I'm considering paying a girl from one of my uni classes about ~$60 to cuddle for an hour (no sex) is this a bad idea

I'm considering paying a girl from one of my uni classes about ~$60 to cuddle for an hour (no sex) is this a bad idea

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did she make this offer to you, or do you have to ask her to do it?

trash Jow Forums bait

She said she would be down for it if I paid her upfront and didn't try for anything sexual


yea bad idea

Attached: 1510701927731.jpg (356x374, 36K)

You'll feel worse after you drop 60 on this chick and she
a.) Is a frigid bitch the entire time "cuddling"
b.) Just takes the money and leaves, because what are you gonna do about it? Who would believe you if you told them?

Be wise with your finances. You have to value yourself more than this. It should be an opportunity to cuddle with you, not a fucking transaction you have to grovel for.

get tinder
make it clear you just want to cuddle
save money
maybe find someone cool


I don't think anyone in the history of Tinder has matched with the pretense to cuddle platonically lmaoooooo

This op don't be a cuck. The Tinder girl would probably be more into it the her anyways that's all that counts when it comes to cuddling

Yes and you will be a loser if you do it

Yes, because she's only worth $20, max. Don't overpay for a whore.

I'll go against the grain and say yes you should do it. You might feel kinda weird or shit when it's over but, who cares, what you do with your money,
The human touch, that feeling of connection has healing properties,
This ain't the olden days where it was more rigid, serious and straight forward.
It's all about money with women, some women would gladly accept getting fucked on camera for X amount of money, some sell their used panties for whatever amount of cash.
And a few girls would cuddle a guy for $60,
Whatever, it goes on between 2 consenting adults and it doesn't hurt anyone outside of the transaction what's the harm?
Sometimes you gotta spend money to make yourself happy. I hope you enjoy it.


Sure, valid point. But why not spend 65$ for an hour relaxing massage with a female therapist? Makes you feel loved and cosy and shit.

It’s your money. Not bad.

Depends how good of a role player she is. If she wants payment, she probably despise you, but if she know really well how to hide that and role play, go for it.

Of course it is, don't do it and have some self-respect for starters.

How hot is she from 1 - 10?

>I don't think anyone in the history of Tinder has matched with the pretense to cuddle platonically lmaoooooo
you'd be mistaken

Id haggle to make it cheaper. Maybe 20 bucks an hour MAX. Still sounds shit though, id save my money and find a gf.

I'm pretty sure there are women who will do more for less. Screw the pretenses, a woman who gets paid for intimacy is a prostitute.

>is this a bad idea
Yes. Don't be autistic, user.

unless you're really tight on money, just go for it user, enjoy the company and comfort even if it's only for a little bit. you don't have much to lose, don't let ego/pride prevent (or some of the posters on this thread) convince you otherwise

There definitely are. OP is getting fucked.

>OP is getting fucked.
No, he isn't. He was abundantly clear on that.
