Incest - Hooked up with my brother

Title says it all.

We were hanging out, alone, at home. Two of us decided to play some video games, and I suggested we use some drugs a guy gave me at a party.

At first everything was chill, but as the drugs kicked in we started touching, escalating into full blown exhaustive sex that we barely managed to hide from our parents.

He hurried out of the house the next day and slept over a friend's house - hasn't been home since.

I am confused and awkward about the whole occurrence.

wat do

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Talk to him, not Jow Forums.

Dilate tbqh

Sweet home Alabama...

How was it?

Pretend nothing happened and probably buy pregnancy test.

Or decide you liked it and invite your bro for netflix and chill. And buy condoms.

Both options are viable.

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you should stop LARPing

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dude that's hot

He will definitely be home in a few hours at most. Don't know what to say though.

>"haha that was crazy right"
I'd only ever probably admit this online but unironically the best sex I've ever had, though that's not saying much as I've only ever had sex with my ex and my bro is bigger and better in every way compared to him. Coulda been the drugs, too, or the whole taboo of it all.

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Are you two very close? You might want to talk and figure out wtf happened, i mean you described exhaustive sex which means you both enjoyed it, at least at the time. But now its very important to talk about it and get it out of the way or you might never be the same to eachother ever again. You dont want to have an awkward relationship with your brother for the rest of your lives. Lmfao this fucking place never fails to amaze me

Jesus man, you obviously need to discuss what happened and what's coming next and what it meant, all these things, do you fucks genuinely need Jow Forums to fucking guide you step by step through a conversation with your own brother?

God fucking damnit the helplessness of this board.

What drugs did you two take?

everybody who fall for this LARP is a moron and should khs

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I am just kidding don't kys just don't be gullible moron

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No earthly idea. A sketchy dude at a party tried to get me to take one to 'feel good and have fun' and the host's parents showed up so he dipped without taking them back. Looking back that dude was trying to lowkey rape me.

Male or female?

There's nothing else ON this board though. Literally every single thread is a LARP or a reply trap since Jow Forums's OPs have no intentions of changing a single thing, most commonly.

this is not a LARP

incest among siblings is shockingly not uncommon according to my google searches the past couple days

We don't care, you're not interested in listening to anything but what you want to hear.

Talk to your brother, not Jow Forums. What else is there to say?
Seriously, deeply, genuinely, what the fuck else are you gonna do here???

prove you are a female

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You should probably talk to him about and agree to never ever do it again, it would only harm every other future relationships you'll have if you keep this on. Make sure you do talk it through, though, or this event will likely undermine all the conversations you'll have from now on.

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Well we haven't really talked but he did come home.

I met him in the hallway to get some alone time, away from our parents. We looked at each other, both stumbled over our words, then mom called and walked towards the hallway. He gave me a quick but emotional kiss on the mouth and went to meet her.

Stayed for dinner, acting normal, then left again.

I guess he's as conflicted as I am.

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Smile at him and hug him. If you want this to continue just stay by his side and do cute things.

so this board is useless

Can we get this fucking stickied, please?

As a girl I can tell this is written by a guy, I can just feel it. It doesn't read right

This is definitely a larp lol

Women don't say things like, "he gave me a quick emotional kiss," lol
That's almost as bad as a rp where you look at someone "sexily"

How old are u 2 ?

Whites commit the least amount of incest of any group in America. Muslims commit the most.

>escalating into full blown exhaustive sex

>He gave me a quick but emotional kiss

Ok so this is definitely larp

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black muslims the most

Unironically talk to him, and come to an agreement with him that the two of you will pretend this never happened.

None of you will talk about it with your friends, family or anyone else. Discuss it briefly and tell each other you'll treat this encounter as if it never happened. Also, if you had unprotected sex you should get some plan B ASAP.

But for the love of god, do not let this escalate into some sort of fuckbuddy relationship. You definitely don't want that shit with you brother.


Kill yourself you faggot larper

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Bitch, I'm sorry but that isn't right on so many levels. I know people today don't really care and think incest is fine, but it's perverting a beautiful relationship you have with your brother that could potentially ruin it forever, it could forever be awkward and very perverted. You can't do this. Go to someone for help or if you insist on this fetish, role play with someone else. Please do not have sexual relations with your brother. He could just be overly open with you about things because he loves and trusts you, not cause he wants you. Please forgive me but please think about this carefully.

op you better be fucking your brother right now

I think we're going to need pics for confirmation and research purposes. No one seems willing to believe you or give any worthwhile advice on the situation otherwise.

sounds like it was mdma

>if you insist on this fetish, role play with someone else
>Since you've already had the real thing, just start playing pretend with someone else instead
Holy fuck you're retarded.

OP here.

Too late. I don't know what we have, but we're more than just siblings now after we hooked up again last night. There goes blaming the night on the drugs.

prove you are a female or STFU

This sounds like a larp honestly.

I’m not OP, but I’m dating my sister. We actually live together. People or family aren’t suspecting yet. But I’m also femanon so i guess it helps as we haven’t told anyone we’re into girls.
Think I’m larping too?

Gay sex or is this a larp?

yes pic with timestamp or this is a larp

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what does it matter? you now have blackmail against him; be like every other soulless bitch in existence and use it against him

>but unironically the best sex I've ever had
Did he cum inside you?

why is incest so prevalent


Nuff said

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how was the sex?

You need to prove you're a female or thus thread is a LARP

You should talk to him and agree not talk about it again and if you two ever have the urge then do it again? Do it on family holidays periods like Christmas. That would keep it all from getting out of hand and at the same time. The both of you can carry on living your lives.



Have sex

>>says the man pretending to be a women who have sex with her brother
I will but you won't

>quick but emotional kiss on the mouth and went to meet her.


You almost had me OP.

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You silly bints can't tell when one of your smut books is written by a man.

yall are closer than ever before
just laugh that shit off are legendary
you are not a slave to main stream ideology
would you fuck him off drugs ?
if so ...who cares
if you do it again good for you
if you don't good for you

truth life ...we all have high expectations of one another that just aren't rational

and at the end of the day we are all naked

something like this happened back in my high school

Same thing happened with my cousin
>18yr old cousin is staying with us
>she's as blood related as possible, dad's brother married my mom's sister
>for some reason we're sleeping on air mattresses in my room and go to bed
>in the middle of the night start fingering her
>she's wet and tighter than a Chinese finger trap, pretty sure she's a virgin
>eventually stop and go to sleep
>wake up the next day, go about my business
>haven't seen her all day, assume she's at a friend's
>she comes home and she's really distant, not making eye contact, staying away from me
>ask her what's wrong
>"I was awake last night"
>heart literally stops
>make up some bullshit about being molested myself so she feels bad for me
>she says it's OK, but to never do it again
>that night I do it again

I approve of this thread. If only because I'm jealous you got a load. Good job OP you fucking did it you're going to have a fucked up life.

i got a boner

so was that it? what happened after that?

epic plot



A lot inside you?


>didn't eat her out the next night
amateur hour.