How can I stop hating women?

I'm coming to terms with the fact that I find women unlikable and unlovable. Unfortunately I'm not gay so I'm still attracted to them and I want kids but to be honest I just think women are boring and stupid and really self centered. Every girl I ever dated, none of them ever planned out a date for me, or bought me anything or taught me something. None of them ever contributed anything other than sex and facilitating my ego as a man to want to not be single. And you can bitch and moan all you want that men objectify women but what else are you offering besides sex appeal?seriously women what to you offer your man to make him love you? Men, what besides sex and good looks does your woman offer you that your family and friends don't? I've never had an interesting conversation with a woman that comes anywhere near what I can have with my guy friends. They aren't into the things I like. They don't make me laugh. I don't think it's my fault that I hate you.

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Women offer nothing but disappointment, scorn, and regret.

idk man, my gf is brilliant, accomplished, creative, proactive, and does things for me and teaches me things all the time

find better women i guess

Women really don't offer much to heterosexual men besides sex. Everything that you stated is true in 99% of women. Why else do you think the divorce occurs in nearly half of all marriages in the west, but decreases in more ancient patriarchal societies? Women, given the ability to do as they please, always slut around, always divorce for money, and will always take what they will, because they aren't bound to anyone and know their worth as a commodity of society.

In the plainest terms, women deserve to be hated. Either swallow your hatred to breed or continue resentment. Your choice.

neither do men most of the time

lmao are you fucking serious?

just date better women dude

Give me a fucking example you brainlet

confirmation bias.

I know a couple great girls married to worthless shitpiles that do nothing but drain them of life.

He gave you an example, his gf... Your reading comprehension is poor, "brainlet".

Misogyny is a meme. Read back what you just wrote and realize that you are just as judgemental, irrational, and self-absorbed as any woman could be.

this. you're building a worldview based on raw emotions and what you're feeling right *now*.

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Date Christians. Convert to Christianity. I thought religion was stupid—but I approached it with an open mind. I’m now a Christian because I experienced the same things OP did.


I play video games and work out with my gf. I love her very much as she is very chill yet red pilled. She makes me laugh and listens to me when I have a bad day. Also she eats ass

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This may be viable in the US Bible Belt, but here like everyone is an atheist within a 20 year radius of my age.

totally serious. most people are not particularly accomplished, interesting, or helpful. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>women are boring and stupid and really self centered.
They are, but that doesn't mean you should hate them. Hating women for being boring and self-centered will get you about as far as hating dogs for pissing on trees and shitting on lawns. It's just in their nature. Do you think we don't have shit that annoys the fuck out of women? We do.

My gf is my best friend. Add everything friends offer, amp it to 100, and sprinkle intimacy and affection on top of that. Finding hapiness in the company of another human being is a nice feeling in itself

same boat

To stop hating women is to lie to yourself and live an existence with a blindfold on. Hate them but use them for what they're worth and that's it. Stop placing expectations on them. It's not worth it. Besides, women, whether they admit this or not, are attracted to guys who dismiss them. I've been hating women since I was in middle school and I've never had trouble getting laid. I'm not great looking or wildly successful in my career either.

t. a guy who's fucked close to a hundred women, and has observed their behavior and character for 29 years and who even admits that his own female family members are typical garbage women unworthy of respect

I am Christian, Christian girls just don't do wrong things but still remain uninteresting.

I hate them because of their love of status and wealth, and because they see men solely as tools.

Never really been able to deal with, just pisses me off as soon as it comes up.

Don't hate the player hate the game OP. Welcome to reality. Women do not have the same hobbies as us, they are biologically different in their mindsets, and you have to work to get them while they just wait for suitors to line out the door so they can pick the alpha Male. Your choices are either anhero, become a nihilist and go out like the gentle prince Elliot Rodgers, or accept the game for what it is and try to get pussy even if life makes it hard to do

>women, whether they admit this or not, are attracted to guys who dismiss them
Yeah, they know their places.

Do you believe in God now and all that other shit, or is it only really about trying to increase your chances of finding a woman who's not a slut?

>None of them ever contributed anything other than sex and facilitating my ego as a man to want to not be single.

Go MGTOW and gain inner peace.

>and I want kids but to be honest

Adopt a kid. Hell, if anything it's a win/win for both of you. Adopt a kid thats older so you can skip the sucky parts like dealing with terrible twos, crying all night, and etc. As for them, they can finally get out of the orphanage and have a home. So its a win for them as well

You don't need to hate women, just always have it in the back of your mind that they are not needed to live a happy life.

you need to hate them a bit to fuck them properly

No. I want a biological child to continue my genetics into the future. And I want them to have a good mother so they aren't too fucked up so they can also have kids.

By finding a good woman.

So never

This sounds retarded enough to be true.

Every user bitches and whines about women being vapid and boring, i don't understand how any of you are so unable to tell a stupid thot from a nice girl. It's pretty simple, but you only want your 10/10 stacys who dress to impress and have 8,000 friends on their extremely active social media accounts. Most of you are some dumb fuckers.


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Find a gf smarter and more fun than you are then OP

You seem gay.