Young blonde girl get harassed and assaulted by pack of black girls for a phone
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Young blonde girl get harassed and assaulted by pack of black girls for a phone
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it's cause as a white woman she literally stole 1000's of years worth of artifacts and knowledge from the bosom of Africa personally. So a phone is a good start towards balancing the scales.
they have free pass from the (((MSM))) to do what they want
Daily reminder to buy your girl a taser.
Another one blackpilled about the threat facing the west. Good.
the ass was flat
it is flat for nigger, definitely.
a story as old as time, feral niggers acting like animals. color me surprised
God so happy I live in the U.S. since we can conceal carry.
Most nigger women have flat asses and man shaped bodies. The ass you posted is only there because she is standing that way for the selfie. Big assed niggers are either fat as fuck or implants.
wrong fag false flagger nigger
>Most nigger women have flat asses and man shaped bodies
I know it’s a meme here to blatantly lie or use fallacies against something to spin a narrative.
But this... I seriously hope you guys don’t do this.
they will and they do for the many years I've been here unfortunately
i imagine what would happen if a group of white girls were behaving like this, and how the media would cover it. would almost certianly be called racial attack. fucking press cretins.
She probs fucks nogs and deserved it anyway
Disgusting monkey people are literally the worst humans on the planet, I don't care how good looking some of them are, they are still monkeys and need to be removed from our countries, all of them.
who cares, she voted or would vote for it in the future anyway
Women should carry guns.
It's just dumb not to.
The incel response.
id call you an incel but youve been raped up the ass many times in south africa. surprised youre not dead yet honestly
Another incel response. Got any more?
have sex bud, this time of your own accord
Thought as much.
>real man: women are weaker and less intelligent than men, we should protect them
An incel such as yourself wouldn't understand this.
my my, weve got a real roastie here. that explains it all! tell me miss, how have you not been beheaded yet? youre a survivor, ill give you that much
>youre not entitled to mens protection, knowledge, and wisdom
White bitch was probably talking shit. Looks like it caught up with her. Talk shit get hit.
besides nigger women
I'm so glad there aren't many niggers here in Ireland.
I know Dublin is going the way of Britain but thank fuck most of Ireland and the north is fairly un-niggered. Lot of chinks, though.
I'm convinced that the most effective way to ruin a country is to drop niggers in it and force the native population to life with them.
>import the 3rd world
>become the 3rd world
But of course. Although the mutt sperging out over me might need that distinction.
what do you mean drop in? she, her friends, her family, her school or work mates all voted for that. everyone except the 1% (people on pol) wants and supports this
Canada what is wrong with your people?
chinks in Ireland? fuck me.
it's the responsibility of every white parent to teach their daughters martial arts
>wants and supports this
lol no they just don't dare saying otherwise
virgin's going to virg lad
done responding to me, holes?
the voting data and political allegiances say otherwise
I forgot that I show up as
but I live in Northern Ireland and it's not really distinguishable to the rest of Ireland. However every time I visit Belfast there are a fucking dickload of chinks.
Not many blacks, even in Dublin the number is reasonably low but ready to fucking skyrocket if the Government stays on path (staying on path means basically making all the mistakes Britain made)
Yes, now we just watch as he spirals further down into his incel rage. The more you ignore him now, the madder he gets. Just watch, he can't let it go...
Imagine letting your gf be assaulted by a nigger instead of decking that monkey the moment it started to be angry.
Fuck off racist. She got enriched thats all.
herd behavior is one hell of a drug
You have it worse frogs lets be honest.
thats it then. the herd will gladly march off the cliff-for the sake of the herd and to not be left out. there is no hope for any chance of fix because no one wants to suffer out right, just slowly fade out of existence for the next century. a country, a culture, a gene pool --- all gone; because in the 2010s we decided to just look down, listen to the tv and cool hollywood actors and vote get more immigrants and protect their rights. honk honk!
use your superior power to fight against the whitoids
5!....4!....mfw me hooking the nigger and the nigger hitting the floor. 'Don't threaten me jungle monkey.'
i think it is illegal in UK.
If butter knives and potato peelers are illegal without a license, than tasers definitely are regardless of weather you have a license or not.
Self defense is essentially illegal in the UK. Any form of weapons* possession is also a crime.
*weapons are defined as whatever the fuck the cops feel like considering a weapon, no matter what the object you possess is