Clown world thread

Post your best examples of the fall of society

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Other urls found in this thread:

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The world is becoming a better place for everyone. :)

Extreme poverty has fallen worldwide.

Hunger is consistently falling throughout the world.

Child labor is on the decline.

Work hours are falling (mostly in Europe rather than the US)

Life expectancy is rising.

Child mortality is down.

Death in childbirth is rare.

People are getting taller (sorry manlets).

Just because you are incels doesn't mean things are bad, they're just bad because you are losers.

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why don't you just put the whole world in a bottle

thought jews were exempt from service


suicide is higher in developed countries than at any point in history. kys pinkerfag and bump that number up a bit. my grandfather got married at 22, bought some land off a working class income and lived there with my grandmother whilst buying a few extra acres every few years until he died. That life is literally impossible for me. All the important things in life have become more difficult and more expensive. The fact you can sit in a pod and consume media all day for next to nothing whilst being cured of more diseases does not fucking mean the world is better.

Honk honk faggots

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It’s not a fall, it’s progress you shitlord.

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Most losers in this thread indenify with pic related

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Are you me?

They had to use the other guys sperm.
There's no way professionals would allow a woman to become impregnated with her own son's semen.
Agh, I'm considered somewhat liberal and that shit makes me want to throw up.

That looks really specific though.
I'm easy to insult and that misses me with every shot.

It was the first guys mom using his (son) sperm to fertilize an egg belonging to his partners sister insider her womb.
Deal with it bigots

>gay people: have kids
>straight people: get cucked

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Gays aren’t degenerates like heterosexuals

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God I hate that pic related is me.

shut the fuck up tyrone, when whites are gone and the world goes to ruins see if you can say this shit.

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Attached: thank god hitler was taken down....jpg (1119x1431, 1.07M)

yeah cause that toally happens they just go to a circus or play some game or watch some anime and BAM tranny
what exactly is your isse here if they aare fighting for germany they must like it no? doesn't someone who dedicate their lives to their country deserve to have a spiritual leader?
>b-but black bad white good
i dont see what the issue is could you enlighten me or does it just hurt your feefees nobody was harmed isnt it better to develop in your grandmas womb than some strangers what exactly is your issue here and no there was no incest
ever watched an anime(if not gtfo)? never heard of crossdressing days at japanese schools? or maybe thats just an anime thing idk
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Attached: UK is a laughing stock.jpg (600x800, 75K)

>tranny shitposter comes here too

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sup are you the autistic retard from yesterday

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fascist dictator is worshipped by the people
democratic leader is not worshipped by the people
yup cause this shit happens in every class in the uk

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the article isnt attacking the "white male titans" retard
black baby bad
refuggee parent bad


this is deep

Its either that or kill the jews. Cant bring in millions of disenfranchised, no future, muslim men and not distract them.

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I like this version better.

Attached: honkler81.png (1024x341, 448K)

black bad

Most sad one.


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>best examples of the fall of society

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homosexual degeneracy becomes rampant and celebrated...end times prophecies.

That's a 43%'er if I've ever seen one.

this is an image of smeared faeces. do you see it ? do you ?

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>mutt baby good
Are you just fishing for you's? what's going on here?

if they only knew how bad things really are..... HONK

White people

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Portugese niggers aren't german.

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Nigger culture

Unironically yes.

Sick and dangerous to put a 61 year old woman through that. Irresponsible on her part, too.

Right you are.
Black in Europe is bad.

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i never said its good im indifferent cause i have better shit to worry about liike the new anime season lmao

yup that's totally real life

that forced smile on the father kills me a little.

> >The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

That's on /b/, that post was on a blue board.

What's your next excuse faggot?

Attached: Meanwhile in Germany....jpg (728x546, 54K)

you are just seeingwhat you wanna see lol

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that applies to Jow Forums as a whole

>"yeah cause that toally happens"
>Not understanding symbolism, even with Ben Garrison tier labels
>Not knowing the clownworld meme
Doesnt suprise me youre a namefagging tranny faggot.

It will be the next step in the evolution of the honkler meme - pie in the face. Screencap this.

sorry i havent been on this shithole for a while could you enlighten me on the deep symbolism of tat rockthrow comic

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It actually doesn't you fucking retard.

this webm goes well with clown music

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>*walks manually*
does that mean that some people just walk automatically, like breathing or blinking?

dude i was saying that post was fucking fake like every other greentext are you autistic or something cant you read between the lines

>thread theme

the right part is real life.

You speak like a Jew, are you Jewish user/ have Jewish ancestry?

As third world country's mass flee to the first, yeah this is to be expected. The governments creat jobs for them cover medical expenses, food and housing, but how long can the state keep paying? How long before the debt turns the whole western world into Venezuela?

oh rihgt ive seen the pic on the left so many times i didnt even notice anyway the two sides have nothing in common aside from being gay and being colorful, complete strawman
1/4 but not jewish by halacha but what do you mean i speak like a jew genuinly curious

gosh...this picture has it all

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Loserdom/inceldom is not on the decline. I guess the world isn't perfect yet.

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>Post your best examples of the fall of society

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>nothing in common
Memes becoming reality.
Degenerates openly parading down the street.

>alternates between surprising eloquence and being a mumbling wierdo

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Yeah thought so, I have met a couple of Jews/ people with Jewish ancestry and they generally speak arrogantly, you remind me of the bored Jew, “just taking a break, might pop onto Jow Forums and see what these angry intel’s are talking about.” It’s alright, I can understand that


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I’m INFP try again faggot

Well he's already been circumcised, just finishing the job really.


This is like out of a thriller movie from the 80s. Pure kino.

Everyone's an asshole in this cartoon universe, aren't they?

sure as i said they are gay where are the z and bdsm fetishits and the naked women and men saying they are god and criminals with tatoos and guns and shit and the little kid looking at the bsdm fetishits and the giant jew spider and obese people eating hamburgers all while looking like fucking zombies

The father is a raging homo i don't get why ppl on this board think he is forcing himself.

Where are the ads encouraging the millions of refugee women to marry German men?

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kill urself jidf tranny

good to see France and Germany mending fences through the power of love.

The dad is thinking
>this is what I get for fucking my son
>and the rabbi said it wouldn't do any harm

I'm INTP and none of this applies to me lol