How did Forrest forgive Jenny for being such a whore, going off exploring a new city, having bad drug phases with guys...

How did Forrest forgive Jenny for being such a whore, going off exploring a new city, having bad drug phases with guys, but then decide to settle down with him? How did he not resent her for not taking him when he first confessed his love?

I'm essentially in the same situation, and i can't get over this resentment from past times she was acting like Jenny instead of being my gf. It's hurting our relationship

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Break up. Your values do not align.

Forrest forgave her by being an idiot. And you'll be an idiot too, and you'll be her good little stable boy that she'll come back to when she's finally "found" herself and experimented.

>How did Forrest forgive Jenny
Forrest was mentally disabled

You do remember 'jenny' was somehow fucked up / molested by her father, right?

So is OP

Because he was mentally retarded you fool.

Drop that bitch like a sack of shit.

he's also made up


We didn't have incels back then. It was unheard of that anyone would be such a giant faggot about shit as dumb as this.

This is the situation...

>be awkward guy with epilepsy, has seizures often and not a lot of friends
>meet girl in university circa 2013, she was seeing another guy at the time but stopped seeing him and started seeing me
>become fwb, she said something like if you get feelings let me know I assumed that meant fwb would be over

>fwb for 2 years, find out she had sex with another guy during that time, i was not happy...

>we both move to same city for work
>see eachother once or twice a week, usually for sex, rarely on weekends
>this goes on for like 2 years. I had brain surgery which stopped seizures but my recovery was like a year
>she would visit me at home and when I went back to work I'd stay over at her place every thursday night because i didn't work fridays
>after a couple months of this I asked to be gf bf, she said yes
>2 weeks later she said no, said there's another guy and I am still recovering
>i freak out and we dont talk for a month
>start talking and hanging out again and having sex again
>I apply to law school, she helps me study and with applications, and I get accepted
>she asks me to be gf bf after i got accepted, I think no I want to go and have new experiences
>she doesn't talk to me for 8 months, i go to school and sleep with other women
>after my brain surgery I'm less awkward and depressed so i realise girls actually like me
>return and get back in touch with her. Tell her I want a relationship
>she said she wasn't expecting that and is seeing other guys and wants to experiment with polyamory
>i freak out, say no and call her a slut basically
>we don't talk much the rest of that summer, we'd meet up once every few weeks and I'd just try and win her over.
>i go on a trip then back to school in the fall where i met another girl i dated for a bit
>Girl gets in touch with me telling me she's stopped seeing those other guys in the summer and wants to pursue a relationship with me
>i accept and we work on it

Please continue, cringe is my fetish and this is filet mignon to me

>i find out that the time we were fwb between me having brain surgery and going off to law school she was seeing other guys
>i felt really hurt about this.
> I don't care so much about the guys in the summer before we decided to work on a relationship, because i had my own girls too
>but the time when i thought she had stuck around despite my brain issues and surgery was special and later find out she was seeing other guys then too
>makes me feel really bad and insecure
>i sometimes bring it up and get mad at her about it and I don't know why, i can't seem to get over the fact she had this other life without me and I was the side dude

That's a pretty good summary
But yeah in a way i chased her down the whole time i was going through medical issues and surgery, finally landed her, and am now jealous and insecure that she was seeing other dudes the whole time i wanted to be exclusive

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So we've been exclusive since last October, and this issue still makes me feel insecure

In total we've known eachother 6years

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>why did a literal retard act retarded
Besides it's a movie. Not saying guys don't act like this irl but still.

Even if he was smart enough to understand she's a dumb whore she's really the best a mentally disabled shrimp millionaire can get unless he gets a total gold digger.

Look up metaintent on youtube, he did an episode specifically regarding Forest. Lots of jargon having to do with metaphysics and mental state, but it would be very useful to you if you actually want to know these answers. Most people regard him as just retarded, but he actually has a very strict set of guidelines that constantly lead him to success. The whole time most people assume he is just rambling to strangers, he is actually bouncing ideas off of them in order to be able to get a story which will present him in a good light to his wife and child. He is not a normal person and most people don't have the will which he has. It's a lot more meaningful than just "look at the cute, harmless retarded man."

Well yeah, I kinda relate to him because of my own brain issues and the girl I loved being a transient from a broken home

Get over it or move on m8

You are gross. You deserve your mental anguish. You invested too muh into a whore and then act surprised when she is a whore? Hindsight is 20/20 and all, but it's clear you were and probably still are thinking with your dick.

Hm more like I had serious health issues and she was the only one who stuck around
Any other girl I was interested in wanted nothing to do with me


I don't get this train of thought.
If it bugs you break up. If your okay with it then forget about it. No reason to stay with her and sulk about it.
Are you afraid she's all you'll ever get? There's tons of women out there. Go get one that doesn't make you miserable.