Since the incel worldview is pure bullshit, what are some healthier ways to cope...

Since the incel worldview is pure bullshit, what are some healthier ways to cope? The fact that I'll never have a girl be attracted to me just because and instead will always have to jump through some hoops to make them believe I am somebody I'm really not to build any kind of attraction makes me very miserable.

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Willpower God damnit
Why do you fucking queers think this is gonna be easy? It's not, so git fucking good already and STOP. FUCKING. BASING. YOUR WORTH. IN ALL. THE SEX. YOU NEVER FUCKING HAVE.

Coping mechanisms are necessary to function in life.

Try to find fulfillment another way. Don't change yourself for another person, they aren't worth it.

Just stop giving a shit. Realize that women are trash and not worth it unless you have what they want, which you don't. So stop stressing over the futility of it all.

>Coping mechanisms are necessary to function in life.

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focus on jumping through those hoops.

I wouldn't say coping is necessary. You technically aren't coping if the issue doesn't bother you. I have multiple things that could be concidered bad about my life but I'm not "coping" because I don't even think about it.
Does your average plebian have to cope with the fact that they aren't a millionaire?
If you can, don't let stuff bother you and work to fix the most immediate thing. That will improve your life.

Talk to people

>The fact that I'll never have a girl be attracted to me
>The fact
You apparently don't know what that word means. I think the word you were looking is "wish".

Try some new hobbies to cope. You may actually meet someone in one of these hobbies, and then you won’t have to cope.

Not OP, but it is a fact, unless you're in the top 20% of men.
Females simply 'settle' for everyone else, they aren't actually attracted to them.

just because you put a shitty reaction image doesn't make it any less true. cope

It's the truth user.

Women only have raw sexual desire for the minority of men. The genetically gifted ones. The majority of men can only get laid by offering up their commitment in return.

Good for you for not joining the incel crowd but this is almost equally pathetic. You need to grow some balls man.

Not the 80/20 meme again. The only fact here is that your IQ is below 80 - has to be to believe in incel memes. Since every woman has different tastes there is no "top 20%" of men. You are not the bottom 80%, you are the bottom 0.001% of men.

And your source for this is...?

Hasn't it ever occurred to you that, attractive men can quite easily sleep with random chicks? While most unattractive or average guys only get laid if they're already in a relationship with that woman?

Women will casually sleep with attractive guys because those guys trigger her raw sexual desire (lust). She doesn't need anything else from him to fuck him. Women will only fuck an unattractive or even average guy on the other hand if there are other things to be gained from it like commitment.

Accept this reality or be a cuck for the rest of your life user.


>instead will always have to jump through some hoops to make them believe I am somebody I'm really not
This is a really bad way to look at it, dude. What you're referring to as "jumping through hoops" is self-improvement, having some ambition to build a better life. The shit that you will do to "build attraction," if you do it the right way, means building a life that YOU can be proud of. Do it for yourself, not for women. Maybe you feel unattractive and ineligible because you know that your life is unimpressive. Wouldn't you like to change that? Not for women, but so that YOU can wake up in the morning feeling good about yourself?

Stop making yourself a doormat for women, for other people's wishes. Stop asking "how do I get women to like me, how do I get women to like me???" The problem is that you don't like yourself. Fix that, and chances are, the other problem will fix itself. don't try to be someone you're not, try to be a much better version of who you really are. Be the person you really WANT to be.

80/20 is an exaggeration, I agree. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle
>you are the bottom 0.001% of men
Yes. No argument there.