Small advice thread

Ask a 19 year old humble boy genius anything that's bothering you.

I will reply to everyone!

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>boy genius
I see what you did there


How do I make from fuck prostitutes
No porn pls genius user

You have little to no life experience. What you are good at is what we an google ourselves. What good is a baby genious?

Ask again I don't understand!

I am probably the smartest person on this entire board, I had my synapses remapped.

>I've done nothing and I think I'm smart, ask me questions so I can feel some kind of social validation in my life

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And so far you got nothing to say because you’re a teenager. Basically an empty husk of a person. You are far from the smartest person on this board, good try though.

Why haven't you necked yourself yet?

nice projection I suppose
I had my brain remapped, I am quite literally a boy genius
Don't want to upset my loving family, friends and girlfriend

How do I get normalfags with social lives to leave Jow Forums

These are one of the few people who can actually give advice.
What you want is a circle jerk of neet incels, there’s better places for that.
I’m not OP, he’s too retarded to answer.

Been here 6 years I refuse to leave

No he is right, Normie's need to fuck OFF

OP, only 135IQ? That is too low. You might actually be a retard.

Shit bait

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OP is yet to say anything of substance, and probably too dumb to realize it yet. Kinda funny how larping fails so hard sometimes.

My IQ is bordering three whole digits

its not bait, its just playful banter, however I can see how Normie's might get all fussed over it

I've not had a single question yet!

Have you done anything meaningful in your pesky 19 year existence?

i dont have friends

how to have friends

i stay at home and have no interest that are outdoors, and if do somehow meet new people through like work or whatever, 99% they are normie scum that i hate

what do?

I managed to physically cripple myself in a car accident around last Christmas and it was all entirely my fault

Easiest way to meet new people is through the few people you do know already. By engaging them more, seeking opportunities to go places with the few people you know, and meeting their friends you start a chain reaction in meeting people.

Also becoming a regular at places like pubs, clubs and events means you'll always meet newcomers and other regulars. Can take some getting used to, but if you can convince at least one other person to go with you, you never truly feel alone.

I met my girlfriend through my best friend, it was his work colleague!

Thank you, the bait is now clear. Enjoy your 100IQ life.


all my acquaintances are in similar situations, years of going out with them ive never gotten a new friend that way

How do I stop obsessing over someone? They have been my oneitis for almost 10 years.

how to fix social anxiety ?