Improved myself

>Improved myself
>Got in shape
>Dressed well
>Improved social skills
>Go outside, meet new people, take every social opportunity
>Still not good enough to get attention from any girl

And yet I have friends who turn up at one party wearing cheap rags and randomly meet some super cute girl who is all over them.

What am I supposed to do?

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>Improved myself
Guve step one another go, because you clearly haven't.


You merely raised yourself from the bottom 1% to the bottom 5%. You still have ways to go.

I don’t buy this. It’s not as if my friends who get girls are gods among men. They are ordinary guys too. Some are shorter than me, fatter, etc. What do they have that I don’t?

How are we supposed to know? You tell us what they do differently. Is it because they actually talk to girls and ask them out while you have never in your life asked a girl out?

Post a picture of yourself.

They have big dick energy, you don't..

They don't just randomly ask girls out with no context, no. We go to parties, bars etc, and every once in a while a single friend will randomly meet some girl, they will randomly hit it off, and the next thing I know, I turn around and they're making out. Then suddenly they're going on a date. Then suddenly, they're an item. It's as if it happens by magical forces that just pull two people together. That never happens to me. And now I'm one of the only single people in my social circle (and the other single guys all have plenty of casual sex and dating to fill the void while I don't)

Why would I do that?

Because they talk to girls. You don't. They project interest in the girl. You project boredom.

Because we need to gauge if you've actually tried to improve, and where you are at at the moment.

Read this, because that’s where you’re heading you fucking incel

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I do talk to girls, it just never goes beyond friendship.

I'm not an incel? I don't hate women or blame them for my problems.

How many girls have you asked on date / for number this year?
>inb4 0
Dancing lessons.


Girls only treat me as a friend, never a potential partner.

>it's the 22 year old guy who never asks girls out but only whines on Jow Forums every day and rejects all advice again

No one has ever provided me any advice on how to get girls to view me as a potential partner.

I basically seem to be friendzoned by every girl the moment I meet them. Whats the point of asking out girls if the way they act around me indicates they don't view me as a sexual being?

change mindset, don't focus on getting girl attention, don't be an attention seeker, be something more like an attention giver, give her attention expecting that she will enjoy it, if she doesn't enjoy it, leave her.

you have to act as a sexual being, from the very beginning, when greeting don't say "hey?!" more like "Hey!" Masculine, dominant. Look at her eyes, build tension, walk towards her without saying a word. (after you know her, of course.)

>Look at her eyes, build tension, walk towards her without saying a word. (after you know her, of course.)

I actually do do that and I also make sure not to smile at girls very often. But now they say that I'm too uptight and give off unfriendly vibes...

Talk to the girls at the party

In order for woman to see you as anything but harmless eunuch you first have to show typical male behavior:
Tldr flirt with them, compliment them, force them to recognize your sexuality, ask them if they are single and so on.

But what if they get offended at me flirting with them?

You get lots of advice in every thread. You reject them all. Just admit it, you don't want advice. You want to be told you are a special snowflake and literally the only man on the planet who can't get girls. Because actually asking girls out it scary.

Part of getting a gf is rejection lad, it's the hardest part but the more you do it the less it hurts. Just pretend its nbd and shift the convo back to surface level or leave (read the room)

Good luck out there

Men in healthy reproductive age have naturally high testosterone levels which give them ability to not give a fuck.

Who cares how many women you will manage to piss off? You want to get laid or wife? Act like it.

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I might have unnaturally low testosterone then. Because even when I'm super attracted to a woman and really want her, my brain still can only think about the fear of "what if she rejects me, what if she doesn't like me, what if I get embarrassed, what if I humiliate myself"

God I hate being a defective male

Alcohol or xanax. Never combine together. There is a reason massive majority of normies go to night clubs. Because its the only way for them to get a laid with socially acceptable help of alcohol: social lubricant and liquid courage in one bottle.

Alcohol has never helped, I'm still just as scared of approaching girls even drunk

For the thousandth time you need therapy for your anxiety. It's not about girls, it's about you being mentally crippled and unable to function in society.

Dubs of truth. Can't self improve without working on your mental health


At least they don't frogpost on Jow Forums.

stop being a fucking tryhard

I started getting attention from women when I stopped giving a fuck about it

I started getting attention from women when I started caring about it.


I started getting attention from women when i started caring about not caring.

Essentially caring about them without caring about the results. Checkmate faggots..

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>I want to improve my bench press!
>I squatted, curled, did sit ups, and ran at the track!
>And yet my friend, who exercised way less than me (other than how he practiced benching) has a bigger bench than me!

Get socially engaged with people and make friends with them.
Life is not a video game, where you level up generally no matter where the xp comes from.

have you ever tried mdma?

This will just turn him gay. Many such caaes

>Confidence, confidence, confidence, confidence

How long have you been doing this? Realize you're not going to have the highest chances unless you REALLY stand out. Unless you look like the guy that's really well off in looks and status chances are you're going to have to put some effort into getting a date. Don't get upset over a night of not finding anyone. It took me YEARS to find 4 girls that were into me. That only happened because I was in school and seeing these people almost every day for a while. I'm average in every department. It's going to take time OP, nowadays it's not easy if you have to compete for things.

>4 girls
Fucking Chad.

You think that's a lot? I know dudes that aren't even 20 and have already slept with more than 5. I'm not the kind of guy that goes around trying to score numbers, just trying to show OP it's not easy finding someone if you're not very impressive. Like I said, I'm average and not a chad by any standard.

It's a lot compared to 0, so you're a chad by my humble standard.

The problem is a lot of guys try to go for really attractive women. I would probably find it near impossible to date the most beautiful women in my city, average women are more likely to find me reasonably attractive from what I notice. Still, by today's standards I'm pretty average.

Here, I'll give you the same advice you're ignoring most of this thread.


If all you do is wait for some woman to show interest in you and you do fuck all until then, you're never going to fucking find someone. This is despite the fact you might not be picking up on women showing you interest.

Then fucking develop some retard. I faked it until I developed some. You're not going to get any bitching about it on here. Stop ignoring this advice because you don't want to put in the fucking effort.

Eh, I've never "gone for" anyone and find the overwhelming majority of women completely unapproachable. I envy guys that even have women as friends.

Just talk to women casually, don't do it with the intention of having sex with them because women can pick up on these things. It's a good thing I have a lot of patience and can set aside my sexual feelings if I feel any, it helps a lot.

He said do do

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I slept with 4 women and one hooker and I'm 26.
But that was all within a single year, since I only started seriously going after girls last april.
Can I become Chad?

Average women just make it easy for you in within the first 5 minutes or so, while more attractive ones filter out a bit more.
Apart from that, dating average looking women is not different from beautiful ones, as long as you are Chad enough to treat them EXACTLY THE SAME.
The problem is not, that guys try to much to go for hot girls, it's that they DON'T try or try with the intention (almost) of failing.
If you go for attractive women like it's natural, and just stick around if she doesn't throw herself at you immediately (like ugly girls would), then you will find that you can date almost any type of girl you want.
Leagues are bullcrap.

It's still a two-way street, though, and they never seem the slightest bit interested to talk to me. I just don't understand how other guys do it.