>I am a Japanese. I am a Japanese person. >These write English using a translation site. I'm writing in English using a translation site. >And because I want you to understand a Japanese. And because I want you to understand me.
My only recommendations
Thomas Wood
Nice blog faggot 素敵なブログ同性愛者 Sutekina burogu dōseiai-sha
Welcome to Jow Forums 4chanへようこそ 4 Chen e yōkoso
Leo Perez
Caleb Lewis
Thank you for being able to teach right English at once! >I am a Japanese person.
Person is necessary. I learn it. Thank you for being able to teach right English at once! >I am a Japanese person.
Person is necessary. I learn it.
Hunter Davis
Oh mae wa mou shindieru Is the longest thing in Japanese I'm capable of. There's baka too Nani sushi Sashimi I'm not a weeb clearly i don't even know why I come here
Hunter Edwards
Michael Hernandez
Are you Japanese person? or Did you learn Japanese?
Camden Gutierrez
文法について話しながら、英語で「も」は「too」や「either」と言う意味があります。"Either" goes with a negative the way 全然 does, but it depends on context so it doesn't always translate well.
(文によって違うから、いろんな文法ポイントが翻訳されるのがいけません。You know how it is.)
Levi Martin
>Because I want to make friends with you. Because I want to become friends with you "Making friends" is used in the general sense. I am going to the park to make friends. I am joining a club to make friends. When talking about specific people, you either want to be, is becoming or are friends.