Help with my English

Please help with my English conversation.
(Watashi no eikaiwa o tetsuda~tsu te kudasai.)

I am a Japanese.
(Watashi wa nipponjin desu.)

I cannot speak English. The reading and writing is not possible, too.
(Eigo wa hanase mase n . yomikaki mo deki mase n.)

But I want to talk in English.
(Demo eigo de kaiwa wo shi tai desu.)

These write English using a translation site.
(Korera wa hon'yaku saito wo tsuka~tsu te eigo wo kai te i masu.)

Because I want to make friends with you.
(Nazenara anata-tachi to nakayoku nari tai kara.)

And because I want you to understand a Japanese.
(Soshite anata-tachi ni nipponjin o rikai shi te morai tai kara.)

Of course I want to understand you, too.
(Mochiron watashi mo anata-tachi o rikai shi tai.)

Attached: ふんわりねころん1.jpg (808x455, 58K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>I am a Japanese.
I am a Japanese person.
>These write English using a translation site.
I'm writing in English using a translation site.
>And because I want you to understand a Japanese.
And because I want you to understand me.

My only recommendations

Nice blog faggot
Sutekina burogu dōseiai-sha

Welcome to Jow Forums
4 Chen e yōkoso


Thank you for being able to teach right English at once!
>I am a Japanese person.

Person is necessary. I learn it.
Thank you for being able to teach right English at once!
>I am a Japanese person.

Person is necessary. I learn it.

Oh mae wa mou shindieru
Is the longest thing in Japanese I'm capable of.
There's baka too
I'm not a weeb clearly i don't even know why I come here


Are you Japanese person?
or Did you learn Japanese?


文法について話しながら、英語で「も」は「too」や「either」と言う意味があります。"Either" goes with a negative the way 全然 does, but it depends on context so it doesn't always translate well.

(文によって違うから、いろんな文法ポイントが翻訳されるのがいけません。You know how it is.)

>Because I want to make friends with you.
Because I want to become friends with you
"Making friends" is used in the general sense.
I am going to the park to make friends.
I am joining a club to make friends.
When talking about specific people, you either want to be, is becoming or are friends.

One of the ways how to learn language is to actively use it. For example on english speaking discord server. Just read or join conversation and keep struggling until you will suddenly know broken internet english.

I like the fist of Hokuto no ken, too.
I disliked the childhood

Amen senpai

It is ... indeed.
I studied English for three years at time of the high school student.
But the English results were very bad.

I want to be going to study English by oneself on TV and a radio, but the body does not have it at all afterwards because there is not really an opportunity to use English.
Therefore I came here.

>Because I want to make friends with you.
>(Nazenara anata-tachi to nakayoku nari tai kara.)
That's cool bro but 我学习汉语。I think it is much more valuable right now

Attached: IMG_0340.png (640x427, 4K)

Thank you
I love Chaina

yeah, that's understandable. i agree with , when i was studying japanese it helped to be forced to use it out loud.

I am anxious about Hong Kong now.
Because they hold a big demonstration.
I wish that a victim should not appear

You wouldn't happen to have seen an anime called Symphogear would you have? If you know what Discord is, I have an account on there and I own some active servers you could speak to people on, my ID is Dora#5563

Read English aloud.
Speak English as much as possible.
I do my best.
I thank for advice.

I may not understand your English sentence exactly.
I have not watched an animated cartoon called "Symphogear".
The animated cartoon called "Symphogear" is called戦姫絶唱シンフォギア in Japan.

Do you by any chance invite me to the site where you are?
Do you talk in a thread of Symphogear by the name of Dora#5563?
Your feeling is nice if so.
However, I cannot talk about Symphogear.

Please talk to talk to an infant to me.
I cannot understand a long English sentence.

It is okay, we don't just discuss シンフォギア but many other things as well. "Discord" is an online communication service where I discuss things with people. There are channels there for Japanese and English speakers to communicate aside from the place I mentioned.

" discord " is an app for talking between 2 people. Looks like this

Attached: IMG_0341.jpg (246x246, 7K)

Hey ching-chong! Your music scene's fuckin' ace my dude. Jrock? Been jivin' to that shit all month long. Your food's ass tho (i kno cus a Jap market opened near my neighborhood lol).

I wanted to visit the site.
I think that it is studied that I read many conversations.
Interest was given about the animated cartoon.
I want you to teach the URL of the site.

On the subject of 日本 things 我喜欢:

I once knew a Japanese song that I wanted to know the lyrics for but I forgot which song it was but this thread would've been great to ask OP to translate ;__; is the website to sign up for an account, I gave you my account number earlier, you can add me on the service when you have an account.

You mean ?
Is" discord "t the name of Application software ?

People have been saying this for fucking decades and I still don't need it in my southern California city.

Yes." Discord " is an app / (アプリ)

Attached: IMG_0344.png (332x589, 258K)


I was not able to reproduce youtube of the URL

I understand ,Thank you

You can try listening to songs sung in English and reading the lyrics to them.

Did that play?

yes I do
but I will retry nou

Op if you want to talk English you can email me

[email protected]

Attached: IMG_0131.jpg (640x906, 43K)

It led to youtube.
However, a noise spreads as a standstill screen.
As for it, a noise was mixed in music.
It is difficult that a noise is big and hears music.
Is this by any chance Symphogear animated cartoon?

Possibly the ability of my PC is low, and animation reproduction may be difficult.

It is an album, music. It's not that anime Symphogear.
It's called 「A Picture of Her - C」

Attached: IMG_0345.jpg (1200x1169, 219K)

No that isn't symphogear, also that isnt the same person posting.
No one here actually fills out the name field, "annonymous" is default name.


Sorry Iam miss read
but I understand

Thank you give me music album
It is sound good

The noise dissolved when I made headphones.
A speaker does not seem to be good.

Japanese Thread !!
very instered in

I will go to Japanese Thread
may be tomowrrow
becouses I am time out today

thank you
I e-mailed you.

>> all
I became running out of time today.
Very disappointed.

Thank you for playing it today. I was very glad.
I take time very much to understand one English sentence.
I have the response that has not been yet readable.
I read it using a dictionary. Later.
It is very very difficult to talk in English.
I make an effort every day from now on.

Please play it if you see again.
Thank you All

Man you look nice.
I'm not good too never had a proper education in English.
I'm Brazilian by the way.

What TV shows you like? Do you saw Godzilla II?

Tank you.
you look nice too

I know Godzilla.
but I don't sow Godzilla yet.
Do you like Godzilla?

I like American"s TV
about a "NCIS"
" Little House on the Prairie"

But what I am absorbed in recently
"OSHINN"It is the old drama which was popular in theJapan1980s.

* I have not seem Godzilla
Sow is another thing.

But yes, I I like kaiju and stuff, tokusatsu was a big deal in Brazil too.

Oshinn is interesting, what you like about it?

Just a heads up, y'all are probably talking with a Westerner pretending to be Japanese.


Watachiwa kamen hentai
Urrya urrya
watch that video

You make me miss having pen pals.


Haber ijo de tu chingada jefesita deja de andar mamando con tus pendejadas de ching Chong chingada

>ching Chong

This desu




>Hey ching-chong! Your music scene's fuckin' ace my dude. Jrock? Been jivin' to that shit all month long. Your food's ass tho (i kno cus a Jap market opened near my neighborhood lol).



>Hey ching-chong! Your music scene's fuckin' ace my dude. Jrock? Been jivin' to that shit all month long. Your food's ass tho (i kno cus a Jap market opened near my neighborhood lol).



You like a monster and special effects.
Do you know ”Ultra man ”and ””Mothra”?

"Oshinn" is broadcasted again now in Japan.
I was not able to watch "Oshinn" before,
I record it now. It is interesting.


I check hello talking later thank you

What country are you from?

Im going to japan

how do i ask for wifi password

you are kamen hentai (w
but I am not hentai. may be (w

Did I fail to become you and a pen-pal?
Are you ?


I went to watch a Japanese thread yesterday.
A Japanese quarrelled.
But I intend to go to sometimes look.


I am thankful for the proposal.

But I have already married.

A regret.

It's probably just ワイファイパスワードありますか?
Wifi Pasuwa-do arimasuka?

I'm heading out there at the end of the year myself, for Comiket. I've been self studying for a few years on and off.

No I dont have Wifi
Why do you want a password of the Wi-Fi?

Japanese McDonald's is wherever, but Wi-Fi is connected


I traveled abroad more than ten years ago.
I have been to Thailand and Kenya and Tanzania.
I dropped in at Bombay of the way ground.
It was completely a Japanese conducted tour.

I had "Discord" tell me yesterday.

But I decided not to use it with much effort. sorry.

Because it seemed to be difficult that one's PC and carrying were old and used it.

Changing the subject

The class of the pool began this year in the school in this neighborhood.

Children learn swimming for time when they fell into a river and the pond.

It is a normal scene to watch well in Japan,

The country learning swimming at school seems to be rare.

Attached: 水泳授業.jpg (4608x3456, 1.93M)

It is 59 years ago that a class of the swimming began in a Japanese school.

There was a drowning accident on May 11, 1955, and children more than 100 died.

A ship called SIUNNMARU with the school
excursion student hit the ferry.

The ship sank in five minutes, and children were drowned.

Adult grieved.

And I reflected on the government.

It was decided that the Japanese school taught children swimming.

There is a pool in most schools now.

>The class of the pool began this year in the school in this neighborhood.
The local school began teaching swimming this year.
>Children learn swimming for time when they fell into a river and the pond.
Children learn swimming in case they fall into a river or a pond.
>It is a normal scene to watch well in Japan,
>The country learning swimming at school seems to be rare.
Teaching swimming at school seems to be rare in Japan.
>It is 59 years ago that a class of the swimming began in a Japanese school.
Swimming classes began in Japanese schools 59 years ago
>There was a drowning accident on May 11, 1955, and children more than 100 died.
There was a drowning accident on May 11, 1955, and more than 100 children died. [ ;_; ]
>A ship called SIUNNMARU with the school excursion student hit the ferry.
Students were in a ship called SIUNNMARU during a school excursion. The ship hit a ferry.
>The ship sank in five minutes, and children were drowned.
The ship sank in five minutes, and the children drowned.
>Adult grieved.
Adults grieved.
>And I reflected on the government.
>It was decided that the Japanese school taught children swimming.
It was decided that Japanese schools would teach children swimming.
>There is a pool in most schools now.

That's a very sad story... I think all children should learn how to swim. In my country I think most children can swim. I hope more Japanese schools will teach it. Do you know how to swim ?
Good luck with studying English !

Recently a Japanese ship was damanged in the Oman sea by an Iranian mine ... ?
Your story made me think of these news.
It was this 13th June.
But nobody died this time.
Maybe they knew how to swim.



This one deserves an reddit gold.

have sex

thanks for the gold kind stranger!