How the fuck do i know when someone is lying to me...

how the fuck do i know when someone is lying to me? she told me I was the love of her life for 6 months and then out of nowhere cheated on me with my best friend. both of them believe that I should forgive them and that it's no big deal. how do I protect myself from people like this in future

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People like this know you are weak and that is why they did this to you. Your friend and gf planned it knowing you would probably forgive them. Stand up, kick them both out of your life. You deserve better.

As for lying, you don't always know. People are greedy. They want everything they can't have and will hurt anyone to get to it. The best thing you can do is be open and honest to people and ask that they do the same to you. "Does this look bad? Would you tell me if it did? Will you tell me if I'm moving too fast? Will you tell me if you have feelings for someone else?" Just general questions to establish that you care about what they're feeling.

she doesn't love you.
he is not your friend.
never forgive, never forget.
it is best you cut them out of your life completely, they are emotional vampires preying on your weakness and naivete.
I'm 100% certain they shit on you behind your back. They deserve each other.

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I called her a whore, showed her all the times he said she's ugly and tried to meet him for a fight. he pussied out.
I cut them out the day it happened.

Hes probably too busy banging her to fight desu

fine by me. she's a wannabe manipulator and he's an extremely lonely (now friendless) schizo with no job. I dodged a bullet with this one. however I wanna know how the fuck you know people are lying, seems like every fucker in the world has an agenda.

I guess everyone lies. The best advice i can give you is play Microsoft Chess

The problem isn't that you didn't realise they were lying, it's what said
They realised they could take walk all over you as the beta, and they both did that. You need to take a better look at yourself to improve and assert your dominance else it'll happen again

Lies involve both parties. We believe what we want to believe and we love to reject uncomfortable realities for glamorous narratives.
When somebody lies to you they merely present you a fiction that feels much better than the reality they are trying to omit and obscure.
The secret to recognizing when somebody lies to you is detachment.
This sounds scary az first but in factnits great. Once you distance yourself from your own emotions, you get a more realistic perspectivenon what is happening and what motivations move people.
Practice discernment and pay attention to the people arond you. Learn to understand their motives and observe what the difference is between what they say and what they do.
With some experience you will realize that when somebody lies to you, they actually get away with it because you choose to believe a comforting fantasy over a harsh reality

I was using this girl for sex and she got way too clingy in a manipulative way, my problem here isn't the relationship I couldn't give 2 shits about these people. I need to know how to spot liars.

thanks man. I'll try and take this onboard.

I don't think you're as calm as you say you are, you sound hurt
Plus you spent this whole time using her for sex? This would only be the case if you yourself knew how to lie and how to spot them
Stop trying to save face and own up to the fact you were too beta to scare off any competition
Unironically the best man won and now you need to improve to stop it happening again

yes, I was using this girl. I'm not sure why you doubt that. the 'best man' attempted suicide when she left him after 2 months. Now he just sits at home smoking weed snd posting pictures of him crying on his snapchat story. it's undeniable that both of us got manipulated by her but I'm only bothered about the dude lying to me. that really pisses me off.

Because if you were as sociopathic as you like to make out you wouldn't give a fuck about what these people do, and you wouldn't have let it happen in the first place
The fact that you rolled over and let this happen just proves my point, it's all good acting the alpha as long as you actually mean it

That kid sounds pathetic, he sits at home smoking weed, depressed, crys on his Snapchat and attempted to kill himself over a girl, and guess what? He still fucked your girlfriend
Drop both of these people and concentrate on yourself, Christ it's not hard

when did I claim to be sociopathic? and I did drop these people. the very same day I found out. bizarre post

The sad reality is that these people probably aren't liars, they're just shallow. I'm sorry, user. I hope you can find people that will truly love you some day.

never be with someone who'll put you down for anything in any way.Make sure shes supportive of you and wants the best for you. Ask about their history. Stalk their social media and see if they have been whoring around. Maybe ask her friends about what shes like and who shes dated.

People get into a lot of stupid situations for a lot of different reasons, especially when young and trying to figure out who they are.

With that said, your best friend is not your friend, and neither is your girlfriend. They do not value their relationship with you over a cheap romp and you do not need people like that in your life.

You will find people who lie get very bad at paying attention to reality, and narcissists especially are easy to spot if you pay attention; youtube has a lot of psychology videos up explaining how those kinds of people think, I suggest you spend time watching them. Out of practice in paying attention to reality, they often can only form very basic, gutteral emotions and communicate gutteral things often just repeating the same thing over and over, it's sad to watch. You will, over time in studying this, see vain, self-absorbed people as a waste of time.

This good. I would add, you get a key logger and when they borrow your phone or computer, you will get the password. Use that to login to the account they used on your equipment. Once in emails or messages, you see how they really think. But never let them know you have a keylogger no matter what. What are trying here is to see how lying people act around you versus people that don't. Once you see the pattern, you will not need key logger no more. But be smart about this. Don't get caught.

do you have autism?
if yes then i cant help you

if no then its not that difficult
>love of her life
this is always a lie, a very flattering lie but imagine if you died tomorow, shed move on
>cheated with best friend
wishful thinking, he was never your best friend and you purposely ignored whats coming

to avoid ppl who lie often you need be a bit of cynic, you need to ask yourself why are they saying what they are saying and most importantly you need to stop letting others massage your ego

>she's a wannabe manipulator
>he's an extremely lonely (now friendless) schizo with no job
>how do i protect myself from people like this
The signs were all there retard, you chose to bring those people closer to your life, what else do you want us to say? Befriend normal people

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>both of them believe that I should forgive them and that it's no big deal
Yeah, no. It's a big fucking deal and you should cut both of them out of your life and forget they eve existed.

>That kid sounds pathetic, he sits at home smoking weed, depressed, crys on his Snapchat and attempted to kill himself over a girl, and guess what? He still fucked your girlfriend

You're bad at damage control, so just drop it. Dude's giving you good advice so you might wanna heed it.

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