How is a literal freak supposed to find a gf?


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>be attractive
>be social
That's it. If you can't get a girl, you're either unattractive or anti-social.

Or both.

>>be attractive

Did you miss the part about "literal freak?"

Please help

Are you a hunchback? Or a midget or morbidly obese?

Find a girl who's even freakier.

Be nice and social! There has to be someone out there for (you) them.

Are you implying that everyone is supossed to get a gf at some point?
How did we come to this conclusion as a society? Some people are just meant to die virgins with never having a relationship, and that's fine.
The notion that relationships and sex are for everyone and everyone has experienced and is supossed to experience them is relatively recent and its very untrue.

>How is a literal freak supposed to find a gf?
Imagine implying that everyone must get a gf.

No, you either want one or you don't, no one's holding you at gunpoint and demanding you get one.
If you can't get one that's very much your own problem, it's no one elses problem, no one else is impacted by your inability to get a girlfriend, only you.
If you're a literal freak and can't lookmax your way out of looking like one then work on your personality and other traits, also consider looking to date blind women.

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Yes on the first one.
Also have pectus carinatum

Literal freak

>Also have pectus carinatum
I used to have that. You can fix it by doing exercise (swimming + weightlifting is the best combo). It will also fix your back problems
I was deformed as fuck and was terrified of taking my shirt off but i did it anyways and now i have a perfectly normal body.
Dont lose hope user you are not a freak

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The merchant points out the non-merchant for being a merchant.
Yah, I guess everyone just has a soul-mate, thanks based Jow Forumsack.

>pectus carinatum
Just shoot your school already.

>If you can't x that's very much your own problem
We can retire Jow Forums, this man solved the board in just one post.


You can't fix it with exercise/swimming dude. It's a physical deformity

I was thinking Eric Harris had it but it was in fact Pectus Excavatum. Sorry, don't do it...

Aw OP, your post amuses me a great deal, your struggle to enjoy the basics most of us takes for granted, a deformed blob filled with bones and fluids crawling up the stairs to where us normals reside.
And when we see you we laugh and use a broom to scoot you back down the stairs.

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Do you think I should just kill myself?

Well OP, as much as i enjoy seeing your weeping blob eyes looking up at me in envy/desperation, i will say this:
To answer your question -
No, gather up money and fix your body as much as you can.

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haha goodluck mate, I am overweight, depressed and anti-romatic in general and it has been hell.

Black chicks will litetally fuck anyone

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Lmao, seething poltard.
Not everyone has sex, that's a fact of life. Nobody deserves sex. You have to get it, grab the bull by the horns, and so on and so on.
By implying that he's a jew, you're implying that you're a neo-commie piece of trash waiting for some type of sex redistribution, kek.

>sex redistribution
Not that guy, but this will unirionically calm down social tensions. Look at South Sudan and the role polygamy played there in the creation of the civil war.

Black chicks in my country are racist and will not fuck white guys.

you dont. solitude is the answer.

>this will unirionically calm down social tensions
Yeah sure, somebody having his relative given for sex to another citizen will lead to a peaceful society.

Thats weird

Try (really) ugly chicks or fat (obese) chicks, they are desperate like you

Just lower your standards

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How do you mean "literal freak"?
I've dated plenty of "unattractive" people because physically I'm not really attracted to looks.
If you've really got nothing "going for you" simply be smart, be kind, and be honest.

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Not just untrue detrimental to many aspects of society, aspies hitting on nasties , downies tryna partake in the cool kid basement pot brownies. Jokes aside it fucked up reality trlling everyone they deserve a perfect life and wife. Speaking for op tho most people exaggerate their problems, im like a 6.5 and see myself as a 3. Fake it till u make it op, get good haircuts, dress well, work out 4-5 times a week and practice the things you love, worrying about how lonely you are and trying to find a chick you can hug too hard like a true lenny is not your way trust me.

Unless you have some kind of mental illness, yes

>I've dated plenty of "unattractive" people because physically I'm not really attracted to looks.

How does that work with intimacy?

If you mean sex it works the same it does with people attracted to looks I suppose.
I get horny, they get horny, we have sex, need is met, and life goes on.

Not to state the obvious but sex is physical. Surely you have to find your partner attractive on some level physically to enjoy sex?

incel gang

feels pretty terrible that I will die cold and alone, having never felt a womans embrace

Sure attractive but a human beings physical appearance to me is like wrapping paper on a present.
I'm extremely attracted to my SO but if he were in some kind of accident that burned his skin to a crisp it wouldn't change my attraction even a little bit.

Really? Even if he looked like Tyler Zeigel?
I don't doubt your sincerity but I don't think you'd really know until you were in that position.

>Tyler Zeigel
I feel really bad for that poor guy.

I had to look that man up. He looks like a regular person to me.
I was in the position.
My S.O was hit in his jaw hard enough with a crowbar to completely knock out several teeth, break several at the gum line, break his jaw, orbital socket, and scar his face significantly. This has caused drooling issues, skin issues, eating issues etc and none of it has effected my attraction. He is extremely sensitive about it because he thinks he's ugly but to me he looks just the same except for some new ,and missing, parts.

You sound like a very genuine, loving person.
I wish there were more like you.

There are we just hide really well.

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It's nice to see someon like you.
There still is some good in the world.