This thread is for discussion relating to BLACK Nationalism and other BLACK topics.
>wh*Tes STAY OUT
This is a political thread, not for trolls. We ask mods to keep trolls out. This thread complies with all Jow Forums rules and we ask mods to respect it as like other general.
What have you done today to further the BLACK cause?
Gee you black nationalists are doing pretty well for yourselves. I guess you all don’t really need those gibs anymore and we can go back to investing in ourselves.
>chimping out cause the guy wants his stolen bike back
Gabriel Ross
>muh detroit after slavery blacks were cast aside like animals and black americans did not get the necessary education and were also the poorest to begin with
all shitposting aside, you cant blame your ancestor's problems on anyone else's ancestors or vice versa. One of the largest lynchings in US history was 11 Italians in Louisiana. Don't see me hating the French for it.
Hahahahahahahaahahaa Hahahhaahhaahahaaaaahahahahhahaahahaahhahahahaha Niggers really do believe they Wuz kangs Wow the Jew's really did a number on them...
Brandon Wright
>be black >get enslaved by muslims >have genitals cut off by the same muslims and work to death or die horribly in diseases and infections in the millions
>a few generations later >WE DA NATION OF ISLAM, NIGGA
Why are blacks so salty. I would literally care less about niggers if they didn't live literally 20 minutes away and there wasn't the threat of some house robbing night monkey waiting to break into my home at 3 in the morning. Why are you all literally incapable of acting normal
That's probably the first time I've ever seen a nigger in a stand up fight where he didn't attack from behind or in a pack. You people are a fucking pestilence.
Also like half of the slave owners were black. What part of what is "owed" to you do their ancestors owe you? I have yet to see a nigger shill answer this.
Thank you for this thread OP, you truly are a bantu-tier spear chucking nigger and I will always love the laughs me and my brethren have at the expense of your entire continent
While it's funny that the Black Nationalism thread predictably turned into a nigger hate thread, I would give them their space if they wanted to get together and work on going back to Africa. They won't though, so nigger hate thread.
Name one successful black nation. Black people haven't developed statecraft nor the ability to use it sufficiently for a true prosperous black nation to emerge at this time. Develop the skills and flee to Africa. America is ours and a war is coming if you don't manage to escape your Jewish task masters and stay in our lands.