How do you know if you’ve been radicalized?

How do you know if you’ve been radicalized?

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Are you planning any terrorist attacks?

No, just wondering if this site has had an adverse effect on me

Would you let someone who’s black babysit your kids?

>speak to person who disagrees with you
>if just the fact alone that they disagree with you makes you accuse them of extremism, then you're probably an extremist, yourself

What kind of adverse affects user?
>inb4 nice try FBI
>inb4 not today CIA
>inb4 nice attempt atobscurity, Department of homeland security

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If I knew them well enough to entrust them with my kids, sure. Wouldn’t let a tranny tho

Sometimes I subconsciously dislike certain people like jews or trannies. I feel they hold an accusatory attitude towards white dudes. And part of me believes that a uncomfortable percentage of the most powerful people being jewish is weird. Seems like racial nepotism

Well that's cuz trannies are disgusting subhumans OP. You aren't radicalized for thinking that, it is just a fact.

Then you’re not radicalized yet. And trannys have no place around children

you're not even in weird uncle territory yet. don't worry about it right now.

The line stops at believing violent action is necessary or is the only way to achieve your goals. So you can go so far as to join a political white supremacist group. But if your group or you start to use terror to accomplish a mission or you start thinking that you need to kill or harm others to attain your goals, that is the point where you need to back off and re-evaluate. Realize that in a representative democracy it is detrimental to your political ideology, no matter what that ideology is, to use violence. You win by getting more people to agree with you which you do through arguments and debate. Or at least dank memes and propaganda.

Yeah that one's actually pretty reasonable. I mean they have my sympathy, but they also have penises and think they're women; they're fucken mental.

>The line stops at believing violent action is necessary or is the only way to achieve your goals. So you can go so far as to join a political white supremacist group. But if your group or you start to use terror to accomplish a mission or you start thinking that you need to kill or harm others to attain your goals, that is the point where you need to back off and re-evaluate.
The trick to this is there are ideologies in which violence is the guaranteed endpoint, so the ideology is radical almost by definition.
For example, suppose you wholeheartedly believe in the concept of a black ethnostate. What happens if a group of whites families move into the area and start a community? If they're sufficiently determined to stick around, only violence can make your vision possible.

If I disagree with Al-Qaeda am I extremist?


If you ever find yourself telling people about something you read on the internet, expecting them to understand, and they don't, that probably means you fucked up somewhere.

Delet dis pls

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stocking up on tinned fish for the coming troubles

Lmao dude shake off the bourgeoisie complacency and etiquette and be what they call a "radical"

>As soon as you think an idea or doctrine is worth tolerating any violence to push it, you have entered radical territory.

That is my personal idea about an ideal/agenda going to far. You don't need to like minorities or whatever people, but as soon as violence against (a group of) people is considered okay you have entered radical territory.
Read some books that take place in Nazi Germany or the UdSSR.

No, but if they then called you an Islamaphobe for disagreeing, that would be the extremist sentiment I'm talking about. You see it with other groups, too:
>disagree with social or political statements from a stormfag
>"Fucking JIDF."
>disagree with something social or political that a jew says
>disagree with a feminist
>disagree with an incel
That type of thing.

I believe in you, user.

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1. Expose yourself to radically different opinions constantly. While I use Jow Forums almost daily, I keep a tumblr blog as well, and occasionally stalk opinionated twitter threads. It doesn't matter if they're usually wrong. Sometimes they'll make a good point, or you'll figure out how and why they come to their conclusions. Truth is rarely, if ever, at the center, but nobody has a total monopoly on the truth.

2. Try to disprove yourself regularly. Assume that you're wrong every once in awhile, then try to find facts to support that. People naturally hate being wrong, so it's easy to weaponize it against yourself if you try. Either you learn something new, or your old belief grows stronger with facts to support it.

Having become atheist from a radical christian background, transitioning away from radicalization doesn't happen in a short period of time. If you can point to a few beliefs on your side that you strongly disagree with though, then you're on the right track.

Did you know radical comes from a Latin word meaning root?

not liking black people isn't radical, it's racist and was actually normal a few decades ago.