Thoughts on taking phenibut daily?

Thoughts on taking phenibut daily?
My social anxiety is not crippling and on days where I take phenibut, I feel like I can be almost free of it. Combined with alcohol I can be completely free even.

I am scared of addiction and/or tolerance.
I don't have an addictive personality, and I really poked the bear with alcohol sometimes, could quit nicotine almost effortlessly.

I feel like if I go to a shrink and just get benzos, I will be in a worse place even in terms of addiction, so why not just take the phenibut and take 1-2 grams daily on a cycle?

Anyone got experience and info?

Attached: phenibut_fine_100.jpg (1992x1828, 747K)

I take it once a week, I don't have experience with daily use because I've read that tolerance builds fast, and daily use will absolutely fuck you up when you finally decide to quit. Similar withdrawals to opiates, iirc. I wouldn't recommend it, but read up on it

It's physically addictive and tolerance builds fast. You cannot take this stuff daily and not get addicted, it's just not possible. Stick to taking it as needed and don't ruin this beautiful gift for yourself.

I read some reddit posts that said tapering is very mild and easy with it and some people that said they were completely fine going cold turkey even, or tapering off slowly, cycling every two to three weeks.
Apparently doctors in russia prescribe it that way?
I just wanna be able to smile and be social when going to the super market or taking a walk in the park.
I can't schedule my whole life around two days a week...

It's easy to say that when you're not addicted.



For the love of God op dont take daily!!! Tolerance builds extremely fast, and withdrawal is horrible. Easy to say you could quit cold Turkey until you feel the horrible horrible effects of phenibut withdrawal. Depression, no sleep, cold then hot flashes, sweating, paranoia, anxiety through the roof, social awkwardness. The withdrawal is huge if you get addicted. Be smart and take only twice a week max my man. Phenibut is literally a godsend drug but use it responsibly.

You know what? It IS a funny sounding name.

I love this shit so much, I wish I could take it daily! Most I have taken it is like 4 days in a row no problem. But I really don't know if I could take it daily.

I've taken 250mgs some days and it definitely makes me feel more sedated or something like that. Could've been maybe due to the lack of sleep but I definitely thought I felt some kind of change.

Try taking like 1-2 grams.
I feel the best with about 3g before going out.
After a beer or two I become a silver tongued devil. Got me laid so many times.
Anything below a gram, I don't even feel.
Might be because I am used to heavy drinking due to our culture.

Phenibut + Alchohol is a godly combo.

I always do insane shit, like hitting on other women while on a date with a girl or fucking some slut in the bathroom. Normally I can't even approach a girl lol

Jup, this shit is magical.
There just has to be some way to mimic it as being my default state somehow...

I took this stuff spread throughout a week, my urine was incredibly dark. I’ve never seen it that dark before. I think it damages the kidneys like adderall.
I did this clubbing once though. I was so charasmatic and not withdrawn that this girl I was chatting up sneaked me in the bathroom and had sex with me. Granted she was probably just a slut but still, wouldn’t have gotten there if I was my regular introverted self

If you have any ideas let me know

>my urine was incredibly dark
used phenibut for years, taking as much as 5 grams in a single dose.
Never had anything like that happen.

I get an unbearably stiff neck after taking just 1g and have tried up to 3g and had no effect meanwhile i like my friend try .750g and hes bouncing off the walls

If I still have some clonazepam left over do I even need to take phenibut?
Theres no way it's as effective as benzos

You don't need to do anything, faggot.
Just let me know when you can order tubs of benzos off the internet.

yo where can I buy this shit
give me links

google it bro. it's completely legal.

ebay, probably amazon if you are not australian and even then you could probably just import it.

>OP’s picture literally says Liftmode
you might be too dumb to take drugs

Take this shit once a week at the most, do NOT take it daily. It will lose its effect and then you'll have to stop and get terrible withdrawal, as bad as xanax withdrawal.

Look up phenylpiracetam and take it 1-2 times a week (3 days apart at least) with choline bitartrate. Take taurine 1000mg daily. These will help with your anxiety, save phenibut for 1 day a week when you have a social outing to get some extra relaxation.

Dont. You can damage your liver(and thats super bad) cos there’s no real quality control

Like crying because you’re sacred you might die bad.