit and its basically just boring retards yelling at me to get a job. I actually want one but I have no license or car.

plus I have unberable anxiety I have panic attacks every day. I have insomnia and chronic fatigue I cant sleep but when I do I have to sleep 12 hours a day. my eyes burn and sting from being so tired and im always sick to my stomach. I always feel like shit. my bags undereneath my eye lid go down all the way to my cheek and are black red and blue and burn and sting. im so fucking defeated and tired I cant even do shit that takes like an hour. I cant stop staying up all night and sleeping all day. I cant fucking do anything

even doing the smallest shit is fucking awful and horrible and everything feels so god damn pointless because im in a small town. I fucking hate my life so much because I was finally happy and making money for like 2 months and about to leave my shitty town. NOPE. god ripped it away made my life even worse than it was before I cant even do drugs which were my only happiness I just sit inside all day crying and tired and my house is full to brim with lead and mold and shit and I was about to leave but NOPE god.

and its fucking -30 degrees all year round I dont even have a single friend its so god damn lonely out here and I dont have a fucking store or anything

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>I have to sleep 12 hours a day
No you don’t
>people yell at me to get a job
Get a job
>too far away and no car
Get a bike
>too far to bike
No it’s not. Sleep less than 12 hours.
>doing the smallest shit is fucking awful
Boo hoo grow the fuck up
>hate my small town
Guess what, you’re gonna continue to rot there until you do something about it, loser.

And before you say “too cold for a bike” get a goddamn coat and some heavy-duty pants and man up.

I remember in the last thread when you said your "disabilities" were going to get you $ from the guhmint, what happened to all that optimism?

You fucking suck and OP is obviously depressed too yu fucking jackass of a human being

>wah wah me no worky!

They are disabilities you fucking actual normal gag. Try living with actually intense anxiety or ducking Bipoar 1 disorder and see how stable and not a mess you are you ducking piece of shit

Grow a pair you soft little cunt. What is this, coddle-me-Careville? Go back to Tumblr.

I’m not OP YOU LITERAL FICKING CHILD. Bitch you’ve never lived in a small town it’s fickinf hard to get a job eve when you try. Gotta have connections or be related. Actually that’s how my boyfriend just got his job was because my uncle knew a guy. Small towns never change

You have bipolar 1 now? You didn't in the last thread. Must've been a timely diagnosis.

>I have all these disorders woe is meeeee
Again, grow a pair. You’re falling back on mental illness as an excuse for your shortcomings as a human being. Most people these days are.

>me no worky!
>not me fault job not here!
>wah wah

Again IM NOT OP YOU FUCKING LOW IQ CUNT. Just sticking up for the guy because I know un understanding kykes like you were gonna come shit on him. You ducking grow a pair you FAT PIECE OF SHIT

Then leave your small town, dumbshit. Oh, but let me guess, you’re TWAPPED.


You sure sound a lot like OP. Same whiny little bitch shit. Go back to Tumblr, you overly-sensitive cunt.

oh fuck off its -30 degrees and 10 miles fuck off.

you dont fucking understand what narcolepsy is dude. I need 12 hours of sleep or I fucking fall down and faint do you not fucking get it

it doesn't matter what I do god ripped away all my options

>has never lived in a town with less than 5000 thousand people


I bet you like movies with a retard for the main char.

Are you fucking 13 or something why are you talking like a faggot. Also saving up DISABILITY CASH to move to Mexico for half a year soon. So eat shit cunt :*

god fucking thank you no one knows what its like to be fucking sick 24/7 like I choose to be sick or something

no one knows what its like to have life automatically be 3x harder for you than anyone else because you are constantly sick. wake up. sick. move around. sick. im always fucking sick and tired and nothing helps i am dying and everything is 1000x harder than it should be

All I hear are excuses for why you fail at life.
>10 miles away from a job
Hop on a Greyhound bus
>no bus
Hitchhike to a bigger town, start fresh
>no money
Take a shot
>more sissy cuck disorders
Don’t care

Then why are you posting on Jow Forums you whiny little bitch?

Fuckinf hate that site. Go get hugged by your mom. You obviously didn’t get love as a chIld lmao. Ugly kyke

you dont fucking understand how bad it is dude god ripped away all my options I got charged and a lifelong probation sentence for being black

Yes, thank you other mentally ill poster for coddling this sad little twat instead of giving his excuse-filled ass more reason to wallow in self pity and make-believe disorders. Bravo, loser.

There's a lot of companies, specifically call center companies and companies looking for VAs that will pay you to work from home now.
The internets been around long enough that this is viable. Start there.

Lmfao holy shit you really are an idiot

fuck off dude this isn't a fucking Russian labor camp or some fucking Asian slave colony fuck yourself

should've stayed humble young brother

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Shouldn’t you be attempting suicide for the 15th time you complete societal leech?

>god did it
Hahahaha jesus

Or what, bitch? You gonna come find me? Nigger, you can’t even leave your house hahaha.

Don’t listen to these faggots. True Mental disorder are rare. They might feel a bit anxious sometimes or not get sleep. They don’t know insomnia. True full Blown nitning will get better life dreadning fear. You’ll be okay user. I get free help here in Canada. I hope you can get some pills soon my dude

as soon as I found a way out of my town and completely fixed my life a horrible fucking disaster struck that ripped it away and wasn't even my fault

and this shit has been happening since day 1. how the fuck do you explain this

this is so fucked I need 12 hours of sleep and as soon as I wake up all I can think about is sleep and I feel like puking and as soon as I need to go to bed I instantly feel energy and cant sleep and stay up all night and get 0 sleep and then I just crash like a fucking rock and sleep for 12 hours as soon as I can no matter what time it is and sleep all day

kill me. please kill me. and I have ptsd and im trapped with my shitty family where my ptsd originated and I have no way out. I want to kill myself so bad. I cry every day.

he said narcolepsy not insomnia
>wah wah me no ready

Excuse filled ass??
Fucks like you are why people
With mental disorders have so much stigma. You’re low IQ gorilla mind can’t even process
“I do work and jack off then eat then do again” must be nice to live with such a low iq non problomacitc brain.
Dumb dumb
Lots of famous peoples have mental disorders. Carrie Fisher. Jim carry. Jimmie Hendrix. Winston Churchill. Go shit on them now goodnight fag


jesus crist this place is retarded as soon as I refresh my page I see fucking 12 people bitching and fighting. im sick. im disabled. I need disability and way out of my shitty town and away from my shitty white trash family

I need free money from the government and time to heal from my family.

No u first

you know, lying about having all these disabilities is just going to make them come true, hope you're ready for that.

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>Need 12 hours
No one needs 12 hours, seriously cut that shit out. That's massive oversleep and it's caused by depression. It also perpetuates depression.
It is in your hands to begin building a healthier lifestyle. The more you blame God and life and lash out at people who tell you you're being a dumbass (you completely are dude) the more your life will stay the same.
Ever occur to you possibly even half the people in this thread telling you to STFU has been where you are? Fixed their lives looked back and thought "wow I was a wrong little bitch wasn't I?".

You are responsible for you.

Go fuck your own balls

Hahaha look at this clusterfuck of a post. You can’t even TYPE like a functional human being, let alone advise anyone about how to better themselves. You’re the textbook example of a vicious cycle of self-pity, hypochondria, and stupidity. Good luck in life. You’re gonna need it.

I don’t need to, I’m happy because I don’t make excuses for my failures. I acknowledge them and work to improve them.

Liked and subscribed


I got diagnosed and my family has history with bipolar yu Fickingg retatd. I’m feeling manic and can’t sleep and
Don’t have fickinf time to fix my msgs. You would understand if you weren’t a Neanderthal

>sapiens btfo by superior, girthy neanderTALL cock

I have narcolepsy and I operate fine on 7-9 hours of sleep although I put a lot of effort in maintaining quality of sleep. Getting more sleep isn't going to make you less sleepy. The excessive daytime sleepiness strikes unexpectedly regardless of how much sleep you get.

I have developed a lot of personal coping skills if you're interested.

I am fucking disabled dude I need free money just as bad as everyone else on disability. I need to just be able to sleep and be comfortable im sick


A bunch of low IQ faggots who don’t know shit about what you’re talking about. You know rasism and acts like this are ACTUALLY a sign of Low IQ? probably fucking not

>can’t spell one word correctly
>calls me a low IQ Neanderthal
Yes, clearly YOU are the superior intellect in this conversation. Get bent, NEET.

I need sleep I have great things to create and not be a wage slave pushover like most of you sheep

I know I fucked it up like I said I don’t have time to fix my msgs and be ultra Jow Forums savvy like you oh great desu. Show me your ignorant low Iq ways please

>free money
It isn’t free you invertebrate. It’s coming from people like me who tough it out through our issues and earn a legitimate wage, then have to support your useless ass whining about how HARD it is to SLEEP for 12 fucking hours. You’re a leech, period.

>now I’ll use proper grammar and spelling to prove a point.
God, didn’t know you were autistic, too.

dude im fucking sick I have fucking narcolepsy I dont want to be disabled. I dont fucking want this. I just want to invest money and try out business ideas and do my own business

but I cant. god took my life away. I have fucking narcolepsy and chronic fatigue and im chronically ill. fuck off dude kill yourself. FUCK KILL YOURSELF

No I’m just done with your shit, feeling calmer now. Not typing as fast. Bye now incel have fun never being loved

>great things to create
Lmfao you’re joking, right? You won’t create great things. You’re too busy sleeping 12 hours a day. People like you don’t make GREAT things. They make waste that they assume is great.

not a joke, user

>implying there is anything inherently bad about Neanderthals

What an ignorant insult. They had a comparable intellect to humans and were way ahead of their time as it came to medicine practices because their societal structure favored quality over quantity in general as compared to humans.

Have fun being a drain on everyone who ever made the mistake of knowing you.

wagie ragie get back to work and buy my tendies

>try out business ideas
>make my own business
Yeah. So you don’t have to actually do any real work. You just keep treading water with these “great” ideas until you hit 60 and start getting another payout.

Narcolepsy isn't a disability you dipshit. Yes, it's a limiting factor, but if you would just learn some coping skills you could overcome it as I do.

have fun earning money for my tendies wagie. dont you have work you should be at or are you unemployed?

Your dad fucked your mom

I would hope so.

stop posting and earn my fucking tendies you retard go to work. why are you here go work so I can get free money

my eyes are completely black. my eyes burn and sting the second I open them. I look like I have cancer and anemia. I am always sick and anxious. dont fucking tell me I can work. its too costly on my body.

I just want to fucking sleep in a free apartment. get over it. bitch all you want. im disabled and thats all there is to it. im not working. im disabled and getting disability. rightfully so.

Back up. I didn’t say I regret it. I get to bang my gorgeous wife, drive a Tesla, and own a nice home with only a few years left to pay off. Your “tendies” cost me less than my morning cup of coffee.

I’m not here for me. I’m fine. I made it. Hell, I don’t even have to go into work today if I don’t want to. I earned that. You’re not fine. You’re a loser. I’m giving you tough love and you don’t like it. Maybe you’ll fuck off and make something of yourself, or maybe you’ll spill those tendies I bought you as you run up your basement steps and cry to mommy. Your choice.

Your disability is gonna come true user, if you keep tempting fate

I do actually have work. But guess what... I can show up when I want, because I didn’t invent imaginary diseases to skip out on actually putting in the time and effort to be successful.

im going to get disability and get a free apartment that the government pays for because thats all my body is capable of. im disabled. you're literally just making fun of a disabled person and rubbing your lack of a disability in their face

I bet.

you've been warned

dude....I have been dealing with this since fucking 3rd or 5th grade. I have never NEVER in my entire life had a day where im not tired. can you even fucking imagine that dude. being so tired every day that you get sick to your stomach. 365 days. a year. every year. since birth

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dude. its already here. ive always been sick. ive always been bed ridden and sick. my entire life the first thing I did after school was go to bed. I never had hobbies I never held a job I couldn't finish college. all I can fucking do and think about is sleep 24/7

It’s called laziness, you sloppy potato.

You're the one who made a thread asking for advice. Now you are saying you can't do anything and just want to live off disability.

What was the whole point in this? You didn't want advice.

How much do you weigh? Let’s hear it.

the only way i will work is if god lets me out of my small town. thats the only way

Exactly. OP wants pity, so he can say “it isn’t me, look at all the people who agree!” That’s what all these failures go for. They need reaffirmation to continue their self-destruction, self-pitying lifestyle. When you don’t give it to them, they get angry.

It'll just get worse if you keep telling lies

I asked about my shitty town not how do I get a job. im too sick to work. I was going to work but god trapped me here

Yes, user. It was GOD. That son of a bitch did this to you! Fucking GOD has it out for YOU.

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Getting a job is the only way to deal with your situation barring some incredible luck. If you can't do that, then you're trapped. Nearly your entire line of ancestors were trapped geographically. You are an animal, and animals rarely move far from their birth. Learn to make the best of what you have or kill yourself.

god got me arrested and a lifelong probation sentence for being black dude...god ruined everything

I have money. god struck me down and made me get arrested and I got charged 100000x harder than anyone else for being black. god did this

not kidding friend

Yeah this is too much. You’re a troll. Gotta run to work. I have some emails to shoot out while my car drives me.

fuck off you stupid cunt, kill yourself faggot, no one wants you so you’re trashing on people with mental illness. rot and die cunt

Oh nice, the other retard is back. Sorry I can’t stay and laugh at your failures, I’ve got to get to work.

Maybe I’ll check this thread one last time while my Tesla drives for me. Excited to see what schizo shit you post!

take a time stamp picture of your car you lying fuck