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Other urls found in this thread:



Mossad literally works in the U.S. and any government agency that tries to expose them; the media will destroy whatever person who try to expose them because muh anti semitism


It's funny!
The one country we know influence our election, Israel, is the one that cannot be questioned or the jews will do argumentum ad nazium.
The Chutzpah of these Fucking traitors.


>5 post
>3/5 have doubles
Oyyyyyyy!!! Veyyyyyyy!!!

so Mueller is Q?

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Exactly. MAGA. Trust the plan. WWG1WGA

And they begin to devour Mueller. lol!

>MOSSAD pSY oP MoSSASd Moire powerful TEHAN CIA
Lmao you Israel cucks are so fucking pathetic. Thinking mossad literally has more power and control than the US alphabet agencies ctfu

(Pic me on the left you on the right ctfu)

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Yep, its called corruption and the most corrupt love to call everyone else corrupt to deflect.

t. jew

and faggots didnt think mueller was working as /ourguy/ all along.


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t.lobby checking in

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see, ourguy

>media prepares to rewrite 2 years of history on Mueller

Fuck off Trumpturds that's just bullshit

Eat Shit Circle

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Oy vey, its ahhhbsolute disahhhstuh goyim. Tell my college goldstein to shut this down before we get hall of costed over and over

you gota love this fuckers, as soon as shit doesn't turn out like they want to they instantly start fabricating (((anti semetic bs))).

Wasn't that pretty disrespectful towards most Israel-loving president in US history?

What's funny is that no one in this thread understands that the guy who wrote this tweet is /yourguy/

Who Gives a Shit Kike The Kali Yuga marches on regardless what are you fags doing with that space craft that didn't crash? Space Nuke Incoming!?!?!?!!?!?

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No, inbred, he's a good goy Zionist cuckservative.

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can we add the moon to the list of places kikes have been kicked out of now? what does that make it - 110? more?

Sounds like the Mueller report is gonna be pretty "anti-semetic"

way more 360 lost my list but idk i smell fuckery all they can do is lie its not face value

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Digits and mueller personally carries out the American metaphorical holocaust

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>jewish agents lurking every corner
This is Washington DC in a nutshell.

>Special Prosecutor Mueller becomes Special Persecutor Mueller

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>that picture
>those numbers
>7= cross 3=Brothers in Christ

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What's happening in America is the diaspora-anglo faction is fighting with the zionists now.

It's an internal conflict which is weakening both, but the anglo-judeo faction is losing rn to the zionists.

It's happening

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>Mueller has a history of seeing alleged jewish agents lurking around every corner
Today I learned I might be Mueller

im literally almost positive the CIA is full of Israelis. Start looking at retired workers and their last names. lotta steins and golds

Can someone break these pictures down for me?

#1 and #2 are USS liberty and Apollo Affair.

#7 is obvious and #8 is Sheldon Adelson.

Last two are self explanatory. But I don't know the others.

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It was started by members of Knights of Columbus I believe it was, Knights of something.

And their logo has an eagle and the sun symbol on it, noticed lots of jews as well. Very strange.

An FBI agent named Goldstein was actually the person who threatened Papadopoulos with charges of spying for Israel.

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Mueller is a Jewish agent

It's not a sun, it's a compass rose.

The FBI, DOJ, and CIA are Jewish organizations. That’s why the kikes can get away with so much shit.


I think these count

Whatever you want to call it, it's a Jesuit symbol. That's some Knight Templar shit.

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The Roman sign for Saturn is there as well in the Jesuit symbol and the CIA has the Roman eagle in their logo, Harry Truman was a knight of Columbus or knight of one of those orders, there is zero chance they didn't know what these symbols meant r that they have just up and dissappeared since then.

Trump went to Jesuit university, Bret Kavanaugh is a knight of Columbus as well or one of the Knights groups.

Rome is strong

It's a compass rose like you would find on any map. It symbolizes the global reach of the CIA.

>the CIA has the Roman eagle in their logo
No, it doesn't. The Roman eagle was a golden eagle, not a bald eagle.

>Harry Truman was a knight of Columbus
Truman was a Shriner, the KoC are Catholics.

Truman hanging with the Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine.

Tell that to someone who isn't retarded bro you ain't fooling me lol

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What is your point? Truman wasn't a member of any Catholic organization, he was a Presbyterian (and a literal shabbos goy).

>the reason the report has so much redacted is because it'll destroy the Boomer belief in the sovereignty of Israel
Release it, no brakes.

The cia is definitely filled with Marxist communists from Cambridge. Or as you call them Jews.

My point is exactly what I said to begin with, there is no way all these Knight Templar affiliates just happened to use Holy Roman Empire symbols to found the CIA during the 1940's.

You don't just fly another gangs colors and it's ok, that not how the real world works, especially in their hood surrounded by their homies.

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It's likely every organization is infiltrated by spies on every side, there is probally multiple deep state factions within the deep state.

That's just common sense knowing human nature.


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Truman was not a Catholic. Using an eagle as a symbol does not make you an agent of the Catholic church. Using a compass rose as a symbol does not come close to implying any relationship with any church.

I think most agents are just normal folks doing their job. No doubt the upper levels are intellectuals with law degrees that at least in recent history have become political activists.

Furthermore, trump went to Fordham Jesuit university and has been appointing Knights of Columbus left and right, with them doing press releases advising members to support his nominees.

Jews have been ketching as expected, it paints a pretty clear picture that jews and catholics are having it out right now.


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Most agents do what they are told as well, the FBI stand down on the 9/11 investigation is a prime example.

They started barking up the wrong tree after the dancing Israeli investigation, were told to fuck off, and they did.

And then they build a big black cube of Saturn where the towers was. Which I find highly amusing. The official state religion of Rome, right in everyone's faces.

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>a jew is angrily flogging bankers and money-changers
Ever wondered how I know christkikery is fucking fake?


So he just hung out with Catholics who were affiliated with all this shit, knew nothing about it and then proceeded to live life without it affecting him in any way as the president of the United States during the era of communism Vs America?

Lmao. Ok faggot.

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>year old propaganda trying to not show trump is a kike puppet

Intredasting comparison of the two symbols. The American eagle may not have the fasces, but "e pluribus unum" translates to the same meaning as if it were holding one. Wait till leftists realize America has been using fascist symbols all along.

Trumps mom was from Scotland and he went to Jesuit university, highly unlikely he is not a Knight Templar himself. He also has German blood.


Wait til all you guys realize Qanon is associated with Freemason things as well. "From darkness to light"

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Why does this kike logic work on NPCs?
"Hey goy, this guy has called out Jews before so at automatically makes him a crazy Nazi, since we both know Israelis never lie."
It's so fucking childish and stupid and yet it somehow works.


Here, catch it before they delete it. Trump is Knight Templar, no other explanation for his actions and jews behavior these last two years.

>Wait till leftists realize America has been using fascist symbols all along.
They never see them, it's like they've been programmed to be blind to Roman and Fascist symbology. They know nothing about it.
Look at the architecture in D.C. Look at the Lincoln Memorial. Look at his chair.

it's not that hard.
Pack mentality + 'tow the line' + LARP identity + 'big scary 3 letter organization gonna come get you in the night' + Jews = where we're at now.

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jews are demons. the nose is a warning sign.

dont breed with them. dont associate with them.

The normies don't know. The jews aren't stupid though and have been collectively freaking the fuck out these last two years. Templars coming back into such a public light is a big fucking deal that even very intelligent people on here I don't think understand the gravity of.

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What's wrong with Israeli agents in our government? What's good for Israel is good for America, right?

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I don't agree. I don't think the average American thinks they're in danger from getting FBI party vaned just for a political comment. I personally blame holocaust guilt churned out by public school.

wait, was he really /our/ guy?


>Mossad literally is the U.S government
ftfy famalam

>holocaust guilt
I went to an inner-city high school in the mid nineties; never once do i even remember hearing the world holocaust.
The simple fact is the old work ethic of 'loose lips sink ships', keep your head down/ nose to the grindstone etc seems more effective at keeping people dumb and lost than any perceived guilt toward an event 70+ years ago.

Many modern school curriculums in the US have entire classes on the subject. Also, I graduated high school in 2008 and I distinctly remember the holocaust being a week long theme in history.

The Jew will be defeated in your lifetime.

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I'm just here to OY VEY




Yes, brother.
The fire rises.

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Digits confirm.