Get ready for the big surprise

Get ready for the big surprise.

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My body is ready

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singles and it's nothing anything else and it's more massive than we could've imagined

Typical fat burger.


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The same elicopter keep flying over my house, over and over, space time corruption confirmed we are doomed

Calling bullshit now. It will be just redacted enough to cause suspicion and keep the theater going without providing a clear victory to eaither side.


It will indeed implicate Russia for interference and Julian Assange will have to testify to prove that false.

Lester, a fiddlidlidling jester
Lester conned the tax man


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>Calling bullshit now. It will be just redacted enough to cause suspicion and keep the theater going without providing a clear victory to eaither side.

Finally someone gets it. Both sides will see it as both a victory and loss simultaneously. People on the verge of doing something will be pacified for a few more weeks. Rinse and repeat.

It is not up to me to publish proof or contact the media.
In fact, I am not sure that anyone will.
But if they do, it will be quite a bomb.

Blame the left this time. And dont use a semi auto.

>INB4 random shitposter user gets V&

>thread still up
pretty much he's only incriminating himself

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