What are some healthy coping mechanisms for an incel that doesn't hate women like me? It makes me sad...

What are some healthy coping mechanisms for an incel that doesn't hate women like me? It makes me sad, but some girls have been nice to me before so I don't hate them.

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Exercise is always good.

How about accepting the fact that your current stature isn't attracting the right kind of female attention? How about being real and understanding that maybe you have some traits or an attitude that concludes with females not having anything to do with you?

You have to be honest and truthful in all things in life; that's how you grow. That includes sexual attraction and the skills necessary for successful seduction of females. Be actively engaged in understanding and learning about what traits enable men to successfully gain women instead of repel them. Be willing to be vulnerable and open to new ideas and not be ashamed of your current position in life- instead of denying it and blaming it all on women with a blanket statement.

That is the primary problem. You think you're such a catch, but you aren't because you're alone- truly. Continue this trend and you will truly be forever alone. Stop lying to yourself, you're just shooting yourself in the foot.

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Stop identifying as an incel and go out there and get girls.

This is mostly a repost from another comment I made but I hope it helps you.

First truth: A relationship will not fully fix feelings of self doubt. These types of feelings are natural, esspecially in hard circumstances and times of loneliness, but the solution to those feelings can only come from within and from the choices you make.

Here is some basic advice
1. Take a vitamin D supplement. (Sounds our of place here, but 70+% of Americans don't get enough and it is instrumental to emotional well-being)
2. Take a fish oil supplement ( similar reasoning to point 1)
3. Get good consistent sleep. Same time each night. 7-9 hours
4. Workout 3 times a week. (Bodyweight exercises will do great)
5. Get involved in some sort of community activity. Whether that be church, a meditation center, volunteering location, or an amateur sports league.
6. Maintain good bodily and dental hygiene.
7. Consider joining a mindfulness meditation group near you. Meditation may seem mystical and not applicable to modern Life, but it is quite the opposite. It's simply a good way of familiarizing yourself with how your mind and body works. A form of self discovery.
8. (Optional) Consider taking the medicinal herb supplement ashwagahnda. It is great for stress reduction and physical health.

In the end if you take care of yourself in these ways you WILL feel better. If a romantic relationship comes in a month, a year, or even longer than so be it. Take care of yourself and love yourself and other things will begin to fall into place.

One more recommendation. Take a listen to this podcast about the current incel movement and culture. I'm glad you don't hate women. They are just like any other human being, wonderful and awful, beautiful and disgusting, good and bad. In the end we're all just people.

With peace and love,
A friend

Look into MGTOW.

Yeah, I like exercising. I go to the gym mon/wed/fri and when my local pool opens again I'll do swimming on tue/thu.

I don't think I am a catch, and I don't blame women for my predicament. Just an unlucky combination of looks, personality and life experiences.

I don't subscribe to the incel way of seeing things but involuntarily celibate is the shortest way to describe it really.

I think I'm only lacking the community activity part and maybe trying to get better sleep. I'm doing decently on the rest. I tried meditation but I think I'm too nervous and lack the focus to do it.

Just another word for incel, really.

How many girls have you asked out in your life? Have you ever created an online account? I think we all know the answers.

excersizes and lowering your standards.
I dated a girl who had it pretty tough and she was really depressing to be around.
Whats worse it wasnt her fault. She reminded me about myself too much really. She couldnt work due to illness but I couldnt help but think that she just stressed too much on simple things.
Still it opened my eyes on how depressing I am. So for incels around the world hear these words.
Stop being depressing. No matter how you feel you have to hide that shit for as long as you can and fake a smile. This is that thing women bitch about when they are told to fake a smile, basically you need to smile and fake it too.

>lower your standards

Not OP, but I can't do that... ;_;
Unfortunately i've got pretty high standards but nothing to offer

then there is your problem. And if you dont fix it then you are stuck forever.

Either lower your standards or up your value.

Two maybe? I had a tinder account and got bored with it. The problem stems deeper than just not trying really.

I do a bunch of exercises and don't think I'm necessarily depressing to be around, probably just kinda boring since I'm a simple person overall.


Hit on more girls.

Vitamins and such do not help in fighting depression user. Recently proven by scientists.

>No matter how you feel you have to hide that shit for as long as you can and fake a smile.
This drains my energy in about an hour and gives me immediate headaches and tensed up neck. I want to be myself.

Dude some girls just want a simple guy. And pick up some hobbies you can do at home, like acoustic guitar and cooking.

op never said that he's "such a catch" you desperate roasty. the meaning of life isn't learning how to be pleasant around women for every single men.

>I think I'm only lacking the community activity part and maybe trying to get better sleep. I'm doing decently on the rest. I tried meditation but I think I'm too nervous and lack the focus to do it.

it drives me crazy when people say this, because this is exactly why you need to do it. literally the whole point is that it will help you, over time, reduce that feeling of nervousness. it's like exercise, but for that "muscle".

Do you have some resources or something to help me start with meditation? I honestly am interested in being less of a nervous wreck.

I'm a pretty decent cook! I learned to cook healthy stuff for myself and stop being a lardass.

just look up "how to mindfulness meditation"; there are lots of guides that have even been published in places like the NYT

i would also suggest listening to a lecture on YouTube by Alan Watts called "The Quaking Mess," which personally helped me a lot

I'll check them user, thanks.