20 y/o female and very ugly and undesirable. Tired of being this way. I don't want to look like shit anymore...

20 y/o female and very ugly and undesirable. Tired of being this way. I don't want to look like shit anymore. I'm a few pounds overweight, 5'7 and 165 lbs (fatass I know), shoulder-length blonde hair, don't dress very well. I also have a scar on the side of my face about the size of a penny. Does anyone have any advice on how to become more attractive, what the right weight for me would be, something like that? Cuz I'm tired of no guys liking me and being self conscious all the time.

Attached: sad mr met.jpg (390x390, 29K)

You aren't a fatass, for starters.

Second, you need to both find something bigger to care about than having an SO and develop genuine interests and hobbies, and ultimately share them with others.

I do have a number of hobbies, I like sports for example, but nevertheless I'm really lonely. I want companionship and love and it feels like it's impossible to find with me looking so subpar to all the other women around me. I don't even need an SO, just a close friend, but I just don't have the self confidence to really put myself out there.

>hey guys how to i improve my appearance
>*doesnt post pic*

I sort of just wanted general advice, but you're right it would help, so here's a pic. Excuse the hair - looks like shit I know lol.

Attached: Screenshot_20190618-231912_Gallery.jpg (793x1300, 487K)

It's back in a ponytail for the record - that is not my hairstyle. To abate potential concerns. I'm not that far gone

I would bang you

Youre not ugly. Stop being so self conscious.

to be fair, you're being melodramatic. I don't know what you're saying by calling yourself ugly, but it's very melodramatic. The blonde hair is also a plus for me.

>it's another "i'm so ugly" thread done by an above average attention starving user
these should be considered bait

Where's the scar, faggot larper

You said it yourself. You lack confidence to do anything. So, your real issue here is obviously not your looks but how you choose to perceive yourself, yes?

Would make babies and start a family with desu

>inb4 op is a tranny

>above average
I don't know what you're seeing but I'm not seeing it son. Also this is not an I'm so ugly thread, I'm just asking what I can do to improve my looks. "Cut your hair" is the kind of response I'm looking for. I'm not baiting for people to tell me I'm hot, I want someone to tell me how to dress.

I'll send a picture in a moment if you insist. You can see I'm wearing a bandaid under my hair.

165 at 5 foot 7 is fat bro...
go to Jow Forums and get in shape
its all about lowering calories or increasing calories burned or both
youre a blonde ull look great when you are in shape

Send a pic in a bikini real quick and we can tell you how to improve

If a girl this cute has trouble finding a relationship then I'm absolutely fucked.

Attached: Peacock-Gudgeon_1024x1024.jpg (1023x768, 127K)

>i want someone to tell me how to dress
do you want a boyfriend, user?
do you want a strong man to fill your taint with his strong man's cum?

come on, this is stupid.
Just fucking work out if you're that bothered

Is this bait

>Also this is not an I'm so ugly thread
>20 y/o female and very ugly and undesirable
yeah ok

k, good point honestly

couldn't find a good pic so just took one while I'm laying here in bed. Had surgery here about a year ago, is quite noticable in sunlight... I know it's not big but it really doesn't help anything. Not larping.

Attached: Screenshot_20190618-233936_Gallery.jpg (801x1050, 539K)

Honestly just get tinder and fuck a dude. There's literally thousands of desperate dudes on there who will not only have sex with you but also date you.

Attached: D88xuC9XYAErFzD.jpg (500x205, 15K)

if your self esteem really sucks that badly, you just want a boyfriend. Not that hard. Depending on what you're looking for, I could help you in that endeavor, however

Any man who wouldn't ask you out and bang that shit is not a man. Our culture places way too much importance on looks.

The thing I look for in women is their ability to make me laugh, hold a conversation, get me to think, and feel loved. If they can do those things I'm hooked.

When my girl is getting old, I drop her off at the salon on a mission to become a new girl, pick her up a new dress and go have fun. Roleplay is awesome with couples.

If you are looking to boost your confidence, add a few pounds of muscle. Look at before and after working out asses, there's a huge difference.

Thanks so much. My first mission I think is to lose weight. Do you find that guys like really skinny girls or is it better to stop in like the 130s range?

Thanks for the offer. I sort of do just want a boyfriend, I guess. Not doing long distance any time soon though, sorry.

I mean, what do you suggest, airpods?

>trying to score a gf on 4channel

i love skinny minis hnnng yummm

I was only referring to the idea that you could probably get a bf from playing a single match in any online video game.

it's a joke, calm down.

>""ironic"" tripfag trying to score a gf on 4channel
youre not making this any better for yourself

if you say so.

open any dating app and collect the free dick you delusional clown

OP where are you from? Can you clean and cook?

Literally just wear more feminine clothes and stop wearing generic tshirts fitted for men in weird colors like in >Take care of your hair
>don't be one of those silent bitches that never smiles or looks at anyone in the eye
>don't be creepy

>overweight, 5'7 and 165 lbs (fatass I know),
Stop eating fatty
You look fine though tbqh might have dense bones or smtng either way post body

OP speaking, for the record I must say in retrospect this was mad attention seeking. Like I was real defensive at first but then I was like ehhhhhhh this post is sorta dumb. So in retrospect, bad post. I do legitimately think I'm ugly but nevertheless. So don't tell me that this is stupid anymore, I've heard it now and I agree lol

Now that you feel better, delete this dumb thread or post body pic

You made me think I was gonna look at some goblin lmao you're fine. Now go seek attention on tinder.

Jesus please fuck off. You can literally put this picture on Tinder and I guarantee you can get dicked down by 10+ guys within a day if you wanted.

post body now. you got the sweet sweet male attention and validation you were in dire need of, now gives us something back

Fuck that. Stop where you feel comfortable.
I myself prefer women who feel confident about themselfes. Had some quite skinny and fit and liked as just as much as nice womanly shapes. Its not just about your shape, but how you present it. When you feel good in your body you shouldnt have a Problem to find someone who does as well.

I think with little shorter hair and maybe some General work out to define shapes you'd be very atracctive and desireable.

But who Feels atraccted to someone not respecting/liking himself.
Heads up and you do fine.

I think you look great.
Dressing more feminine and having your hair down does seem to make guys approach me more. You probably have men in your life that are already attracted to you but you're giving out an unavailable vibe.