6/4/1989 General

We are approaching the 30th anniversary of the Tienanmen Square Massacure and student democracy protests in Bejing.
Since 1989 the Chinese Communist Party has worked hard to successfully scrub the tragedy from their citizens minds, through means of violence and censorship.

How does Jow Forums feel about the June 4th Massacure or the Chinese Communist Party?

Thread Theme: youtu.be/6OOlXJs4I8k

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Other urls found in this thread:


>How does Jow Forums feel about the June 4th Massacure or the Chinese Communist Party?
Obliterating CIA thugs, decadent dissidents and dumbass student snowflakes epic style, while saving the people from chaos, western influence and devastation! I wish that were us.

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I don’t think the Communist Party and People’s Liberation Army saved thejr country from Chaos or Devestation.

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I don't get this thread. Are we just supposed to discuss how we think of it? This is not very constructive. It is a horrible thing, and I would hate to see it happen; it runs contrary to Western beliefs on how the government should function.

Yeah basically. Spreading awareness of the tragedy and the immense coverup of it, as well as addressing the general trend for countries in the west to slowly become more like mainland china.

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I do not intend pic related as a joke

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I disagree that Western societies are becoming more like Mainland China. Most of the hate for the West on this site is the extreme liberalism, which would be the opposite of China.

Based and redpilled. In the ethnostate we will not only mow down degenerate "protestors" with guns and tanks, but also planes and drones and rogue masturbating machines which detect any degenerate porn being screened in the household.

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>Jails and cuts up muslims into spare organs
>Jails and cuts up degenerates into spare organs
>Jails and cuts up criminals into spare organs
>Jails and cuts up niggers into spare organs

any sauce for this claim?

Almost all of the student protesters were given US visas a few years after the incident and their trials, usually in exchange for captured Chinese spies.

*student protest leaders

Most “liberals” in the west a far from being a liberal. I don’t mean it in a “thats not true liberalism” sense. But rather that the so called liberals in the west are authoritarians who want to censor speech, see there political opponents get injured or killed, adopt a socialized/nationalized changes to key indistries such as healthcare and banking.

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The assertion that violence wasn't as large as it is portrayed comes from wikileaks cables. There is nothing supporting any claims of the CIA though.


I'm not sure what you're trying to say here, but USA prides itself on lending assistance to individuals trying to escape political persecution.
Not really. There are a few, and those few get focused on non-stop. If they have any power then it is within businesses, and not a government mandated thing.

Why should I care about this and not about 1976 Thammasat University or 2013 Rabaa massacre?

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There should be another rung below that one, where it says that the actual unrest in China was caused by inflation, not a desire for democracy. The inflation in turn was the result of reforming and opening up. The protesters in Tienanmen had demands radically opposite the desires of the Chinese proletariat.

Go ahead and call me crazy but these lovely senators are but a mere stepping stone for the “few”.

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> its either one or the other
Imagine being this dumb.

>Tienanmen Square Massacure
I'll take
>Shit That Never Happened
for$800, Alex.

My point was that other big massacres aren't annually shilled in western media, even as death tool from Egypt is comparable.
So the real reason is that Chine is geopolitical adversary of the USA, but el-Sisi's regime in Egypt and their control of Suez is so important for international trade that media and shills are almost silent.

"When falsehood stands for truth, truth likewise becomes false;
When naught be made to aught, aught changes into naught"

Jow Forums
>Hitler was right, the evil Jewish bolsheviks killed millions and millions of innocent people in the USSR and China, Jewish Bolshevism is a threat to our culture and way of life and must be stamped out
also Jow Forums
>Chinese communists mowing down masses of people is BASED and REDPILLED, the Tienanmen Square protests were a Jewish CIA plot to destroy the BASED Chinese ethnostate that is governed by the righteous principles of Marxism with Chinese characteristics. Death to America, long live China!
you faggots are so predictable, you have such an immense hateboner for the US that you will change your opinions on the fly if it means you can shit on the US
>b-but China isn't gommunism anymore, s-shut up boomer
it was in 1989 you dumb faggots

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Hello glow in dark, what evidence do you have to claim that it was a massacre? You'd think it would be easy with the numbers dead claimed by the BBC.
And no, not some pictures that are hardly even linkable to the event.
Like this one, some potted flower dropped on the ground with god knows where and when, how can you link pictures like these to June 4th?

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Its because China for one is a super power, but are also actively trying to spread their ideals of Maoism and Socialism with Chinese Characteristics as far an wide as possible. Countries that are part of the Five Finger Policy, East Africa and Oceania are the most affected by Mainland Chinese influence.

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History records it as a massacre. Sorry, but you can't yellow-wash history. I repeat this quote from a very influential Chinese book:

""When falsehood stands for truth, truth likewise becomes false;"

>History records
Yeah western history maybe. Not in China. Nobody believes the Western claim that 10 thousand people died there, especially without evidence. It's completely laughable that makes people believe the contrary.

How is it portrayed in China? Are you able to offer an example?

What is history but opinion of the past events that the people hold? Most people in China and Russia don't remember it in a way US State department tries to frame it, most people in the world don't have an opinion.

>This level of brainwashing

Yeah it totally makes sense that people would not die in a protest of 1,000,000 people where tanks are used on civilians to end the protests.

Makes total sense. Nobody died there, I am a netisin. My social credit score went up 3% from this post.

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What kind of example you need? I can only provide anecdotal examples from people around me. It's a forbidden topic in public places like school and work place. But other social settings like in restaurants it can be brought up about.

I guess you're right that China tries to forget it completely. Most higher education in the West still remembers it in their history, and the intelligent/rich students from around the world go there for university.


it's hard to debate a topic when the government tries to censor it entirely. It is almost proof


Since we are on Jow Forums, I will draw a parallel comparison with this and the Holocaust. Whatever argument you use, truth is probably not very relevant because truth is not very accessible. You just want to believe this is real and the Holocaust isn't.

Tiananmen Incident was weaponized by American government as a tool to destabilize China and to force it to submit. It isn't that it itself warrants gag order, but the international intent that demands national defence.

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They both happened.
American government just reports on what happens

>the West doesn't want China to succeed economically
my sides

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Chinese are lucky their leaders had balls

This is completely accurate. That's why China censors information, because the West has weaponized it. The CIA has already used social media when doing their government toppling.

>American government just reports on what happens
Welp, that's a touchdown.

If you want to be a holocaust denier, thats fine. But these photos where taken during the protests and massacures. Where the holocaust photos where taken after the soviets occupied poland. It is much more difficult to fabricate extra evidence, (like detached chimneys) while an event is happening.

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If they didn't supres these fags on the square China would be now a second Philippines mixed with Thailand, with prostitution as the main export and gibs as a means to survive.

>Jow Forums is one person
If Jow Forums was one person, which I wish it was, (((/ptg/))) would not exist.

In the discussion we are having, it is the truth. We are discussing how it was reported.
Here's an example of the types of information China censors:
1. Making “emperor lifestyle” something fashionable to strive for

2. Polluting modern society with the show’s back-stabbing and scheming mentality

3. Beautifying the emperor and his subordinates while ignoring the glory of today’s heroes

4. Glorifying extravagance while downplaying the value of hard work and frugality

5. Emphasising commercial incentives while weakening positive moral guidance

Woah woah hold up, you posted pictures of the protest, nobody dispute the protest happened. The massacure however, the mass of dead bodies you haven't. And the pictures must be to able to be proven that was on Tiananmen in 1989, no some random pictures thats either unintelligible or could be from anywhere.

CCP be gud boys dey dindu nuffin!

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God damn CIA


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So what, show about Manchu rulers with their decadent life style and trivial concubine power struggles cancelled. I say good fucking riddance as a Chinese myself.

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>ignores the gore of the massacure in the thread.
Oh Chin, did you really need that second helping of brainwashing.

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>nearly every single Chink born in the 90s does not know about this event
>every Chink shown what happens says it is faked or doesn't exist, or stays quiet when asked about it



If you think that kind of pictures is gonna help convince Chinese people to topple the CCP for you, you're done. Not only there is no identifiable dead bodies in sight, you can't even link it to Tiananmen, could have come from anywhere.

Russian leaders envy chinese cocksuckers.
Feels bad, man.


I don't think this thread is about convincing Chinese people to topple CCP. I do enjoy Chinese threads, but I feel a lot of them are trying to radicalize channers against Chinese. This seems like a turn from the gore threads, but has the same characteristics (gore).

It's known from a Joint Chief of Staff report that gore/disgust is the most effective means of radicalizing against someone.

It is really unfortunate that these types of threads happen instead of genuinely important discussion about China today. With that said, I do not think Tiananmen is even good fuel for Chinese people if you want to anger them

Our leaders do too which is why they've exported our technology to them so that they will build a global police state for us (while telling us that it would LIBERATE THEM lmao).

>It could have been anywhere.
>With Chinese Tanks
>On a chinese road
>With a gazillion bikes.

Well that doesn’t boad well for China if this Massacure can happen just anywhere in the mainland.

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动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

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If you want another example.
The student leaders that led the protests are pretty much all alive, most live in US, and interviews with them has been well documented and every single Chinese would hate their guts after watching their interview. Not only were special snow flakes who was heavily influenced by US hippie culture from the 70s, their motives were clear as day. They simply were on CIA payroll and plans to take refruge in the US long before the 4th.
They really didn't help the case, and the claim of massacre are mostly from them.

Statue of Democracy

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>With Chinese Tanks
Could have been any Soviet type tanks that most socialist country had.
>On a chinese road
Haha nice one. Actually that traffic signal pole looks distinctly un-Chinese

But nice try tho


Its funny that your nitpicking one photo out of the dozen or so I have posted. The bikes are most certainly characteristic of any major chinese city, such as Bejing.

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who cares some insects died years ago, fuck off

Pretty redpilled. A (((Hollywood))) actor once told me he mixed his searches on redpilled topics with junk like ancient aliens and flat earth to throw off anyone who was monitoring him.

I can’t tell if that is brilliant or retarded.

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Whats funny is that every single one of your pictures that's clearly identifiable that it's in Tiananmen, doesn't contain a dead body in it, lol isn't that just funny.

Show me a picture of a body with the backdrop showing Tiananmen square.

He was also into sungazing as a spiritual practice which you could probably say the same thing about (I'm leaning toward retarded).

>t. Vatnik scum

Well the masacure happened immediately outside the square on the streets of Bejing. This is because the People’s Liberation Army expelled them out of the square and then used violence when getting reinforcements into the square and to prevent protestors from re-entering it. Your picking at straws by denying the massacure by pointing out that most of the violence did not specifically happen at the square its self. The majority photos I am posting are trying to focus on the protests them selves rather than the massacure that followed. Because I think it is important that people see that there was a serious push for democracy and human rights inside of Mainland China.

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>there was a serious push for democracy and human rights inside of Mainland China.
Nobody ever questioned or disputed this. Also don't even pretend you aren't a anti China propagandist on CIA/Taiwan payroll warming up to the anniversary. I fucking hope they pay you well.

Also a message, we want democracy, just not the American kind. We also don't want your nigger faggot trans culture. Fuck off.

What's going on in here?

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Well I am not a CIA or KMT shill, but I do like the KMT.
Having a Jeffersonian democracy is not intrinsically tied to having trannies ruin your culture. Hell my country hasn’t had a cultural revolution where we pissed our culture down the drain.

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What originally started as an anti black people demonstration got hijacked to be anti government.

It was horrible and barbaric like most Chinese social policies, but, it beats the alternative. China is such a pressure pot of different ethnicities and social classes that you can't keep it from exploding without an iron fist.

>(((Historians))) record it as a massacre.
>(((American government))) just reports on what was real in my mind
>Sorry sweety :^)
There may be a lot of MAGA niggers shitting up this place too, but you are preaching to the wrong board, Pajeet.

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>thank g-d we have democracy with Jewish characteristics :^)

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Seems familiar.


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Is murder of your own people reay something to be proud of?

No. But then again, these people aren't mine.


That's how the Cambodians ended up killing about a quarter of their own flesh and blood.

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>That's how the Cambodians ended up killing about a quarter of their own flesh and blood.
You mean, by CIA and "democratic bombardment" overthrowing their government, plunging country into chaos and installing their asset? Indeed, if their government would be more vigilant, their people wouldn't suffer.

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That reads like a Clinton suicide. So bombers photographed their faces, shot them, and then buried them in mass graves?

USA had deposed the (pro-Soviet) Cambodian government with espionage, bribes, bombardments and a bit of boots on the ground, and eventually helped Pol Pot to take and hold power.

So it was Pol Pot, even if the US had helped put him in power. Every other genocide has come from one group attacking another, but the Cambodians did it to... themselves.

So my point is that
>these people aren't mine
is what lead to it, for example rabid SJWs are cheering the destruction of their own people in sort of a silent, soft genocide to this day.

>~200+ people killed
But it's okay when USA, Israel and their puppet states kill thousands.

Most people asked for economic reform and uprooting corruption. Beijing students asked for political revolution. Those studrnts pushing it too far, and made it worse for everyone, since their action, so localized in Beijing and not representative of the people, gave the conservatives reason to purge the CCP of liberal reformers, and reinstall the ideological yoke back onto the people. Their blood was not enough to pay for the fate they condemned all chinese to.

what are you going to do, shoot me?