Supplements that actually work?

What are some supplement that actually work, and aren't just placebo bullshit?

Probiotics, zinc, etc etc...

Especially supplements for enhancing testosorone, serotonin, dopamine, condifence overall, clearer mind etc

Is there even such a thing?

Attached: supplements.jpg (728x546, 32K)

A balanced diet.

By defintion, placebos DO work
Just sayin'


The mood cure
Perfect health diet

Supplements can do a lot, but there is no general recommendations to make, you need to read a bit. I personally don't recommend taking any of them long term, some simple vitamin supplements cause specific cancers. Safer to eat a healthy diet


Yeah but they won't work as well when I know they're placebos...

why do you want supplements? just start eating more meat and less (((carbs and vegetables)))

But vitamins are part of a healthy diet, doesn't that mean eating healthy causes cancer?

Also, supplements are taken because you aren't getting the specific nutrients from your eating, so they should be safe in that case.

yo what's wrong with vegetables

they have anti-nutrients, meaning they can block vitamin, nutrient absorption and they are also hard to digest and can cause gut problems

Exercise and eat healthy. Spend time outside in the sun. Take a daily multivitamin. I've found exercise and healthy diet to be a surprisingly powerful antidepressant/mood-lifter. I heard people saying that for years but when I really got disciplined about it, the effects were more pronounced than I expected.

You don't really wanna be loading yourself up with too many supplements unless you have an actual deficiency. Get some detailed blood-work done at the doctor's and see if anything comes up. There are supplements that can boost serotonin and/or dopamine, but it's a bad idea to mess around with that if you don't actually need it, as you can create an imbalance and make things worse in an attempt to make them better

My mother who is a doctor gives me some multivitamins, probiotics, omega 3. She just puts them on a shelf and says "take 1 of each daily if you want or randomly". But they qre not stuff that mess with your hormonese and just mild pills

>Is there even such a thing?
Vitamins in general don't do shit unless you are clinically deficient, and certain excesses have been linked to cancers particularly in smokers (E, B6, B12). Probiotics only have some positive evidence for ulcerative diseases and IBS, nothing else. Even fish oil and high levels of omega-3 have been shown to have only scant effects with high doses (>4g daily). They can lower triglycerides a little, but they don't reduce cardiac events in a statistically significant manner. If you want to raise test then take steroids. As everyone else has said, diet is king.

>taking health advice from 4channel
lol as you can read no one has a clue what they're talking about

>t. brainlet bootlicker


Creatine if you want to build muscle.

Fish Oil, lots of health benefits
Magnesium, supposedly good for muscle tension and sleep
Vitamin B3, good for skin there is research that shows B3 reduces chance of skin cancer

vitamins=/=pills the vitamin supplements cause cancers because they're manufactured in an unnatural format.

When you're new so you just put buzzwords together


>Fish Oil, lots of health benefits

This is the most extensive systematic assessment of effects of omega-3 fats on cardiovascular health to date. Moderate- and high-quality evidence suggests that increasing EPA and DHA has little or no effect on mortality or cardiovascular health (evidence mainly from supplement trials). Previous suggestions of benefits from EPA and DHA supplements appear to spring from trials with higher risk of bias. Low-quality evidence suggests ALA may slightly reduce CVD event and arrhythmia risk.

Cochrane Review - Nov. 30, 2018