Gf tried committing suicide because of me

Gf tried committing suicide because of me.
What do I do?

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What have you done?

Just fought over the fact she lacks respect for me

kill her instead

She saw me texting other women. Forgot to tell you that she's trans

Leave her alone

>Gf tried committing suicide
>she's trans
>a mentally ill person tried to commit suicide
What did you expect?

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Well I just realize that I loved her and don't want to lose her. What do?

Leave trans be. Try a real woman, not subhuman.

Leave him, he's mentally sick in many ways

Leave her user. It's the right thing to do. What you did was horrible.

Enjoy being manipulated by her extreme emotions for the rest of your life.
Be prepared to call the ambulance Everytime you win an argument.

Saying you are going to kill yourself because of your significant other is stupid, peek dependency.

I mean you can try to "break" or "subjugate" her but as soon as she doesn't like the game you playing she can cry rape and get you assfucked by 39 convicts by next week.

My suggestion.
You tell them that this is the worst form of emotional manipulation.
She can blame it on you all she wants but it's her hands holding the bottle, knife,or gun.

Or if that's too much. Set up a bug out bag, buy another cell phone plan, find another place to stay, and delete you Facebook social media and email.

Tell her to dilate to ease her inner pain

Other option, bring her to ER for suicidal ideation. Then when she is on a unit, break up with her through text or voicemail etc...

Call her therapist.
Something about mental health.

its always the trans retards

I'm afraid she'll kill herself if I did that.

She's pre op

The only logical thing to do, dump her


Well, on my defense I read about the whole transgender and pre-op thing after I wrote my message

Obvious bait.

You don't have a girlfriend, you have a boyfriend.
These people are really, really problematic and very high maintenance, you're better off without your boyfriend, trust me, I talk from experience, they really are mentally ill, no matter what you say or do they'll always bring suicide, and will eventually do jt.
When I left my trans boyfriend he immediately became a cum dumpster for everyone, he then tried to contact me saying that he loved me, but no thanks. He killed himself like a month later.
Do yourself a favor and man up, get a real woman.
Because trannies only know two things, being sad all the time and sucking dick.

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I feel like I shouldn't be laughing at someone's major demise but holy fuck the thought of someone's end-of-life sequence being THAT is just hilarious.

Oh it’s a guy. If he’s gonna fail at suicide for attention you should leave him.

Eat popcorn. Invite friends and family over. It's a cry for attention. Give it to her.

Does she still have her cock and balls or does she have a frankenpussy? Ruining their genitals forever usually fucks them up more

>When I left my trans boyfriend he immediately became a cum dumpster for everyone, he then tried to contact me saying that he loved me, but no thanks. He killed himself like a month later.

What does she look like? Does she pass?

It’s a guy btw, the post was a little confusing.

>t. "edgy" 12 year old

you have to be 18 to post here, buddy

Yeah so she was born a female then transitioned to male?

Block her number

>29 replies
>bait thread
Damn I fucking hate this board so much.

Was a guy to begin with, now exhibiting signs of mental illness.

This person sounds severely unstable and you shouldn't have to be put through that.

Wait so you're a girl? If not then you're gay.

Why? It’s not like I’m that poster. You seemed to think they were ever dating a female. The poster was dating a male who then thought he was female.

give her a ton of attention really nothing more is needed spend more time listening to her if she 'doesn't want to' talk, make her.

>giving a tranny attention ever

>Gf tried committing suicide because of me.
>What do I do?
Have sex with her!

>I'm afraid she'll kill herself if I did that.
She is manipulating you.

yo. In case you still there, OP.

She needed to know you saw her as a woman... and then you texted other women.

You better leave her alone, this is too complicated for you, and you won't be able to show her real love because of your bullshit.

