Let's be honest bros:

Should a man stop dating until he gets his own car/motorcycle and place ?
Not having these things is a turn-off for a lot women, right ?

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Yeah, not being independent is pathetic.

No, dating helps a person grow and stand up in their own two feet!
Having a vehicle gives bad boy points so it depends. femncels will hate it, normies will like it.

atleast in my opinion.

fuck I meant!

When you're independent there's no need for dating
Either love me now, or fuck off

>Having a vehicle gives bad boy points so it depends.
I think you're right, but logically speaking I think loads of women would find a guy with no car nor his own place unattractive.
I'm not saying all women are materialistic, it's just that very few of them are okay with a guy who's still saving up money to get the things I've mentioned.

You should wait for theese things if you are attracted by the transformers. Such a weird question. I can't even understand why people are obsessed with it.

It's hard as fuck to save without living with your parents when you are of dating age and fresh out of college. Rent is a shot in the foot.

No user, that only applies after your mid 20's and it shouldn't matter for most women that are looking for a long term relationship if you have plans to get those things in the future but couldn't until now for a legitimate reason; that is to day, if they're minimally reasonable people and not spoiled little shits or bitter entitled older women.
If you're talking about dating as in fucking hoes casually off of Tinder then just tell them your apartment is far away and that it would be closer to fuck in theirs, if they're not independent either but want to give you shit for it then you should seriously reconsider whether or not fucking entitled cunts is a priority of yours.

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Not really. The first guy that responded is actually right but only if taken literally.

The car and place themselves don't matter much. What does matter is not being in a shitty situation.

Get a stable life. Doesn't matter if it means having a place or consistently being able to pay rent. A car is only a necessity in some cities/for some jobs though. Again, it's the stable life part that matters, not the specifics.

Also worth noting that these things aren't a turn-off at all unless the woman is a digger. Being stable dramatically increases your chances of success long-term though, especially in case any issues appear in the relationship.

Investing in a house and a car hoping to get a pussy, what a fucking moron.

Thats why I don't plan to date a girl for about 7-8 years once I can live by myself and go to my own job in my own car.

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you should realize that those are wants, not needs
don't let uncle eddy control you from beyond the grave

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That will probably depend on the person and how you manage to frame it. For example, I don't have a car and when people ask me about it, I just say I don't need one because I go everywhere by bike and it's keeping me in shape. A friend of mine got his long-term gf before he moved out from his parents, they only did when he was 23, I believe.
Granted, your chances are never going to be as high as when you're having your own place and car but with the right excuse, you can pull off a lot of stuff.

Yeah. Relationships are a power struggle and you need leverage, the less weaknesses you have the better. For example my friend met a girl right before he got a place, got both their names on the lease, she starts acting psycho, but he can't kick her out because they got the place together.


>x is a turn off
>have x
>should not even attempt to date bc x
Ask me how I know youre a beta male

the only women i've noticed to be less critical of a man's success are ones with less/ no attraction to them. only gay/ bi women will be like this and is already the red flag you need to avoid them

Yes and no. Having a gf is just another obligation, which anyone with time, money, and patience can easily keep; it can also help you grow and have someone as your mirror to show you when you are being your best self.

>Should a man stop dating until he gets his own car/motorcycle and place ?

Real answer

If you aint got a place to live and something to eat and ultimately broke af, then yeah pussy should be the last thing on your mind.

Yeah, dumbass. Not being able to support yourself is the same as a woman who is fat and wont put out, tucking worthless.

A girl is better off fucking tradesmen than wasting time with you.

If you have normoid values and desire a normoid relationship with a normoid woman, you need to jump through the normoid hoops.
Plenty of fuckups and weirdos still manage to have sex though.

I'm a good guy. I have humble intents and don't want to mess around and hurt anyone. I work with my hands as an engineer and drive a nice car. I'm homeless though. I sleep while traveling for my job and have enough room in my car to make it work.

Even though being in a relationship would benefit me in numerous ways, I won't let a girl settle for that. I would say the same of any man with self respect that knows he can do better.

I'm saving my own dough and paying off my student loans. I can have a nice place soon but I'd rather get money in the meantime and work on my personal health by going to the gym and hiking a lot.

I've sat in sensory deprivation tanks and thought about how I've been in so many relationships sense my first. Women come and go for their own weird unforeseeable reasons.

If I only committed to the idea of becoming career oriented and committed to my future earlier I wouldnt have wasted as much time

Sleeping in a car to pay students loans.
Dude you are really really fucked up.

Car is not necessary, but their own place yes. At least in my age range (25+) I expect the dude to already move out of mommy's home. At that point you should already have a job that enables you to pay rent, no matter how small or shitty the apartment is.

my buddy is homeless, sleeps on his brother’s couch, has no job and no car and has 2 different girls, both pretty, fighting over him. i really don’t get it.

He is a chad.

You basically want a guy with a house and a job.

I am 31, live with my parents and have no vehicle or job yet I have a girlfriend. Stop making excuses and put in effort and you can get one as well.

How good looking are you?

You really should get off your lazy ass and get a job.

I don't know. Somewhere between a 4 and a 7.

There are several factors which I need to take into careful consideration before I start job hunting.

i dont own a car or a house, im 26 i live with my parents and tinder does wonders for me. they dont even ask about a car cause when we go out i drink like 10 beers or somthing and im in no condition to drive so she doesnt even ask about the car(like the user with good excuse said), and the sex usually happens at their place. if shit is getting serious with some1 then yea then they usually bring up how i still live with my parents. car is just not an issues cause i tell everyone if i am going to leave the house i go to drink or to work so no point in having one wich is actually true.

Such as? Have you ever had a job? Graduated high school?

When I got with my SO he had a stable job and that was it. He was living with mom, didn't have a license, and didnt have a vehicle.
Fast forward 4 years: we have a lovely little home, a car, and are "okay". We are both turning 25 this year.
Long term partnership is about potential not about the "right now".
Girls are concerned with if he has a nice car and a nice house.
Women are concerned if he is stable and has the potential to grow.

I spent 11 years as a professional cook and quit at the beginning of the year. Not sure if I want to go back to school for a new career or just do a temp job and eventually go back to cooking. If I do go back to school it will eat the rest of my savings (which I have been eating away at for the last 6 months). Meanwhile My girlfriend and I plan on moving in together at the end of this year and will probably get married next spring/summer so actually having money would be nice but on the other hand we also want to start a family and that requires future money which a new career would help with because you make shit all as a cook. There is also a personal matter that will be happening sometime within the next couple months where I would want to not be working for.

I am also just really enjoying not working.