ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to give honest answers, don't answer question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Guys insecure with their 4+ inches dick
Fuck off

>Is it too late to start dating?
As Jordan Peterson says, what's the alternative? Just not to date and wait for death?

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

Attached: male-and-female-symbol-clipart-16.png (262x300, 15K)

Other urls found in this thread:

For the guy who said he wants to know what it means to be creepy.
Here's a really good analysis

Basically not being able to read the situation?

Just read it. Don't try to oversimplify it to the point of uselessness.

Please help..

My ex bf never talks to me anymore but he always keeps up on how I'm feeling by reading things I write online. I actually didn't even realize he was doing this although I always had a feeling, but was never sure if it was just wishful thinking. It turned out to be true.

My problem is...he still hasn't admitted it. But if I send a message to the account(s), he reads them. Never admits it is him and doesn't even reply anymore. It's been years since we broke up and a year since we even last talked. I feel depressed over this because I feel like he is taking away my cintrol over my own life, and always mad at me for whatever I fee or whatever I do, and he can't just give me some sort of peace of mind by owning up to this. I know he has issues too but if he has no intentions of ever talking to mr again, why does he insist on sticking around in the background of my life? It makes it so much harder for me.

Thanks anyone who understands this

>broadcast something
>people read it
either stop broadcasting or stop caring

Okay girls,
Whats more imporant personally to you when it comes to penis - length or girth?

Anyone with real advice and not a bitter bored person? Someone with relationship experience? This isn't social media.

I don't understand what the problem is, where are you writing this if it's not social media?

This general is so cringe

take this shit back to re*ddit u retarded apeniggers

Stop investing so much time into social media and just block him.

>ex bf
You could hardly be any more generic
How long ago did you split up ? Why did you break up ? Do you want him back ?

Question for girls mostly but guys can answer too -

Is it weird to add people from quick add on Snapchat that you work with?

While I don't necessarily have a close friendship with many of these people, I've known most of these people for a year or two. Have nice conversations with them. I'm pretty agreeable and friendly with everyone

I just don't know if it's weird to just add people like that from quick add (guys or girls) if you're not very close friends. I wouldn't know, I'm pretty introverted and am just starting out which is why I want to add people

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I just said it isn't social media.
It's a site I used for language practice.
It is anonymous and not open for new users anymore since a few years.

It's a long story that's why..

>How long ago did you split up ?
Officially six years ago. Reconnected three years ago but over the next two years there was some conflict I ended up invovled in. So our last communication was a year ago, and not very positive.

Why did you break up ?
It wasn't really a choice. Age difference, lack of confidence on sides due to personal problems. There wasn't any issue between us..and I don't think either of us wanted to break up, but we had a misunderstanding. I know this due to our talking later.

Do you want him back ?
I do and he knows that but I have been really stressed out and said I needed space, and he could reach out later if he wants or decide if he doesn't want to talk anymore. I don't know what he is doing now, so you can see that it is frustrating. If he reaching out or not.. how does he feel now I don't know.

I don't expect anyone to know but just hearing ideas and perspectives about it might calm my anxiety about this. Because it has been going on since six years ago and I only realized it since two years ago.

How often do you notice guys checking you out, whether it'd be your ass, tits or even your body in general?

why has my ex-gf invited me to a city festival?

>dated for 8 months, friends for 7,8 years, bunch of mutual friends therefore
>broke up september of last year
>2 months of on and off
>another 2 months of barely contact
>start seeing each other again december to mid of february this year
>i break it off because she fucked with someone else and wasn't completely honest with me

last weekend as a pretty big festival in town, had a lot of fun etc.
she was on a camping trip she always does with family and friends of familys, now with her new guy the guy she slept with above

she texts me yesterday, asking how it was
i barely answered
today she invites me to said other festival

she's keeping me on the backburner isn't she

Leg it.
Just cut ties completely.

>Leg it.
as in stay away eh?
>Just cut ties completely.
trying to keep the communication as low as possible while at the same time seaming somewhat mature enough to not be angry at her you know

>, I've known most of these people for a year or two. Have nice conversations with them. I'm pretty agreeable and friendly with everyone
Doesnt seem like a bad idea to add them.

All the time. Then again I live somewhere where staring isn't considered very rude so people aren't subtle about it

>some conflict I ended up invovled in
As in conflict between the both of you ? Or as in war broke out where you live ?
>not very positive
Are you euphemising here ?
>Age difference, lack of confidence on [both, I assume] sides
Should have resolved itself by now
>do you want him back ?
>I do
Then get back to him. Try to meet for coffee or drinks or whatever

Just be straight with her and say you just don't want to have anything to do with her after you found out she fucked other people and wasn't honest with you.
or if you don't actually feel that way, enjoy the ride, cause the ride never ends.

i've taken the ride far enough already so no, i don't want to got anywhere where both of them are honestly

If I see a cute girl on the metro is there any way of approaching without being creepy af?

No. Approach girls in your social circle not some random woman who's just tryin to take the goddamn metro

>As in conflict between the both of you ? >Or as in war broke out where you live ?
Not between us, like each separately going through a lot which caused low confidence and instability. For him it was family and financial, for me it was housing and being in a different country. Then he was in an abusive relationship. He asked for help so that was stressful too.

>Are you euphemising here ?
I mean that we were both goong through personal emotional troubles and my last message was saying I feel depressed and suicidal and unsure how to handle anything, and that I hate being apart.

>Age difference, lack of confidence on [both, I assume] sides
>Should have resolved itself by now
Yes right and right.

>do you want him back ?
>I do
>Then get back to him. Try to meet for coffee or drinks or whatever
I tried..I would even be okay just having him as a friend again to talk to once in a while. I asked to meet but no reply. If he doesn't want to meet or talk then why even still do this at all.. It makes me hopeful and then sad again.

Forgot to quote.

Eh. If she's looking back at you and smiling it might be okay but keep in mind people hate being approached in situations they can't run away from.

It isn't weird to add people on Snapchat through quickadd even if they're girls? I'm not social media savvy so I don't know if there's any implications behind adding them on Snapchat compared to something like Facebook where I know there's no implications. The vast majority of these people I just really like as people and have no romantic interest in. I want to make friends. There may be one or two people I have a crush on, but I'm not looking to persue any romantic relationships until I'm done with my education, witch will be years.

>I would even be okay just having him as a friend again to talk to once in a while
No you wouldn't be, that's a fucking meme, trust me
>he doesn't reply
Now that's a problem.I guess it depends on the dude. Maybe explicitly asking him to reply might help.
Personal anecdote: an ex of mine (kind of ? not sure we ever were official but whatever) texted me out of the blue a handful of times last year. I guessed she wanted to get back in touch, perhaps reignite the whole thing so I played along and answered. Eventually she stopped asking questions and her replies got shorter so I stopped texting. That happened multiple times, each time the meaningful discussion lasted less time than the last. I think the last time, I replied once, she replied a single-word and I left it at that.
I never really knew what she wanted from me. Now if she was to ask me explicitly to tell her how I feel about resuming contact I would answer truthfully. Not sure your dude would but trying can't really hurt right ?

You're thinking into this too much. Just add them especially if they know you. (also instagram if you have it)

Yeah I'm confused even reading your situation too. I don't get it. I've been understanding with him, he should be the one to reach out to me but even I'm reaching out I keep getting treated like this and it really hurts. But I don't think he's playing with me. I think he is genuinely scared to talk to me or see me. And because we were already apart it is very hard for me to let him go again.. I missed him for three years before even finding him and I can't do that again. But it seems to be out of my power now... I have done everything I could do.

How would you suggest I survive this?

lol you're not gonna die from it
Really you have two options.
A: Forget him and move on, it sucks but that's life
B: Text him somethiing really obvious. If it works, great, otherwise default to A
For instance: "Hey user, I really would like to meet up with you again. If you don't want to please say so. Kisses, Anonette"

I wrote a whole explanation out but decided not to post it. I guess I'm just having a tough time and I'm mad that he is cowardly... I will just keep waiting until I die I guess. anyway thanks

Try and make plans with the gf but she will randomly stop texting me back for days at a time.

Should I murder her? The plans always come through, but its just constant stress.

You want him back
You have communicated such to him, yet he refused to do anything.
At this point no action you take can bring him back, nor can you provide him information he doesn't already have
Options are to move in or to pine forever

Oh well.. I don't know how to move on.
I never connected with anyone else. I don't have the ability to have a normal relationship with other guys even I tried and it doesn't ever work. He's the only one who really knows everything about me and accepts me. But he also caused me a lot of grief already, I was really sick from it, which is why I said to that he needs to leave me alone for a while. I never said exactly I wanted him back just that I wish he was here again.. but if he has no intentions why does he keep lingering around me. I don't know if it is to check my health or what. If he doesn't log in and read it then he would have no connection to me anymore so why even keep it open.. More than anything I just wish I could know that. I want a solid answer about it.

Anyway I really need to sleep

tbf creepy is a catch all term for "guy I don't like" for some women, and you can also be completely normal and behave within social guidelines but still be considered a creep by some women
If you get called a creep, reevaluate your behavior but don't take it to heart.

What do the cool young guys (18-25) do in their free time ? I go to the gym 6 days a week and work 25h/week but outside of that I'm fucking lost. I spent all my time on studying during college and now I have no idea what to do. I go out with friends sometimes but not nearly enough to fill my days. I stopped gaming and only watch anime occasionally, I'd like cool hobbies, the stuff that high-class sport bros do. Tennis is a great example of that, I'll go back to playing tennis soon.

What's the best way to roast/tease a girl?
And what would you respond to "ah, you can't stop thinking about me again", in a joking tone, of course?

if you had just met a girl that you seem to like and she seems to be into someone else that you have known for awhile, what would your most likely reaction/action be if she openly displayed some interest towards you as well? Would you think more/less of her and for what reason? Would you jump at the opportunity?

>gym 6 days a week
Ain't healthy chief, your gains will suffer long term
>high class sports
Some are fun, try a few weeks of everything before you settle into something. Pick something that allows socializing while you are at it.
>attend events
Build up your general knowledge and social skills
>reading/art/playing an instrument
Makes you a more worthwhile person whipe making your life more interesting
>get off Jow Forums
>get a personality
Probably visit a therapist to get a better grip of yourself and your life&goals

Confusion/she a thot. If a woman shows she digs two different people at once thats a red flag that I am not going to pick up under any circunstance. Its fine to admit you find someone good looking, its another thing entirely to see someone who you might like eyefucking not just you but someone else.

I assume its the same for women. A guy you like is eyefucking you but eyefucking someone else? Red flag.

"I'm sure it's because you can't stop thinking about me"

Dunno, doesn't seem hard. Just gear some questions towards her, don't be submissive to her and don't make it seem like she's doing you a favor, instead the other way around.

Be happy to be aknowledged. I mean, I kinda lile her so of course I want her time and attention.
I wouldn't think less of her, wtf. Social interactions with other humans are normal.
I'd jump at any opportunity for my happiness. Humans are selfish, big surprise

I'm okay with her showing interest into me but if she's showing interest in me and him at the same time then i'm assuming she wants orbiters/emotional tampon.

Women why are you such high fucking effort

a lot of guys too choose from :)

>>gym 6 days a week
>Ain't healthy chief, your gains will suffer long term
Shoo shoo!

Guys, I'm curious, what do you think is better - a butterface or a girl with a pretty face but rather unattractive body? (answers like "she can work out and change her body" don't count, just choose between those two)

How low are we going?
10/10 one stat and 5/10 on the other? Butterface
10/10 one stat 1/10 on the other gimme bad bod... Since I'm not sure how a bid can be that bad without being fat and it's impossible to have great face when fat

>rather unattractive body?
what is rather unattractive body? fat? average?

depends what unattractive is; for all I know you could think having a little weight is unattractive.

Is giving a handjob to a Uber driver for a 10 bucks ride wrong?

Depends on the proportions desu. The antithesis can be so wild it's hard to give an answer. Whatever is less jarring I guess.

Yes, it means one of your only two values (sex and making babies) is worth exactly 10 bucks. That ain't much.

I meant that what would be unattractive to you, some guys don't like overweight girls, some don't like them too skinny; flat ass, cellulite, whatever

Prety face bad bod. Bad bod is very relative so Im much more comfortable with that compared to a face that would make me uncomfortable.

Neither in that case.

>girl likes me
>respond with aggression so she'll leave me alone
>or freeze in terror
>do this subconsciously
How do I stop? Are there any sort of exercises I can work on alone or is there some way I can work through this with an actual human female? I already know why do this.

cognitive behavioral therapy is effective.

Why are all women social media addicts?
Why are none of them strong enough to exist without constant ego stroking?

Im dating this girl and things are going pretty well so far, but im having a bit of a problem.
Im a virgin and she's not. Should i tell her?
Im scard that it'll freak her out because im 24 years old (she's 20). Also im scared that our first time will be terrible and she'll dump me after that.

What do i do?

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I don't know honestly, I can only guess - when my boyfriend wants some undemanding entertainment he plays video games. I don't like gaming so when I want some undemanding entertainment I scroll through instagram, facebook and pintetest, read comments etc., I hardly ever post anything though



Yes, tell her and say you wanna take it slow and do shit well with her guidance. You shouldnt stress, sex is a duet, so be a player thats supporting her and contributing. Be confident, be relaxed, take a damn shower beforehand, use a condom, have fun.

Why even have "social" media? It's all such a huge waste of time and emotions and a huge contributer to the decimation of monogamy.

Talk therapy hasn't been able to do the whole job

Jow Forums, you failed to convince me to go to the wedding. My aunt is asking my family for confirmation and I'm not putting my name on the list.

I thought you'd convince me. ;_;

>Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a psycho-social intervention that aims to improve mental health. CBT focuses on challenging and changing unhelpful cognitive distortions (e.g. thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes) and behaviors, improving emotional regulation,and the development of personal coping strategies that target solving current problems. Originally, it was designed to treat depression, but its uses have been expanded to include treatment of a number of mental health conditions, including anxiety.
Its not entirely talk-therapy.

I know couple of girls at uni, including me, that don't use social media. Shrug

I don't know, I just started when I was like 13 and I just continue, I don't feel like it's something bad even though some people complain about me spending too much time on my phone

I'm ashamed of having a lot of one night stands. I'm about 25 and have been with around 15 girls, so it isn't like I've been with 100s of women, but more than half of them have been one night stands/flings. I don't like commitment at all but I'm just a bit ashamed that I've been with as many women as I have and I haven't had a real connection with any of them. It makes me feel dirty and ashamed of myself. I'm worried what a potential partner would think of this.

Is this something I should be ashamed of?

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How u do it bro

What do you mean?

Are you super handsome? Smooth talker?

Okay, what's a CBT-based approach for dealing with flashbacks, involuntary bodily reactions, and other assorted subconscious responses getting in the way of healthy relationships with women?

Butterface 2bh. I'm a huge legs man.
But of course personality is what's most important.

I'm decent looking tbf, and you do have to be able to make girls laugh. Most of the time I've been quite fortunate because the girls have been up for it and I haven't had to put in much work. Then again, I think girls like and tune into the fact that I'm very unwilling to be committed in any way, that comes out in the way you conduct yourself and being too clingy is a real turn off, especially when it comes to casual sex.

I think you have to enjoy making people laugh, that's the main thing

Right, the point is to investigate really what the term means so that "reevaluating behavior" is actually possible

Have any guys here tried to date a girl with mommy issues? Is it really that bad?

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>sitting with gf at the bar
>my legs are wrapped around hers in a playful way
>her ex walks in
>she recoils her legs from mine

this is a major red flag yeah? I have to talk about this to her right?

Girls, what might she have been thinking?

She lives with her mom and I feel like every fucking thing she complains about is related to her mom. She’s hot and cute and I like her but it’s driving me insane

You should decide what you want to get out of a girl before you start seeing her. If you’re really scared of commitment then maybe a relationship isn’t for you yet, but it seems like you feel guilty because you want to have a significant other.

Probably it was just surprise
Like when something jumpscares you, you kind of jump up, tense up and curl onto yourself
Also keep in mind she may have been worried that you were monitoring her reactions closely and drawing false conclusion, thus adding to her tension
But yeah talk to her about it, gently
t. dude

She probably just wanted to avoid drama. Remember that us girls are weak, so boys tend to do our protecting or start shit on our behalf. Usually without asking. It sucks and it makes us a little skittish in awkward/tense situations.

>is a 20 years old chick
>not fat,kinda flat,some male friends told me i have a nice ass
>never dated anyone and barely had any crushes
So i heard that if you are a virgin at a certain age it means a red flag and scares people away.Is it true?Im kinda scared guys wont get interested in me because im still a virgin and 0 dating experience...

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I did, and it was pretty bad. It’s like PTSD that kicks in every other day. It gets old, fast.

People will find it odd at 30+, you’ll be fine though. Take your time, you’ll fund your guy/girl soon enough.

>virgin woman
You're golden.

>It’s like PTSD that kicks in every other day
For her or for you?

being a virgin is only a red flag if you're a guy you dishonest attention seeking cunt

Men love virgins even if they feel guilty taking it

Im scared it will never happen.It seems most of my life i end up in a female dominated zone(school,highschool,now vet school).I also tend to be oblivious to flirts,at this comicon i had a guy ask me to come back at his place to play tabletops games multiple times that day and my brain simply went "i kinda want to,but i have exams in 2 days and i need to study if i want my sunday night free for D&D" and said no like the idiot i am.

Different user, but it’s like every other day she has a breakdown over some little thing. I kind of want to get out

Less thinking more following your instincts

Girls, do you ever get horny randomly? I mean without any kind of stimulation, visual or otherwise; just doing whatever and then suddenly realizing you are aroused.

What do women think of chubby chasers

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>tfw I have frequent PTSD freakouts
Maybe I shouldn't try to date after all

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Not randomly. But over small things sometimes, an attractive guy or girl, a sexy song or picture or show. Of something accidentally rubs me the right way, or if i accidentally day dream something naughty.

Is the shot of Captain Marvel standing up actually inspiring or do women that watch Marvel movies just have brain rot?