Girlfriend wont have sex

We're two years into the relationship and we live together. We sleep in the same bed and we used to have sex at least three times a week.

Now she doesn't even want me to touch her. She is not being aggressive about it, we practically spend all day together and she is very loyal so I'm sure she isn't cheating.

Does anyone know what could it be???

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talk to her, say things have seemed distant lately and you want to know if there's something on her mind and/or if there's anything you can help her with

How long has it been since you have had sex?
This is a serious issue you need to get out in front of.

Why don't you just fucking ask her you retard

What the fuck is that pic

Looks like a bent over skeleton with a pocket pussy attached to it.

prob raped

I have a similar problem, OP. I hope someone has something helpful to say on this because I'm at the end of my rope and my relationship is dying. I don't want to leave her but she's wasting my youth. It's hard trying not to build resentment for her.

She's found someone she'd rather have sex with. I know this because I'm currently sleeping with a girl who is in a "committed relationship" with someone less attractive than I am

She's met another guy. Small chance she's already banged him. She's thinking about him and its flooding her basement so she doesnt want you to touch her.

Does she let you at least makeout with her?

Kick that bitch to the curb. Would you have gotten together in the first place if she didn’t have a pussy?

>Dead bedroom

Fuck her off OP. She should have a pretty good excuse to not want to fuck you on demand. However realise that it was probably you who somehow made her feel this way. Is there something you might be doing wrong? In any case, fuck that bitch off.

How old are you both? She could be going through pre menopausal symptoms. It can happen as early as your early 30s.

Also yeast and thrush infections can effect libido, make sure you check and treat those.

start working out and keeping an eye out for other women.
I am not saying cheat, but be prepared to procure dating options pretty soon.
Break up with her if things don't improve, you deserve better than this.
Become fully prepared to walk away.

I always wondered how those fleshlights feel, from what are they made of?

Sillicone. Feels fleshy enough.

I was in the same spot three times with three different women.
If you want anything to change, you really just need to tell her with a straight face that you don't have sex as often as you'd like and shit is ruining your mood.
If she tells you that it's your problem, then go out with the boys, flirt with some chicks, beat someone up, etc. It's up to you if you want to cheat.
Basically get busy, leave home, do productive shit.
She WILL notice. It may take time for her to begin boiling inside, but she is going to crack at one point.
If she gets angry with you, congratulations - your girl is a jealous bitch not willing to spread her ass cheeks for you.
Leave her.
If she gets the fucking memo, she will start acting seductive. She'll try to be your little slut again.
In that case - do what you want.

Fuck these bitches man, life is too short to focus on a slut that doesn't want to bang you.

OP I got like this when my BF was being a chronic asshole/not meeting my emotional needs. It suck but women have sex for different reasons as men (in general not all women/men etc). For alot of women there needs to be a feeling of security/safety involved to have sex (which yes is contradictory bc some women have one night stands).

Are you guys disagreeing alot? Is she depressed? Are you guys not going out on dates anymore? In a rut? Do you get erections all the time (some women just want to hug/cuddle for 30-45 min and then have sex, but guys tend to rush it).

It sucks. It's confusing. There are alot of possibilities and you'll have to play detective to get to the bottom of it (you might ask what's wrong and she might lie). Yes it suck. Yes women can suck. I am personally trying to better about it , but this is the lot youre stuck with at the moment so if you want to smash you gotta figure it out.

Talk to her don't get mad or judgemental. Just listen. Cuddle with her for alot longer than you feel like. Give her long, passionate kisses that don't progress to anything else. Make sex something that is built up slowly over the course of an evening, not just something you do after grinding your dick on her butt for a few min as she falls asleep (which is not sexy if that's your only move).

>emotional needs
Aka cuck shit.

OP this is the exact thing you do NOT want to do. Maybe if you're in a month old relationship where you play kind games like children.

In a long term relationship, of you love the person you gotta talk, figure out what their needs are, and then meet them.

She is probably just in a rut, doesn't feel romance enough, or something emotional. Do not make her jealous or make her feel bad/inferior. That will compound the problem! It is not a long term solutio

10/10 chance women get tired of your asshole personality all the time. Hostility does not solve problems. Making people jealous/hurt is not conducive to solving problems, habi g healthy relationships, and is immature.

>not meeting my emotional needs.

Care to explain what that means exactly?

Fuck that shit , muh sentimenal value , muh love, muh cuddle , muh let me see into your soul , I'd rather pay a whore to give me the same stuff that a gf would with less hassle , because in the end you end up paying anyway.

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Feminized beta way of thinking, that will yield you no results.

Do these.
Women crave alpha dick. Alpha is whatever other women want. If you seem to her like you could be attracting other women, and start stopping to pay attention to her, she will start trying to please you and you out of anxiety and you will get all the sex you want.

Be more aggressive in your advances , my gf is like this says no a lot but if I just pin her down and finger her she tends to get in the mood.

>figure out
Shut the fuck up, dishwasher.
Taking the issue straight to the point is the best solution.
Jumping around the topic and being a good boy (tm) is just a bandaid if your girl is a bitch.
If you talk about the issue directly and your girl can't handle the talk - she's not wife material.
If she can - she's wife material.
Really simple.

I'm in a 2 year long relationship right now with a woman that can handle a rough discussion and not get all depressed.
Maybe it's not that men like me are assholes - maybe it's just that weak fucking cunts like you can't handle the hard shit in life.

Is she on birth control?

You better start looking for another pussy cuck

Your opinion is entirely invalid, you weak minded follower.

Everything you say is just another illusion and a lie you tell yourself that you want, but the moment you get a taste of it you only want more, and you'll keeping taking mile after mile until you destroy your relationship and run off with some new project, perhaps someone who realizes that what YOU think YOU want isn't what's best for the relationship

One of the worst opinions posted on Jow Forums in a while. Expect more negative replies

Lol you sound like a true beta cuck.

Women are highly perceptive beings, they know what's going on. But you will never see a young women doing that "talk" with you, in the end if someone loves you they will try to give said love to you in every way possible, sexual needs are no joke, and the issue is not that she doesn't do it, but that it lacks the attitude that leads to sex.

OP can talk all he wants with his GF, but you cannot reason sexual attraction.

he's less attractive than you are, yet you both sleep with the same bottom of the barrel tier trash? nice job, you Chad

she is literally cheating on you so her hole is nice and tight for her secret lover. did you honestly expect loyalty from women when her phone is a bag of dicks? do you even know how many fucking thirsty guys are hitting up her phone?

>just assault her until she's cool with it

lmao you think a dude wrote this

are you actually insane, playing it up, or just trying to make OP insane?

i gotta remember to never come here for advice when actually in a relationship

The difference is that I get to fuck her without spending fuckloads of money, being an emotional tampon, or having to commit to her long term

Attached: 1558066105595.png (225x300, 110K)

>filename isn't bonezone.jpg

I was was a girl for five years between 15 and 20. Last three it was pretty much sexless. When I finally fucked another girl it felt so good- I felt wanted and desired for the first time in years. Do it user. Do it for yourself.

Stop being a beta male. As soon as she denies u sex say “oh u don’t wanna have sex, ok I’ll find someone else that woll” garunteed she’ll stop being a bitch if u do this

Lol you have never said this to a girl

You're committing to her little game of "hehe lemme get this adrenaline rush and go back to my life".
I mean, you get to fuck, but you're being used just like her cuck.
If you fuck a cheating chick, there's no winning, honestly.

I never thought about it this way but it makes perfect sense