How do I stop thinking about her?
How do I stop thinking about her?
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Get a hobby. Women are replaceable
that depends in what she (or you) did
I fell in love with her but she never wanted a serious relationship
damn that must hurt
i know this feel way too well user. currently going through the same thing. i try to be grateful that i had the experiences i did with her, but at the end of the day, i feel like i could have done so much more. while we were hanging out in person, everything felt perfect. of course i fell in love with her, but she didn't feel the same way at all. i hate myself for falling victim to her shit because i should have known that it would have never worked out in the long term and that i would be stupid enough to fall in love and get my heart broken.
i guess the best advice is to get some hobbies, try to keep your mind off it, and be thankful for the time you did have with her despite the fact that it didn't turn out as you thought it would. it won't get rid of the pain completely but looking at it in a more positive light will help.
Man same thing happened to me
I've been dead inside for more than a month and I have plenty of hobbies.
You're not alone fren
It's hard we met and became close friends extremely quickly, so I feel like I'm losing that as long as a romantic relationship.
She even told me from the start she didn't want anything serious so I really never had any long term expectations, and I dont really hold a grudge against her or anything but fuck her for leading me on with her emotions and her actions.
Then she decides to end it and turns into a ho fucking random tinder guys and coworkers and dudes at bars and shit. She has red flags but I never felt so close to someone before, even past girlfriends.
Bro are you me?
Also one or friends is definitely interested in me but she is not nearly as hot.
If I fuck her I would just be thinking of the first girl the whole time.
Find someone else to think about.
do it and let her find out
Drug or alcohol abuse like everyone else
She would probably be happy about it desu
>find someone else to think about
>restart the cycle
find another here to start thinking about
>assuming every relationship you will ever have is doomed to fail from the start
Good mindset.
She ain't shit. You just lost your man-card, you have to get it back. You dodged a big bullet there and better now than later.
I miss her alot my man. Getting laid every night with a beautiful girl who I was in love with was beyond great. The affection was like a fucking drug.
I’m in the same situation man. Super horny gf that used to give me love and sex every night. We had a fight and now days later I have to deal with her ignoring me at work and being her regular flirty self with everyone, which makes me panic like fucking crazy.
Every once in awhile something clicks and all the pain goes away. I realize I’m the important one and that my happiness is most important to me. I guess that’s how everyone else feels. Then it clicks off after a few minutes. If I could live life with that switch on 24/7 I’d be untouchable. Instead I’m left depressed over a woman that’s probably already getting fucked by another guy.
Yup. This sounds vain as h One of the reasons I liked her in the first place was how damn flirty she is, it was great when it was me receiving her attention. I cant say it doesn't destroy a little bit of my soul when I see her do it to other guys.
A mutual friend invited me to a bar tonight (the friend who might be dtf) and a good chance she will be there.
Should I go or spend the night browsing Jow Forums and smoking marajuana?
I know this. I am going through this too.
I had an angel appear out of nowhere. Her body and skin almost out of this world. She gave me AMAZING sex and she was so close to me.
Now she is going away, I seem not to be able to do anything about it. She has been on my mind for the past few weeks and I can't focus or do anything. The pain is unbearable. Then again, I must have broken her trust somehow because I was too braindead to actually figure out what I was doing to her. I should have never messed around and taken her for granted and just treated her right and made sure she was happy. I feel like such an idiot; a God-given angel from Heaven and I dashed her heart. I'm so stupid I feel like suicide but I just pray everyday she forgives me and fixes things.
hoes aint shit user
Do it and scream her name when you cum in her
Yep, I'm dealing with that too. First, you gotta take care of yourself. Exercise regularly, spend time outdoors, socialize with friends, throw yourself into a new hobby or passion or just try something different. Try not to spiral with alcohol or drugs. I just spent 2-3 nights in a row getting fucked up and it's not fun so tonight I'm just going to sleep.
Also, replace internet time with journaling. You'll work out some of your feelings and maybe learn something.
It sucks man, but you gotta take care of yourself, nobody else is going to do it for you. You'll find someone who wants a relationship eventually.